Admit it, it turned out way better than you thought it would

Admit it, it turned out way better than you thought it would.

No, on the contrary.
All the talks about save-room music, item management and shit made me believe it'd be a proper RE game, not a heavily scripted, linear and "cinematic" jumpscare fest, engineered for LP-watchers.

>not a heavily scripted, linear and "cinematic" jumpscare fest

Nice hyperbole. Almost all the overly scripted shit is reserved for the opening and end fight of the game. Even stuff like Jack walking through the wall or driving the car need specific requirements and are totally missable.

yea, but not even close to being worth 60

>Almost all the overly scripted shit is reserved for the opening and end fight of the game.
you didn't even play the game, did you? Couple missable scripted sequences do not change the fact that all the other encounters and "scares" are scripted shit, until you hit the Ship, which contrary to RE7-fags' believes is THE most classic RE-style section.

it's not even worth the 25 bucks I paid for it day 1.
Plus, kids calling this the "first FP-Resi game" have clearly never played the Survivor and Deadly Aim -games.

>walking through the wall
im pretty sure everyone took the stealthy approach there, unless you mean there's some other way to miss it other than just running past him

>RE game, not a heavily scripted, linear and "cinematic" jumpscare fest,

So, just like the first 3 games?


>you didn't even play the game, did you? Couple missable scripted sequences do not change the fact that all the other encounters and "scares" are scripted shit.

What counts as "scripted shit" then? A cutscene before a boss fight? I mandatory jumpscare? Because Resident Evil has always had that.

I can't even think of 3 overly scripted events outside of the opening and ending fight.

it was disappointing compared to the demo

That's still not saying much, user. I just pray Capcom doesn't force RE2make to have FPS/VR or RE4 design anywhere.

>pretending RE didn't have jump scares everywhere

The demo was shit though, the final game was actually good.

I thought it was going to be a 2hr tech demo game for VR. So I was definitely surprised how it turned out.

last time I heard, they polled their fans if they'd prefer classic or RE4 style gameplay. Apparently, classic style won by a good mile.

>pretending RE had first-person cinematics that strip you from all control and has a filthy burger stereotype scream and yell in your face for a while.

but it is just that. Just stretched into 6 hours.

>im pretty sure everyone took the stealthy approach there, unless you mean there's some other way to miss it other than just running past him

He needs to be in the proximity of the kitchen and living room, if he's out in the hallway or main hall he won't break through the wall.

>>pretending RE had first-person cinematics that strip you from all control and has a filthy burger stereotype scream and yell in your face for a while.

No, they instead strip control of me while I watch a door opening animation in full screen, only to put a jump scare behind the door animation every so often

Meh. Not really.

>put a jump scare behind the door animation every so often

Literally one time

Chris not a hero when! Fuck capcom!

No it was trendy horror shit slapped with the Resident Evil name. Capcom have no fucking clue anymore.

>No it was trendy horror shit slapped with the Resident Evil name. Capcom have no fucking clue anymore.

What's non trendy about RE4-6? If anything RE7 was at least a step in the right direction and away from the Michael Bay shit.

yeah, but instead of Michael Bay shit, we now got Jewdiepie shit.

>>not a heavily scripted, linear and "cinematic" jumpscare fest
Did you even play re1 theirs shit like this all over the place

Imagine being so pathetic that you dislike a game because of what surrounds it instead of stuff featured in the actual campaign game.

The lack of decent enemy variety turned me off from this game

It was good but its really like a rollercoaster when it comes to quality, with the mine section of the game being fucking terrible and the boat section being meh and too small

>Did you even play re1
For the first time long before you exited your dad's nuts, by the look of things.

Yeah, that would suck, wouldn't it?
Luckily the game itself was a fucking terrible mess, overshilled and praised by kids who have never played a real survival horror game before.

Nah it was a pretty shallow experience designed to cash in on the spook walking simulator youtube fad which thankfully failed. Terrible enemy design and variation, bosses were lackluster, plot was uninteresting, Everyone but Jack and Evie were equally uninteresting, and there's zero unreplayability.

There was just so much scripted jumpscares in this game meant to pander to YouTube Amnesia Outlast Five Nights at Freddy's audience.

Seriously, there was that time the creepy wife jumps out behind the corner and uuuhhh....well whatever the game was full of them! Fucking streamerbait LP cinematic slenderman silent hill shit!

Lucas was pretty funny and based.

amnesia is great fuck you
people trying to copy it and failing dont mean a thing

I thought he was pretty generic.

>Nah it was a pretty shallow experience designed to cash in on the spook walking simulator youtube fad which thankfully failed.

It didn't "fail", it sold 500k below what they had hoped for, it made production costs back day one. RE6 was a failure, it sold 2.2 million below what they had hoped for, and didn't hit 7 million until the recent re-release.

Meanwhile Capcom expected to make 5-6mil off RE7. Which didn't happen.

So it failed.

The problem with that scare was that she could be in a completely different part of the house and then teleport to that spot because of the scripting. Not good for immersion to say the least

They should have released it in October then instead of being retarded

Nope, they wanted 4 million and it sold 3.5 million on launch. It was below what they wanted but since the game was cheaper to produce it was still considered acceptable numbers.

RE6 on the other hand sold 4.8 million on launch but they wanted a staggering 7 million. Which is what prompted the change in direction with 7.

So one faggot playing this game or a few faggots playing this game pretending to be scared takes away the quality of it? Domyou realize how fucking retarded that sounds?

If you want to translate what was said in any way that most benefits you, then yeah it sounds idiotic.

If you'd actually stop to think and analyze how this "game" works, you would realize how shallow and literally aimed for LP streamers this "game" is. It's just another horribly patronizing, single-use-only trash "game", that will be only remembered as the first somewhat proper AAA "game" to utilize first generation of VR toys.

>If you'd actually stop to think and analyze how this "game" works, you would realize how shallow and literally aimed for LP streamers this "game" is. It's just another horribly patronizing, single-use-only trash "game", that will be only remembered as the first somewhat proper AAA "game" to utilize first generation of VR toys.

Ok, but this time explain what's wrong with the game without hyperbole and buzzwords.

If you promise to not take everything I say as "hyperbole" or "buzzwords". Which I have very little trust of happening.

I wasn't expecting Jack to be the best character in the game.

>mfw dumb faggots continue to compare RE 7 to Outlast/FNAF/Amnesia when it literally plays nothing like any of those games

Well then if thats the case go play those shitty RE:Outbreak games that Sup Forums seems to praise for some odd reason.

If you could you would have done it already.

The fact of the matter is that the game has geniune flaws such as shitty enemies and a weak endgame, but all your arguments for why the game is bad is literally just a bunch of buzzwords and insults with zero substance. You either didn't play the game or you're boiling with so much rage over the new direction that you can't even see straight.

Your opinion is of use to nobody.

>if you cant promise to not prove me wrong then I dont wanna debate about this

You remind me of our President

Chainsaw Jack is also one of the best bosses in RE history.

The rest in RE7 were pretty shit but that fight was something else.

Compared to his mom and dad, he was pretty generic

Outbreak isn't a youtuber bait game and actually tries to be RE game.

Nope, I've not even tried. Why throw pearls at the pigs?

All in all, Re7 is just waster opportunity, suffering from limitations and forced design choices caused by the VR tech and the devs' desire to make and market their game as an VR experience. That slowass movement speed, narrow FOV, constant checkpoints... etc? All there to fight the VR-sickness and clumsiness, but something that's extra annoying when played with KB+M.

Sure the photo-scanned graphics look nice, but everything is 100% static. You can blast all of your ammo to the surroundings, yet not even a single lamp gets blown off, nor can you utilize all the crap in the game world in any way. A goddamn chair is unpassable obstacle.

What's the point of having savespots, if your game saves every 5 minutes? Even more so since the game doesn't even make you plan your saving habits thanks to the initially available difficulty providing unlimited saves as well.
It's also funny how people compare this game to RE1, yet I do not recall it literally funneling you into the first saveroom, making you stealth around near undying enemies, and making you waltz in mostly totally empty corridors. The "puzzles" are also completely laughable to literally nonexistent, and more often than not the answers / keys reside practically right next to you. You also have veeery little to literally no reason to backtrack to most areas later on.

And how about the bosses? Talk about a prime example of modern games NOT sticking to their core gameplay design, and demanding you to figure out a brand new set of rules. The daddy-hobo for example is early on established to be an undying BOW, yet you are made to face him several times, always with a new set of rules and setpieces you gotta figure out. Because of this, you cannot truly "master" the game through and through, because depending on the section and set-piece, you're toying around with all new gameplay rules. The chainsaw duel boss took me way too long.


Any AAA horror game is goin to be YouTube bait. Whether 1st or 3rd person, if you fucking butch about a game being YouTube bait instead of judging from the actual content, then you're a fucking retard.

You are a fucking retard if the Jack boss fights gave you trouble outside of Madhouse difficulty

Only the chainsaw one caused any real problems, as it's goals and rules were not clearly indicated, and it does not let you experiment with the concept either. There's nothing indicating that I'm doing any damage, the character is clearly claimed to be immortal earlier on, and the ultimate goal you end up doing anyway (chainsawing the door open) cannot be performed before the boss is down for good.

It did not help that I always got my leg chopped off, and I had no idea what to do about that, because no - I never experienced THAT scene where he cuts MC's leg off early on in the game. And never in my wildest dreams would I have expected a goddamn health potion to work as an instant-heal glue for dismembered bodyparts, even in a fucking RE game.

You just sound like you're fucking terrible at video games.

Downing Jack once is info enough to understand that he's fucking unkillable. And guess what? When you're supposed to fight him the game doesn't allow you to run. The chainsaw functions more or less the same as the knife, not to mention you're not forced to use it, you're basically complaining about the game having too much variety.

>Intro was good
>Mom area was okay
>Son area was trash
>Boat was trash
>Finale was trash

Loved it, want the DLC now, shame it didn't do well enough to continue development for.

Not really, I didnt buy it but pirated it, got bored after killing you´re waifu because it didn't feel like a game but more like an infinite tutorial, extremely restricted.


needed more underground labs.


>Not really, I didnt buy it but pirated it, got bored after killing you´re waifu because it didn't feel like a game but more like an infinite tutorial, extremely restricted.
The intro is extremely on rails and scripted but once you get passed that the actual game begins.

>The "puzzles" are also completely laughable to literally nonexistent, and more often than not the answers / keys reside practically right next to you
Name fucking one Resident Evil with puzzles that aren't ridicously easy.

>You just sound like you're fucking terrible at video games.
Or, as it most likely is the case, RE7 is extremely poorly designed game, and people nowadays have hard time realizing this.

>you're basically complaining about the game having too much variety.
No, I'm complaining about numerous mixed messages, the game not sticking to its own rules (or even explaining them at times), and being one of the blandest walking sims outside of the few forced encounters.

it really does not get any better before you arrive to the ship, and that is over in no time.

>Name fucking one Resident Evil with puzzles that aren't ridicously easy.
The "hardest" puzzles in RE7 are on par with the easiest ones in 1-3.

>The "hardest" puzzles in RE7 are on par with the easiest ones in 1-3.

Lucas funhouse and bedroom DLC.

Try again.

The only real two issues I got with the game is lack of enemy variety and the later half of the plot/boat.

Otherwise I really liked it.

So much better. I played through it three times man.

Despite what's said I feel like the only people shitting on 7 are RE5/RE6fags

I want to play it on PC but not picking it up until VR support is extended or it drops to ~$15

I don't know, I never really beat it.

I'm a massive coward but thought this game wouldn't be that frightening because Sup Forums said it wasn't scary at all.

When you play as the cameraman and that guy says "BOO!" I jumped out of my seat and couldn't play the game again for 2 days.

When I went back to it and my in game wife jumped around that corner I was terrified and turned the game off and cried for 20 minutes. I can only assume the game got even scarier from then on, but I never played it again after that.

>Lucas funhouse
Literally just watch the VHS and DON'T do the stupid shit. Wooow!

never fucking ever. kys.

Nope. I'm a REmake & RE2 fag.
Something RE7 girls and RE4-6 children will never understand.

I played all the main line RE games and like them all except 6, I don't know why yall gotta be so autistic about this shit.

>bosses NOT sticking to their core gameplay design, and demanding you to figure out a brand new set of rules
>Because of this, you cannot truly "master" the game through and through

I think you're confusing action game design with survival horror game design. It's misguided to expect the latter's bosses to be the culmination of all previous encounters in which you need to use the moves you've been practicing on. There is really nothing to master in this sort of game, except maybe some evasive tricks for when you're doing challenge or speedruns. Basically, if you haven't been foolishly wasting all your resources, the bosses are a joke.

RE7 bosses actually improve upon the survival horror formula by adding new twists to each boss encounter, making them not just "here's where you expend all that magnum ammo you've been saving up". Also, far from introducing "new set of rules", the boss encounters are simply an environmental puzzle, like the core gameplay of the rest of the game, with the added urgency of the presence of a boss enemy.

Other criticisms are mostly justified.

>Nope. I'm a REmake & RE2 fag.

Nope, you're not.

OG fans who don't like RE7 still think the butthurt from actionfags is hilarious since they stopped caring about the franchise long ago, and you still clearly Care a lot.

Yeah it was pretty good

Haven't played it I see


Only valid complaint in this thread.

So what's Lucas bossfight going to be like?

>Literally just watch the VHS and DON'T do the stupid shit. Wooow!
>watch the VHS
What? You do know that you *play* the VHS segments, right? You have to solve the puzzle the first time in the VHS and a second time as Ethan. Nothing in the game tells you the solution outright, so I really don't see your point.

Saw traps.

As disappointing as that would be I can totally see his "boss fight" being "Avoid this trap and then shot the weakpoint to break it!"

I think this new Chris looks way better than his RE5/6 design.

Fuck his new VA though.

RE7 was great, you're just being a little contrarion bitch.

Hey guys I'm currently doing the happy birthday tape and am really stuck. I have the candle, telescope and quill.

Can someone give me a cryptic clue to help me figure out what to do next? Nothing to obvious if you can help it please.

The telescope is dirty.

I know I have to clean it at some point but at least now I know to look for that in particular. Thanks user

>engineered for LP-watchers.
You could say this about any horror game that came out before LPing is a thing, if it came out today, and it would be just as unfalsifiable. Which means you aren't saying anything worthwhile at all here. This is why this remark outs you as an idiot.

Re7 just didn't spook me the same way RE1 etc did, no oh-shit moments, poor/no puzzles and the ending was undwhelming.

I remember the final-escape moment and final boss battle in RE1 back in the day, I had to quit plating for a few mins as my heart was fucking pounding out my chest

it's not a bad game just a bit dull, though does have a few funny moments, which is weird for a RE title

That's because he looks like how he would've before the damn steroids. Honestly I like this new redesign more & want Roger back on the helm to voice.

Same. I even liked 6. I even liked ORC with a friend. What I didn't like, or thought was underwhelming at least, was the first Revelations game. People can complain all they want about the direction the series has taken with games like 5, 6, 7, etc. but the first Revelations game was the first RE that had side characters that legitimately annoyed me.

RE1 probably spooked you more because you were a kid.

I played REmake and RE7 for the first time back to back and they're about equally scary, which isn't that scary.

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Dead Aim?
I liked it

Fucking hell it was so obvious how to clean it. Feel like a right idiot now

I feel the same about Revelations. I like both Action and Horror RE but Rev feels like this weak middle ground that doesn't do either well.

I don't think over the shoulder works for horror very well.