The main competitors fucked up big time and that is what saved them.
Microsoft betraying the gamers for the grandparents and the kids audience.
The system ain't half bad and the competition fucked up big time. It also actually has games.
Consumers want a console without gimmicks. Shocking revelation when PS4 outsells Kinect Box and Tablet U.
>hurr Sony was gonna go bankrupt!
Why paying $100 more to play gtaV (especially on 900p).
Pretty much- they didn't do anything particularly special, they just made a game console that gamers wanted to buy and didn't bog it down with bullshit like XBone's DRM and Kinect. XBone eventually fixed their mistakes but by then it was too little too late.
They didn't : You still fucking play at 900p.
Keep in mind that the x360 used to be even more powerful than the PC when it was released.
What have they done?
Something was going to change. Not paying investors annual dividends, while saying you are not going to step down, was blasphemy to the business world.
That would be like a team GM hiring only random highschool kids, then refusing to quit his job.
>more powerful than THE PC
kek get fucked mate I was playing crysis on ultra back then.
>Keep in mind that the x360 used to be even more powerful than the PC when it was released.
>being this dumb
the gpu inside 360 back in 2005 was using next gen ATI hardware that didnt hit PCs until 2006
Jeez i didn't know that crysis was released in 2005?
Why Sup Forums are filled with faggots like you?
>a silly marketing graph is representative of anything
Top kek
It's made by nvidia you twat fuck. And it's a fact that x360 gpu was more powerful at that time. Why do you open your disgusting mouth when you don't know shit?
Show benchmarks or go home
You first.
I'm not making the claim, burden of proof is on you
Full third party support and few exclusives.
I already post the proof.
it's the best place to play video games
An nvidia keynote graph is not a benchmark. Just stop pretending that the 360 had some revolutionary tech when it's about as powerful as a GTX 7800
You can't beat Sony
Sony always wins
Bigger question is, why are there no online split screen co-op games out there for the ps4 yet? I miss this gem
Oh man the Xbone literally commited Sudoku before launch and guaranteed Sony a victory regardless of major fuckups.
Sony watched the Xbone presentation and then immediately went on the offensive by saying the literal opposite of everything MS did.
It was over before it began,
It just shows that its more powerful. It's even more objectiv than a benchmark which depends on the optimization of the game.
Now feel free to post a contrary proof faggot.
>when it's about as powerful as a GTX 7800
Sorry. See, thats the point of the graph : Until the 8800 (which came a year after the x360), the xbox gpu was the more powerful.
Now that youve been BTFO you can fuck off.
>consolecucks think that's a benchmark
>i can't read.
What kind of nigger are you?
Nope, the writing was on the wall last gen, how do you think PS3 caught up to 360? People were catching on to Microsofts no games/kinect strategy and tired of missing out on Sonys exclusives, Sony was going to win this gen no matter what, maybe not as big a lead as they have now but the tides were changing
Look, dumbass. There is no way a console, with all the power, design and cost restraints outperformed a gaming PC. You're stupid for thinking that.
> they just made a game console that gamers wanted to buy and didn't bog it down with bullshit like XBone's DRM and Kinect
So youre saying they did something right then
Still thats the case, just like the first xbox. Its called TECHNOLOGY.
But ok, nvidia are wrong and are stupid and don't know anything about their buisness.
Go tell any electronics engineer (like me) the nonsense you've been spouting and they'll laugh in your face.
Next time don't take meme graphs from keynotes as factual data.
Building your own rig doesn't make you an engineez you fat disgusting nerd.
No but my BS from MIT does. I bet I'm in better shape than you as well.
Brand recognition.
>I had a PS1 and that was cool, I'll get a PS2!
>I really liked the PS2, I'll get a PS3!
>Well, I might as well get a PS4!
Nice proof. Nice argument. I'm really starting to pity you.
Don't even try that shit, Mr. ad hominem
You are so pathetic. Fat nerd.
More sophistry, it's really quite amusing.
In any case, I wish you well. Next time bring real data to back up your claims.
>consolenigger is triggered by facts
>talking about sophistry when your only arguement is "I WUS A MIT STUDENT (w/o any proof ofc).
So. Still believing Nvidia are liars trying to promote console and ATI?
There's the meme graph again. If you knew ANYTHING about computing you'd know that floating point operations per second does not scale directly with performance.
You are the meme mr fat nerd pretending to be a MIT student.
I'm not a student any more. It's been three years.
Okay. How did they do it?
My statistics lecturer in college told me never to believe graphs posted on the news or little press conferences. What does the Y axis even signify?
Floating point operations per second. It's a meaningless metric in real world scenarios.
How did Nintendo fuck up? It obvious to see how Microsoft kept cutting their wrists, but what's Nintendo's excuse?
Trying to get lightning to strike twice.
Which is ironic because Sony was going to do the exact same shit until they saw how badly Microsoft fucked up.
Ironic how Microsoft went from being the worst to being one of the only sensible ones. At least they celebrate the idea of things like backwards compatibility, while Sony pulls shit like this and raises the prices of their shitty online service.
>It's another synthetic "benchmarks" episode
I didn't jump on the PS3 bandwagon until 2009. As for PS4 it was 2016. Nintendo has been around far longer than Sony and has more brand recognition than all of them. I was one of those 11-12M people who bought Wii U; better yet I bought it when it was brand new.
Nice arguement.
It's a doggy dog world kid.
Sony won.
Nice spelling, high school dropout.
By the way, saying "Nice argument" (see that's how you spell it!) Is not an argument.
I hear this rumor being tossed around sometimes regarding Sony implementing DRM in the PS4, as well as having a price point originally be $499.99. I think the $499.99 price point is more believable due to one of the power point slides during the PS4 presentation not matching up the previous slides in terms of quality, but there hasn't been any solid evidence that Sony was gonna bull an Xbone with the PS4. People have reached and speculated about the day one patch possibly removing this feature all right together, but I honestly believe Sony wasn't gonna do at all.
Nice argument.
There you go! You got it champ.
I'm proud of you.
Thanks! Still doesn't change the fact that x360 gpu BTFO the PC back in 2005.
there's still time. emoji movie and dark tower are massive flops. they can't ride off the success of playstation alone for much longer.
Blame Microsoft for introducing paid online at all. It;'s so bad even Nintendo is doing it. As for backwards compatibility, who really cares what a Sony rep says? Jim was an idiot for saying implying people don't want backwards compatibility. You're right, at least Xbox is making a conscious effort, while Nintendo and Sony aren't.
Hey goys doesn't not really owning any of the games you buy sound fun?
Even if that's true, they would've been BTFO six months later as always.
It's kinda like peaking in high school. All downhill for the rest of your life.
The Wii U had a confusing (to consumers) sales pitch and people thought it was just some peripheral to the Wii. I've had people ask me if Mario Kart 8 for the Wii was coming out yet and I told them it's for the Wii U.
"That's what I just said."
The 3DS and amiibo is the reason why they're succeeding still. Japan really loves portability.
>have XO for multiplats
>have PS4 for its exclusives
Literally best choice if you don't want buy games on PC.
This is the only reason. if next gen they let this go to their heads again. it's going to be "599 US Dollars!" all over again.
>emoji movie
I am so fucking happy that flopped
I'd say it's pretty believable considering how every generation Sony manages to become even bigger Jews than they previously were.
>Skimping out and buying shit hardware for the PS2 that led to a lot of malfunctions, something they even went to court for
>The original launch price of the PS3, and the fact that it was dead in the water for years
>The launch price of the Vita and the propriety memory card shit, didn't get a price cut until years later when it was already too late
>Sony announcing paid online for the PS4, and the service is so bad that it's literally not even worth it, not to mention their stance on backwards compatibility, as well as raising the prices of PSN
I really don't understand why this company is revered so highly when all they seem to do is try and milk every penny out of their consumers pockets.
it definitely deserved it.
Reminder that the budget was $50M and they just made half of that over the US opening weekend. This proves that mediocrity can succeed in the long run, and expect a sequel in the near future. This movie is immune to RT btw.
That's pretty low, even for an animated kids movie.
Sony is as anti-consumer right now as MS was in 2013 but you retards keep defending them.
I would say Sony's become worse than Microsoft was during the 360 era.
Of course, they're all trying to jew as much money from us as possible. MS just did a poor job of it this go around, not sure what they were thinking at launch.
Nothing. Normies have always gravitated towards Sony since 1995.