X games thread

Why is there no X games thread?
Why is there no general on X games; scam citizen has one.
Why are Teladi the best race?
What is your favorite method of space Jewing?
I want to talk about video games?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why are Teladi the best race?
because they're the only fuckers who make any sense

hell yes i like profits

How do I cap shit with a TP?
Send help

Don't die on me. I saw there is some sort of cockpit mod but it seems outdated. It triggers me that there are no cockpits like in X2

I've tried a few cockpit mods but most of those were shit and the one that was great I've forgotten the name of. sorry user.

The cockpit mod that was a straight up port from X2 was the best. But it didn't cover all the ships and there were only a few variations and no indicators. The current mods are partly based off this with extra ugly and horrid added.

Is there a way to find where the nividium is in a sector that you've scanned?

Bumping for X.


Post Shipfus

>Its great but fuck the paraniggers

i usually burn out on X about the time i have a small fleet and i realize that if i want to keep it stocked i'm going to have to build up the industry myself

Best ship coming through

I found one googling but it seems outdated from the topic. I play Terran Conflict atm... Any links for the best current one that isn't outdated.

>Samefagging for X

>if i want to keep it stocked i'm going to have to build up the industry myself

I used to have that issue but in all honesty it's really mellow to set up and automate a huge complex producing everything you'll need.

Suggestions for stuff to do when you have a fleet? Mods? Endless war against everyone?

yeah probably

i just need to grit my teeth and get it over with

Win the war or start your own.
Rule the galaxy with an iron fist. The possibilities are endless

I usually just outjew everyone and stop.

you could also play as a terran and purge the galaxy of xeno scum

X4 news soon!

The only thing I saw was the initial announcement.

as soon as they're done with X rebirth VR

What's the best carrier in the game?

They've got a lot to do in order to make up for the loss of trust following X:Stillbirth.

Read the emails we were sent, they'll have more news for us.

I think they're concurrent.

Agreed, but their series is so niche that I can forgive them as long as they make a sequel to X3 and not some random shit.

I didn't know about this. I've been so hurt by Xr that I don't dare have any hope for this.

Isn't the asteroid there, front and center, in your sector map?

XCon 2017 featuring XR VR and X4

To celebrate the release of the X Rebirth VR Edition and to revive an almost forgotten event, the XCon, we would like to invite you to the EGOSOFT HQ. You will get the chance to play the XR VR Edition and chat with the team about the history and future of the X-Universe. Additionally, you will be among the first to get an exclusive insight into our next project: X4.

If you would like to attend the XCon 2017, please let us know which date (26th/27th August 2017) would suit you best and apply for a seat on this webpage: egosoft.com/x4/signup.php
Registration ends August 13th 2017. After this date we will inform you if you got a seat and send all the necessary information to find us.


The last time I played the latest cockpit mod was really fucking ugly. It was better to go no cockpit desu senpai.

>tfw I actually like X Rebirth

So many good ideas I hope they carry over into X4.

Sad but true

.. like what?

Goddamn it. It triggers me so much, I don't even know why. Gonna play some X2 then.

Like the scale of stations and independent modules that do their own thing. Everything about cap ships and cap ship combat, with individually targetable points. Multiple styles of cockpit customization. The whole trade ship docking with drones thing is great. Drones in general are a great idea, just somewhat poorly implemented.

And frankly I love the highway system. Fucking hated SETA with a burning passion, it promoted pressing a button and leaving the PC turned on for 3 days so the game plays itself and makes you money. It also meant going from A to B was a horrible chore.

Those are pretty good arguments, but that doesn't make me like a lot of it. Drones replacing ships sucked and cut down on your options. Not being able to pilot cap ships made their advances less important.

But you did present the argument well and I can see your point.

Are trade drones the same as the freight drones in AP?

>Why is there no X games thread?
>Why is there no general on X games; scam citizen has one.
Because fuck you

>Why are Teladi the best race?
Because they dont give a fuck about anything. They just want Profits(ss)

>What is your favorite method of space Jewing?
Capturing ships and capturing accesories, also infinite space mining.

>I want to talk about video games?

Because X are in general boring games?

My first time with space sims was with Darkstar One - german simplified sim that while being somewhat linear was also surprisingly fun to play for me. So I grabbed X collection on HB once. It was mistake.

Tried X3 TC and AP and realized that game should not be called "space sim" but rather "space trader" game. For first 6 hours all I was doing was flying on autopilot from station to station because trying to fight would always result in quick death. New ships costed a lot and while people claimed that I CAN go on space dogfights later, I need better ships for that. So either way, I was forced to play trader.

Year or so ago I bought X Rebirth with two DLCs on GOG because people were getting mad at it for "not being proper X game" which sounded like promise for title to be actually less about trading and more about fighting. Tried story campaign and once again I was flying from point to point with awful voiceacting, annoying space highways and wondering when the action will start.

Sorry but I tried to like X games. Turned out as boring crap.

I really really hope they don't fuck up 4

what do you guys think are the best ships for personal use and fleet?

M4 -
M3 -
M6 -
M7 -
TL -
M2 -
M1 -
Other -

Use a ship that can fire boarding pods (they're considered a type of missile). I think most TM ships can.

Go up to the ship you want to board, bring down it's shields, fire a bunch of shitty missiles to act as decoys, and fire the boarding pods filled with your marines. Then, hope for the best.


Personal use : Springblossom if you want to go fast, Hyperion if you just want to blow shit up. M6/M6+ in general are my favorite class for personal use.

For fleet, a healthy supply of M7M is good to have, and I generally complement them with a few capital ships, a carrier or two filled with M3+ (I like the terran one, Cutlass I think) and a few M6 here and there.

x games get boring eventually because the universe isnt living and npc economies don't matter. well theres that litcube universe but its a meme in just about every other way.

Mamba Raider is the only ship to fly

What space sim do I buy, Evochron Mercenary, X3/Rebirth, Elite: Dangerous, or wait for Star Citizen?

you should take out a mortgage and put it all into star citizen imo

X3 I would say. Didn't play Evochron though.