I'm between JRPGs so I picked this up but I'm steamrolling every fight in Chapter 2 even on Hard difficulty...

I'm between JRPGs so I picked this up but I'm steamrolling every fight in Chapter 2 even on Hard difficulty. Does the game pick up?

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it doesn't get remotely difficult until the end

have you fought the meme rockstar yet

Yes. The eater fights get tough. Also, Jimiken will fuck you if you aren't ready.

Nope, I'm running around bodying Rookie minibosses with a team of 4 champions after basically no grinding.

How does the story compare to the anime series? My favorite are Digimon Adventure (the first) and Tamers. 02 was barely average, and I didn't really like the first episode of Frontier so I dropped it.
I have this game and have been meaning to play it.

have fun I dropped the game there

The real challenge is the royal knights iirc. Whatever the main boss group is called. Some of them are really difficult on hard and require near specific teams to beat

It picks up around when the Royal Knights start showing up, both in difficulty and story.
There's a few walls and interesting parts in between, but it's mostly easy battles and detective agency.

>How does the story compare to the anime series?
It's basically the same premise as Adventure and Tamers, with a more modern/adult touch.
Neither is particularly amazing, but they're both great fun.

The difficulty definitely picks up on Hard mode.

Don't play Cyber Sleuth for the story. It might've been okay in Japanese but the translation is embarrassingly bad.

On hard, the later bosses are pure nightmare fuel. You need to invest in piercing attacks and very specific abilities.

The game never really gets hard, but it does get obnoxious with ennemies that have giant def stats that you need to circumvent with attacks that either ignore defense or do % damage.

Then near the end you meet a boss with that + large heals, he's a complete cunt and the hardest ennemy in the game, made me drop the difficulty down just for him.

But otherwise the game is pretty shallow and the competitive element is even worse.

Hard mode is dumb because of how broken speed type characters are.
You'll reach a point where you can't attack before having your entire party wiped out

The difficulty didn't really kick in for me to the Examon fight
Had to turn the difficulty down just to beat him

>I'm steamrolling every fight in Chapter 2 even on Hard difficulty
Aside from endless fetch quests, the game sucks because story fights are rigged. 200% more damage from a Digimon than is normally possible? Check. Four turns in a single round? Check.

When you see a quest from Hagurumon (gear looking Digimon) make sure you grind the enemies. At first, all of them will floor you, but keep at it until the fighting becomes TOO boring.

The fun is making a team to specifically counter broken abilities.

It would be fun if I didn't have to farm hours to make that team

PlatinumNumemon + A bunch of Tactician USB = LVL 99 in like 3 battles in the endgame.

>Platinum shitmon my dude, get to level 100 in like 5 minutes

The level is one thing, the problem is the best evolution paths require specific stats that you have to buy expensive items for or leave your digimon in the digifarm
And then you have to make it evolve more so you start over, rinse and repeat for each digimon you need

try playing with only one hand

By the time you actually need to worry about building a proper team, you're already at the point where you have methods to do it all easily.
Money's never an issue endgame, and levels drop like raindrops in a thunderstorm.
The farm waiting's a little annoying, but I recall some way to speed it up. I wanna say something about personalities and the personality of the farm's current leader.

Yea the personality speed it up a bit
I also remember that I maxed out my farms capacity so if I want to have a digimon I have to devolve one I already have

It's the personality, the number of digimon and the few waiting augments like Scholar's totem or sleuth's totem.

Garbage and overly intrusive even by JRPG standards.

The game is terrible. I dropped it and will probably sell it at some point.

I hated how horribly balanced hard was, by the end you're only allowed to use only a handful of digimon since the only decent way to deal damage is through special pierce attacks or % based damage and everyone else is relegated to support.

the game tried to pull a pokemon with a trinity-style system but they added elemental strength/weaknesses as well to allow for 4x dmg.

it does make it easy when you got the type and elemental attack advantage. too easy in fact.

>How does the story compare to the anime series?
It doesn't. You are not part of an active team of kids exploring a digital world, you are a normal human that gets infected with a virus that turns your entire body into digital information...in the real world. The hacking potential for hentai was there, but artists never used it.