How do we save videogames?

How do we save videogames?

Video games are fine, you're the one that changed.

Remember a couple of years ago when games were getting 'online passes' to prevent people buying pre-owned games?

>Wanna play with your buddies? That'll be 49.99 a year for the service, another 20 for your online pass for this specific game, and another 35 for the season pass so you can play with all the content.

Get rid of esports, stop pandering progressive shit and stop supporting stream faggots

Stop making them because people will never be happy.

100% this.

we'd need to go back to have fewer games of higher quality.
There's no point in releasing 50 games per month if people can't play them all

>make them my safespace


but we'll never get there, will we?

Most games have an auto-save function. If not, go to the pause menu and there should be a "Save" option. Otherwise look for a pick-up resembling a diskette on the mini-map and go to that location to save.

its this actually, vidya is the same shit it always was

I like watching streamers. Fuck off


this, esports is a cancer

t. Electronic Arts

That's not what he was saying, user.

he's right. Normies never bring anything good to the table whilst demanding change in order for them to acclimatize.

E-Sports are autistic
Streaming is autistic
Diversity is autistic

>my first game system was the 360

Play single player games where they can't spoil your game experience with artificial woes.

>we'd need to go back to have fewer games of higher quality.

When was this ever the case?

>expansion packs overhauled the game and contained as much content as the main game
>games shipped complete
>games were tested thoroughly before release
>minimal cutscenes
>focus on gameplay instead of story


yeah let's take video gaming back to the days when it was a niche hobby for assholes

i'm sure the industry is tired of making billions of dollars a year

After the last gaming crash
Before console had internet

Gas streamers and their audience

Literally eliminate any sort of online interaction a game could have, DLC, patches, and online gaming. Gaming started to plummet once online went mainstream.

your argument is totally irrelevant, people want a good game, fuck "the industry"

Diversity isn't autistic though. It's definitively something autists struggle to cope with.


I don't mind ice golems, treants, elves and humans.

I mind niggers, trannies and dykes being shoehorned into every fucking title

>focus on gameplay instead of story
There's nothing wrong with focusing on story though.

5 shekels have been deposited into your account good goy

Except when gameplay suffers because of it.

Grimoire just released

people have good games. i'm sorry no one is pandering to jaded fuckoffs who are impossible to please, but that's just the way it is

maybe get a new hobby

Save gaming starting with your own by staying offline in yours where they can't proactively break your fun until you pony up again.

Which rarely happens

>There's nothing wrong with focusing on story though.

Don't misunderstand, I agree with you, but modern games focus on story at the expense of gameplay. Pic related is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about a game with a focus on gameplay but balanced with story.

Except back then when games focused on story you got things like Planescape Torment or Grim Fandango instead of 'cinematic experiences'.

>sequel to a video game is so shit that the company goes back to promoting the prequel made in 1997
>video games are fine

>get rid of esports

This absolutely needs to happen. It's pants on head retarded that competitive CSGO and DOTA 2 get so many people watching games and not actually playing them.

>stop pandering progressive shit

People who aren't really hardcore gamers are the ones peddling this shit, and I'm convinced it's because they came in around the time games went "mainstream" which means maybe we should try to make games not mainstream anymore...?

>stop supporting stream faggots

I've never given a dime to ecelebs on Youtube and Twitch but some of their viewers have more dollars than sense. You can't really help that. Again, more gamers should be playing games and not just watching them.

>Planescape Torment or Grim Fandango

Yes this!

I wasn't implying everyone who dislikes the "diversity" movement has autism, just saying that every autist believes every person should be identical to them and would certainly not care for it.

But why.

XD Kappa

>Best selling game worldwide last month was the PS1 Crash remake
I love it

>People who aren't really hardcore gamers are the ones peddling this shit

they're not gamers at all; they hate games, and have never played them. they just saw a community they could latch onto turn leftist over time because gamedevs and ceos are all beta cuckold losers who unironically think socialism works

>something that happens once in a blue moon
Wanna bet FFVIIR is gonna be shit?

Most games come with an autosave feature now that is borderline annoying. You should be good.

We get it. Back to Sup Forums now

kill yourself

l e l
e l e
l e l

Shoo shoo. No one wants you here

Not him but I prefer him to you

resist gamergate comrade we will destroy Trumpf and she will reign over america

Honestly you stop buying them. Not supporting the companies that churn out unimaginative drivel is the only way to kill it.

DLC is a tricky one because if it's a game someone loves, they want all of the content they can get...even though the content rarely is worth the cost.

It's probably going to be yet another trainwreck by Nomura.
I was just pointing out that people would rather buy a PS1 game than buy modern games

>if you hate Sup Forumsshit you're automatically a liberal
Typical Sup Forums "argument"

because they are good games

Holy shit I forgot this was almost a thing


You cant, normalfag are too many and they have the money so industries will keep pandering to them. Turn video games into a niche hobbies for social rejects again and maybe the publishers who dint fucked off to another industry will put their money into decent games

40 seconds in ms paint

Ironically enough, become a pirate.

>no bulge

Spend another 40 seconds please

Hipster > gamer

No, don't get rid of esport, intead force them to use real sport rules. drug test. no talk, uniform clothes for both players and game characters. Same hardware for everyone. (and ping brackets for online players). Actual structured leagues. no RNG games. Actual sanctions for misbehavior.
Everything. If they refuse, enforce "e-spectacles" instead, like wrestling.
This shit would die in 3 months.

Every girl doesn't need a penis user.

She looks cute.

>tfw you think this is impossible but realize someone who was 8 when they got an Xbox 360 as their new system is 20 this year

>drug test
This alone would kill E-Sports.
It should be done.

>developer does away with anti-piracy measure
>pirate cracks game and talks about how stupid the developers are for not securing their game
>developer goes back to using anti-piracy measures
>pirate cracks the game and boasts about how he's a hero getting back at the gaming industry for using anti-piracy measures

>games were tested thoroughly before release
yeah no, moo2 had a game breaking bug for the first month.

Purge AAA Western games too.


I'm still upset hipsters/SJWs ruined beards. Where having a thick well groomed beard was once a symbol of masculinity it's now a symbol of limp dick numales and trend chasing.

and Japanese game don't evolve in the slightest

it's only ruined for you
stop being such a fucking teenager


insert dick

Sup Forums is full of too many kids who didn't experience the arcade days. Inserting more money to get more playtime was normal when I was coming up. You entitled faggots complain too much and want to change things that have always worked for no good reason. Game development isn't free.

>calling yourself 'hardcore gamer'
man, when did it got cringy to call yourself a gamer? normies ruin everything.


Your quarters were your payment to play the game since it was a public machine. Your payment to play the game now is to buy the game. You shouldn't need to pay any more than that.

Maybe you fried your brain after too much Polybius.

>ywn live in the shade of anime tiddies

No need for her to be partially naked tho



Whito piggu go home


>a game that's english dub only
>a game that had its name changed in america
>a game that had its fucking everything changed in america
'lol waito piggu go home! like and subscribe guys!' he said before clicking the upload button, placing it next to his other videos such as 'president trump is anime?'

sess has fallen so far

Only buy/play the good ones, it's as simple as that. Devs do whatever makes them money. Have some self control, don't buy shitty AAA games because they're on sale for half off

Are you talking about Revelatons: Persona?

Also, maybe we could save videogames if they, you know, released them finished and not making you pay 70$ on dlc

>uniform clothes for both players and game characters
no, that's stupid. games don't need extra distinction of who is on which team. real life uniforms is fine.

>a "lol i'm totes ironic XD" nu-male westacuck

>games ruined by americans

OH YEE, did you just BTFO yourself?

>Japanese games don't evolve in the slightest

He says while Japanese games have pretty much been evolving the standard for gameplay constantly over the last several years. Rarely are there any genres where Japanese games don't absolutely demolish in that regard, while being good at it too.

Destroy eastern games too

i'm talking about the second column.
metal gear is dub only in every game except 5
gravity daze was renamed to gravity rush and renamed the protagonist from kitten to kat
"ace attorney" is pretty self explanatory
persona localizations are also kinda AIDS, but there's only two games that don't have undubs and now the series might have dual audio in the future, so i don't think that's worth complaining about relative to the rest of the image.

This. Off the top of my head, Japan has defined 3D platformers with Super Mario 64, 3D adventure games OoT, and third person shooter with RE4.