Was he right about Dark Souls 2?
Was he right about Dark Souls 2?
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No, he never is
Most of his points made no sense or contradicted other points he made. He's a 25 IQ subhuman nibba.
No, but he did show what a sub-human matthewmatosis is.
this guy is just an ultra-contrarian liberal
he's one of the people that hates Dunkirk because it's about white men
Fuck off with e-celeb shit
Not sure because I don't play those games, but he was 9000% right about Fallout 3 being abysmal.
>accidentally correct about fallout 3 but doesnt know why
>defends ds2 for all the wrong reasons
actual retard
>in denfense of my shitty asshole
Why did Arlo have to start this shitty thrend?
tell me why ds2 is bad
he's a fucking supreme gentlemen
also known as an SJW
>that point about 'you need to get the lords vessel to kill bosses is bad' he made, proclaiming that developers did this to BTFO players who want instantaneous accses to all areas
Also, you don't need to act like ass clown to state your points, at least phimosis is not trying to immitate humor in his videos.
No meme potential
for real? proofs?
Dark Souls 2 is my favorite of the series and hbomber's video is trash
I think Joseph ANderson's series of videos are a much better "in defence of" videos for dark souls 2
It is possible to agree with someone's videogame opinions and not their political opinions. Just wanted to get that out of the way.
Yes he's a Labour-voting neo-Marxist feminist SJW cuckold, but none of that has anything to do with Dark Souls 2.
At least he takes the piss out of Sargon of Akkad, Thunderfoot, and Armoured Skeptic
well the difference there is one only makes contrarian videos and the other actually knows what hes talking about
ok? tons of people do, some who are even bigger faggots than him. cunts fuckin on cunts is nothing new.
Where have I heard this before?
hbomberguy is like a more zealous Folding Ideas.
>that Yooka Laylee review where he calls JonTron a racist out of fucking nowhere
He probably thinks Pewdiepie is a white supremacist too.
It didnt come first
Hes 100% on point up until around the half way point of the video, I disagree with a lot of the stuff he said about interconectivity etc. Still better than Methtosis.
so are you denying that jontron said some really stupid racist shit
>takes the piss
Why won't he debate any of them then? Did he see Destiny getting completely obliterated and is now shitting his pants?
Everything JonTron said is factual
But I dont care, what he is said is irrelevant to games (and factually correct)
Some of the levels are blatantly unfinished
Some of the animations are bad
Most of the boss themes are forgettable
It launched with a lot of bugs
Soul Memory doesn't solve the twinking problem, and needlessly complicates high-level PVP
Note that all of these flaws except for Soul Memory apply equally to other games in the series.
Link me to this really stupid racist shit.
are you pretending to be retarded or did you actually fall for this meme lmao
i hope you dont post those fake "proof" pictures
He made a single correct video about Fallout 3.
Rest of his videos are just cuck gibberish.
I don't know who's more autistic, some faggot that rants about a mediocre game for more than an hour, or you who watched it in its entirety.
Got any Destiny autism to showcase?
Not that guy, but quote one thing he was wrong about.
>80 minutes
Who the fuck watches this
Destiny did not get obliterated lol
He just made videos on them filled with snarky jokes and comments.
That's all he does.
I didn't fall for any meme, nigger.
>Did he see Destiny getting completely obliterated
by who? pretty much all he and Sargon did was say "no you're wrong" to eachother for like an hour and Destiny did that autistic head roll thing
>Link me to this really stupid racist shit.
He didn't say any stupid racist shit. user's referring to when he was in a skype chat with a crazy SJW furry who kept calling him racist being in a skype chat with Sargon.
Those don't make it a bad game, maybe a good game with some flaws that aren't a big deal but not even close to "bad"
>if A LOT of people just disappeared, A LOT of statistics would change
Wow! You don't say?
Regardless of what SJWs say, saying some stupid shit because you're not at all prepared to debate someone doesn't automatically make you a Nazi supporter.
It's the Son of The Mask of video games.
his Fo3 and Lisa vids are pretty good
Or someone posting on a message bored about people being autistic. Add that to the list
He looks like his parents were siblings, so I won't watch the video and assume he's wrong.
I just like superbunnyhop and nakeyjakey
no one (in this thread) ever said it did. I think JonTron is just a retard who bought into the anti-SJW memepill. an argument could be made that he's not a racist but just very confused and stupid.
that Skype chat he had with Sargon really makes this apparent considering how he stammers all over himself anytime Sargon added onto something he said.
Stopped clock tier throughout the video. A couple of decent points but tries to make even the dumbest shit out as positive.
Development fucked up so most of this shit is severely unfinished. The dev team may have exceeded its scope with no clear direction and/or they were fucked by incompetent external meddling.
All his videos are insanely long. I'm not sure he knows how to summarize anything at all.
He's always right
Also Matthewmathosis is always wrong, he likes Wind Waker for fuck's sake
I don't follow or particularly like either of them, but if you genuinely believe that Destiny wasn't destroyed in this debate - you're completely delusional.
>he doesn't like wind waker
maximum pleb
he literally didn't, nor did Sargon
Is this the video where he admits to watching Patrick Klepek stream and didn't mock him immediately? Cos I was disagreeing with him before that point and then i stopped because i realized i was watching some kind of faggot talk about shit he barely understands.
wow you're dense. How do you remember to breathe?
The point being is that it would be a disproportional change.
>he likes Zelda shit
Sargon is such a fucking faggot. How did he get any following at all?
Sargon is such a shit debater, christ; he should really stick to scripted stuff, some of that is actually good. The Destiny autism compilation would've been the entire debate if he did his job properly.
Because people like being spoon fed that's why these (((Skeptics))) and (((Anti-Skeptics))) have gotten popular
>He fell for the meme
>He bases his opinion of a 30 hour game on a 20 second webm
This is not your average retard
Playing dark souls 3 made me appreciate what 2 did right
I want another game by the B team
How is it not empowering being a titninja?
You can also disagree with both. You can even agree with his point but see he is an idiot who makes really poor arguments and the only reason people like him is they agree with their viewpoint.
Don't you love all these youtube 'critics' who are all balding men in their 30s with no real education in the field, skill or knowledge, trying to 'analyze' fucking videogames for 2 hours by using big empty words?
and watch sargon of a cuck get fucking DESTROYED by hbomberguy multiple times in these videos
face it, sargon is a joke and hbomberguy SHITS on him from a great height.
"In this video, I explore the treatment of male characters and their equivalent female counterparts, and the way things one audience happens not to like are often confused with objective mistakes.
I also strongly imply that pandering to feminism is literally the only way to make games better, so make sure to say I do that in your takedowns in the comments!"
He talked himself into a position in which he advocated total government control in order to "extract" positives from increased immigration. He calls himself a liberal, mind you.
None of these are debates you butt-blasted tranny. Try again.
lol go cry about anita sarkeesian for the 46th time Sargon
>>This game sucks because there aren't enough forks and spoons under the table
>Measured Response
>Goes on to shit all over the place
Ah, he's a poe, got it.
Ah, he's one of those obsessive types that try to create drama between himself and bigger channel for views, got it.
Wonder how the stats would change for whites/spics/other races
this guy's a fag lol
>locking areas off until you get the lordvessel is bad
>locking areas off behind a door where you need to equip a ring every single time you go through it (the exact same concept but executed worse) is good
it is, but hbomberguy has no female friends and has no idea that they love sexy characters in games. his only exposure to women is the loud minority of feminists on the internet, so he adopts and defends their positions out of desperation for female approval
>said that No Man's Sky is a deep intellectual game because it's boring as fuck and nothing ever happens JUST LIKE REAL SPACE DUDE LMAO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT U HAVE ADD GO BACK 2 HALO
This is hilarious, absolute autism.
I made a response video to this guy very early into his YT career. I'm still being called a faggot in the comments by his fans.
who are you
You should've shown the debate with Jim/Metokur instead, the guy spends half an hour crying after it and drawing stuff on a whiteboard.
Is it possible to have negative levels of testosterone?
>4.5k a video
>something like 25 videos in the last year
>112k a year
Jesus, I guess men are better at making money from bitching about needing more feminism than women are. Move over Anita, women BTFO again.
Sup Forums help me... im dying
Same reason Bloodborne and DaS3 are bad. Warping from the start is fucking retarded, moving away from the estus system set up in DaS1 is retarded, non open exploration is retarded.
>Overweight and obesity percentages would go down by 10%
Amerifats, please...
In fact. That makes him worse. A good content producer would ignore the existence of those people. Giving them irrelevancy is the ultimate action you can take against rampant faggotry. The fact he doesn't is a negative.
But look at all this proof
Who, Sargon or Destiny?
What about the Naked Ape one?
SJWs funneling all their money into one of the lone youtubers that's on their side.