Anons, why have there been no good local Co-op shooters released recently? It seems like the splitcreen genre has died down recently. I want nothing more than to throw back some beers and shoot up some people online with my friends. Like back in the good ol' days
Local Co-op Shooters
Bump for the online treasure that was halo 3
Cause of graphical downgrades that come with rendering 2 separate games at once. Halo 5 or 4 (can't remember which) tried split screen but so many problems came with implementing they just dropped it entirely.
They stated halo 6 will come with mutliplayer splitcreen however. Still have yet to see it implemented. It's a shame no other game companies have tried something similar to halo 3
Are co-op online splitcreen shooters dead?
Treyarch's Call of Dutys (Black Ops 1, 2, 3) all had campaign coop.
One of the reasons you should buy only those
Probably. It was probably a niche market that the suits thought would be a timewaster.
>graphics have been stagnate for the past 15 years
>games still can't figure out how to include Splitscreen
Why has gaming been trash since at least 2004?
I wish CoD wasn't so twitchy, I appreciated the health bars in halo as well as other games like Gears of War. I like the idea of being able to fight back and not be killed in one or two shots
>graphics have been stagnate for the past 15 years
There has been a lot of technological advancements in the last 10 alone.
>dumb graphix that get in the way and we filter out anyway
Nobody is impressed.
Only Black Ops 3 had co-op?
local co-op and multiplayer has been MIA in major releases since about 2010
Big publishers found out they can save money by not implementing it and forcing always online to be a thing
Indie devs surprisingly are the only ones who seem to give a shit enough to put splitscreen in newer games. too bad they're overwhelmingly trash games
People being too anal now about framerates and performance probably doesn't help aswell.
Look at Goldeneye back in the day, 4 WHOLE PLAYERS IN SPLITSCREEN at about 5-10 frames per second if you are lucky.
It's a sad state of affairs we're in.
I need someone to make a tight shooter with an online system. Halo 3 can not be the end of the glory days.
Playing those custom games with 16 people in a lobby was too much fun too.
I'd much rather have dumbed down graphics, and say a lock at 30 fps. As long as the game ran fine and the servers weren't shit. People are right though. No game developer is spending their money on this. Existence is pain
Black Ops 3 is the only one of the ps4/xbone titles to have a coop campaign.
The rest had still had coop for online and zombies.
gears of war 4 has splitscreen coop on the fucking PC. I don't even care if it's a mediocre game itself, it is the absolute fucking perfect package of a game that I have never ever seen before. Great performance, perfect controls, and a graphics and gameplay options menu that would make an autist cream himself
I'm always thinking of getting it but everytime i had to download a big game from the windows store something broke in the process and had to retry a bunch of tries and restart the pc to get it moving.
I actually did have a fucking shitload of issues with it at first; for some reason using google DNS wouldn't allow the windows store to verify purchased apps. it was a fucking nightmare. Wait for the creators update (which is supposed to be a blessing for UWP store programs) and for it to go on sale for at least 40% off
Wait for Halo 6.