Are you ready Sup Forums?
>fucking shisui shit as reward
absolutely disgusting
>female cat and female au ra poster
so orignal
>post promotional art with nice asses
>no nice asses in actual game
Butts don't look like that in game. Updated models when.
I wonder if we will ever get some gear with ass padding
newfag SAM here
I'm AoEing on 3+ mobs, is that OK or can I start beginning with 2+ mobs?
Does any race have good butts.
the font I originally used for the sign was Edo SZ, user
>sub runs out on the 7th
>Papalymo, the thaumaturge, invariably assumed he was the cleverest person in the room─an attitude made all the more annoying by the fact that he invariably was. Yda, on the other hand, was reckless and impulsive. Emotional. But she had a way with people─a way of making them smile and think everything was going to be all right...
Just sell your body for subs.
It's a recreation/retcon of a 1.0 scene.
I know I should expect the worst from the Of, but that thread gave me an aneurysm.
The whole shitter spectrum posted in it.
Read at your own risk.
Post original please
*clenches fist*
That art is disgusting
I don't know how it is for Sam, but other jobs it's aoe when it is 4 or more enemies.
Never aoe even it's 2 enemies
Mostly 3/4+, which happens almost all the time now.
Unless you're SMN, in which case sorry, tribind at... 6 enemies or more only, otherwise just hope aetherflow
If it's 2 just do your single rotation. Don't want to waste huge amounts of TP just for 2 things, even if it's a minor potency increase.
3+ is the standard I think.
>don't even have the flower hair accessory.
>all i want to do is frontlines
>nothing but bots this hour
This is technically yaoi isn't it
No it's a mentally ill tranny with an edgelord faggot.
Why do people still do WT? I mean, it's just awful recycled content grind for shit rewards.
blue girl has a cock? nice
The tribe she leads believes they reincarnate, blue girl claims she was a man in the past life
I'm getting turned on.
I stopped reading it at that autismal machinist
How do those people survive irl
No because their beliefs are retarded.
t. Gosetsu
by what? delusions and dementia?
I felt dumber afterwards for having to go through that buttfuck retarded story line.
>tfw no gf (past life male)
It takes 5 seconds to grab and you do the shit on it anyway. Costs you literally nothing.
>everyone expecting Lyse and Ferdola to be best waifus
>SB comes out
>turns out Cirina is best waifu
Because I love making this miqitten smile
But everyone expected Yotsuyu to be the best waifu
Maybe I'll do it once just to see her smile. How do I do the other one? It's DoH/L or something?
No one actually likes that town bike. It's just a meme.
Buttslider when?
When we get nipples.
I want my god damned mini Khole with enough stuffed Kholes to fill my Kogane house, that's why.
I really hate how they never draw cats without face markers.
Face 1 is the worst face, WORST.
>Hyper Rainbow Z Orchestrion Scroll
think thats the posing rangers theme?
and she is, I want to HUG_ Yotsuyu and tell her it's gonna be alright
any sliders when, Yoshi P?
Shit's cute. I ain't gonna stop.
She belongs to Gosetsu now, she will get her happy ending.
>I believe we’ll have to do several changes to to the system (for SMN) but that will take time.
Do you guys think they are going to rework SMN?
If so, what would you like to see?
That makes things clear.
How to AoE as BLM? Blizz3>Blizz4>T4>F3>F2>F2>Flare>transpose>foul repeat?
Fuck Egis, more Trances and skills similar to level 70.
>the isle of endless summer
Why would I want to play a game that takes place on Sup Forums?
Click on the damn eye user.
I'm pretty sure OP wanted the text to be on the image so he could use it as the thread's subject, user.
Roes>Highlanders>Midlanders>Miqote>Elezen>AuRa>Lala in terms of breast size, correct?
Roe>Highlander>Elezen>Miqo'te>Midlander>Au Ra>Lalafell
You can get nipples with mods.
Everyone go home, the thread has peaked
SE did not give whm's a 0 mp ability so you can sit and cast cure for an entire fucking 70 dungeon. Of course the group of whipped fuccboi's refused to kick the piece of shit too.
Thank God the loothungry whore waited the entire loot duration after the last boss only for me to need on the last piece. That's how it feels when you waste my time.
>Can't progress O4S because of a DPS messing up Omega Cross
>Is the leader's gf, lowest DPS to boot and often causes wipes when farming 1-3
>People are starting to get fed up with her
I've made it Sup Forums, I've reached greentext story status. Fallout soon fellow stalker jesus fuck.
>doing events
You're fucking kidding right?
Give them the SCH 68 trait to speed up their aetherflow.
Make Bahamut stationary so there is no downtime on his attacks.
Increase potency and procs for ruin III/IV
It's a religious thing, they think their tribe is immortal and always comes back. It's part of why they don't fear death and are absolutely batshit crazy. It has nothing to do with muh trannies. Their identity is "interpreted" at birth, so whoever is in charge declares you as some figure from their history and you are basically raised to be that person in one form or another.
goddamn i just looked at mine in game and youre right
I'm only at SAM level 67 and I'm probably irremediably retarded, but what did the chart author mean by this?
Is it the following?
>Top priority: keep Jinpu up and do Mangetsu and Oka combos when it's up
>2. use Sen on Hagakure instead of Tenka Goken
That one I don't get. I'm not supposed to use Tenka Goken at all?
>3. on 9 targets or less it's better to do Guren than Kaiten Tenka, and Kyuten
>4. on 9 targets and more it's better to do Guren or Kyuten if it's not up
I've been using my kenki on Kyuten when I have more than 40 and always keep enough to Kaiten Tenka, was that wrong too?
source on the mango?
Hagakure has a CD of 40
If it's not up use Tenka Goken instead
Your kenki is more valuable than your sen.
>Hagakure has a CD of 40
well that explains everything
Thanks user.
>hit 70 wiht SAM
>look at the complete guide
nah fuck that, I'm going back to DRG/MNK at least the skill names don't look all the fucking same
So why is Golbez such a cuck?
So SAMs have Tsubame Gaeshi?
hope you like dicks
It's unfair. Hyur's should be the titty monsters. Cats should be flat and Roe's should have body builder pecks.
Shit class, not worth playing, how can I RP as THE REGEND without Tsubame Gaeshi
What a shame.
I wouldn't want to rp something out of something so dumb like Fate.
If you're going for Shifu why wouldn't you just finish Gekko and get Sen rather than waiting an extra GCD
This is the best doujin out there. It speaks volumes of how little shit we have scanned.
crossover event when
Make the egis temporary summons that actually matter. Don't even make them true pets, just summons. Want high Single target, summon Ifrit, want AoE, Garuda. Titan for stuns and slows. Make it so they last like 10-15 seconds and still have their enkindles you trigger. They dont have hp bars so they can't take damage.
I was wondering this myself.
I've been doing the full combo for the Getsu sen, then the Oka combo. (and vice and versa depending on how Jinpu falls off).
Because I want to be Khloe's BFF
>told ampadori used golems to fight mhach nigg mages
>sb blm story says shatotto made them
Just got into this game. Rate my character.
i hate dicks.
stop fucking posting this disgusting pic in every thread