Doesn't the world feel a bit empty?

Doesn't the world feel a bit empty?

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It's okay because I also feel empty

is just another open world meme game of the month

No, not really.

This is like the third botw shitpost thread that I've seen today.

sonygros sure are bored.


is empty the new buzz word?

How do developers avoid it?

are any old games empty?

>All these BotW threads today shitposting

I wonder who could be behind these posts

Don't get me wrong, exploring the map was fun and BotW is the best game I've played this year, but I think it could have been better.

Just like real life.
Go outside.

A lot of shit and trees and sometimes you find a small city if you walk long enough in one direction or something interesting.

is there a single video game world that doesnt feel empty?

>but I think it could have been better.

yes, for that reason i fucking love botw. it's sequels will be fucking awesome.

Can't always constantly have things on a map. Need to have some rest time.
Makes everything feel more impacful with breaks inbetween.
Just like RL, theres a lot of nothing outside settlements

Why did they make it just like real life?

Because just like in real life, finding something in the middle of nowhere makes it a lot more valuable and worth it. If you kept finding city after city after city after city irl, you'd soon get bored of cities and they wouldnt feel so interesting.
The sense of scale is very important in any experience and no one seems to realize it.



What makes the open world in BotW so good is that everything feels so purposeful. Slants and crests in valleys and rolling hills, weird rock formations, just odd flowers, they're all designed to draw your attention somewhere, towards an enemy camp, or where there's a field miniboss or some rare treasure, or something you might need for a sidequest down the line, and there's a great balance of traveling "cooldown" space and things that have some useful function, so there's really not a lot of dead space, the same way other games will simply put in some big meaningless field to talk about how they're 20 times bigger than Skyrim or whatever.

Maybe, I didn't really feel that way when playing it. I mean, there are empty spaces but I find it pretty comfy running through the grass, cutting some trees, gathering some materials and insects or hunting animals.

There's always something to do.

>Because just like in real life, finding something in the middle of nowhere makes it a lot more valuable and worth it
said no one fucking ever. real life is boring and traveling is even more boring. I bought zelda to play zelda, not some real life simulator

>What makes the open world in BotW so good is that everything feels so purposeful
Except for YAHAHA, finding shrines that clash with the environment, and your weapons which break every minute. So much for a purposeful world.

How is the method by which you expand your inventory, having important locations which are easy to see at a distance, and a deliberative design choice to keep players from cheesing things and staying flexible not purposeful?

>expand inventory

Worthless gameplay loop

>important locations to see at distance

You mean more mountains and plains that just repeat the same shitty feeling?

>keep players from cheesing things and staying flexible

Oh no, it's suddenly not okay to have player choice in a game meant to give player choice. How retarded. Stop eating nintendo's shit.

There's "something" basically everywhere, very little space in completely empty.
Really, only the outer cliffs of Death Mountain stick out as being entirely devoid of content.
Most places have a shrine/korok seed/enemy camp/treasure chest/large enemy/mini game/stable at least nearby.

The problem is the exploration is fun, but there's really nothing to find. Shrines and seeds are both worthless grind once you've killed ganon, and they're the only content in the world.

I personally hope they do a Majoras Mask type deal.

I liked the base game I just think they should do a bit better with the villagers, quests and dungeons.

The game is also fucking begging for a hookshot and honestly, im kinda shocked they took it out.

The more I see Zelda btow being shat on and with the arguments brought the more I'm convinced that it is GOTY

Will it ever end?

No, you're just a shitter that can't find the secrets and blames it on the game being "empty"

not really. I was actually impressed by the amount of times where in other games it would just by standard mountain tops or plains, in BoTW there were instead little puzzles, changes in topography, and differences like ponds/secrets/a small bunch of trees. It added extra flare to the environment and never made it visually boring

I'm guessing most of the more recent threads are pc mustard rice faggots who are playing the game on emulator

yeah, this game is a 4/10 tops. the virgins that own the switch just memed it higher to help their shit console.

imagine being such a loser you back the worst console there is. it's sad but hilarious.m

The time you spend between areas is wondering 'what the fucks over here'

This game will age worse the more people play it
Its built to be one of those incredible first experience games, but once you know everything, you're not left with a whole lot.

but so long as the game hasn't been spoiled for you, its a worthy 100+ hours of incredibly chill exploring and adventuring.

Its my second favorite zelda to date
but I never want a zelda game this big again
Take all the mechanics and assets, and use them in something much more focused.

Not really, there are things pretty much everywhere. Though, I personally fielt a bit cheated at times.

Often you see some cool-looking shit in the distance and once you get there it's nothing special.

I can't really help to feel like I need to go to a place that looks interesting because.. You never know. At some point I have to find something cool, right? (And I have found SOME neat stuff, like the dragon wrapped around the mountin).

But in the end the game feels empty due to there being to much similar content rather than a lack of content in itself.

This game is like geocaching

You look for a shrine and all it gives you is a turd stuffed into a container just like geocaching nothing of real value

It's getting embarrassing.

I don't have the game, so lets compare posts on both sides of the argument
Comment in favor: >I found that the game had this this and this
Comment against: >the players are virgin memers losers


No one plays on emulator, it usually takes months to years from the time shitposting about emulated game starts to the moment when it's actually fully playable (by normal standards, not the dev standards ignoring anything just so they can inflate their emulator compatibility list) and enjoyable instead of just barely running and constantly annoying players with glitches. PCMR fags won't admit that though.

>just another open world meme game of the month

>just another genre defining masterpiece until Nintendo release the next one.

This! It's probably more like a 1/10. How will Nintendo ever recover? Nintenbros BTFO!


>this is the type of person that unironically thinks his ps4 is superior to a pc

Not really empty but lacking in engaging content.
Guess it's better suited for short-ish 2-3 hour gaming sessions over a long time period than 6 day 10-14 hours each day marathon.
Did it the later way because I had a lot of fun at the beginning, but after I was done with the story and almost half of the shrines it slowly stopped being fun. Friend playing it every evening for a few hours is still in 10/10 mode so I guess I should have paced myself better to not burn out.

>>this is the type of person that pretends that 70% of mustard race aren't toaster jockeys and craptop owners just like STEAM HW survey suggests

every open world game is empty.

heh... yeah... totally empty.... just a flavor of the month meme game..... horizon is GOTY anyway....was this even made by feminists.... maybe i should make a neogaf thread....

hows the emulation going? and how gud does your pc need to be to handle it
15 fps is my minimum

open world is a mistake.
the game seem amazing the first time but after a couple , it's boring. the only thing this game do right is the liberty to climb montain, it's feel good, at least better than shyrim if you know what i mean

Don't worry. They'll start shitposting about Mario Odyssey once the reviews roll in for it.


The first quarter of the game or so is pure magic but once I completed my second Divine Beast and around 1/2 of the Shrines I started getting burned out from the repetitiveness of it all.

It's system and all of that is impressive but I hope they use it on a more focused game in the future. That will be the actual 10/10 GOTY.

The first 180 hours were amazing but after that it got pretty boring. Nintendo are frauds!

>Nintendobros coping mechanism kicks in
it's really sad seeing all those retards who regret buying a console for just one 7/10 game and ease their pain with Metascore paid reviews

>180 hours
maybe if you are really dedicated to collecting all the 900 pieces of tree poo, but then the whole game is pure shit
it's fun for few first hours but then it's a boring, repetitive experience, there is literally no reason to ever return to this game

This desu

Open world games are popular now, so Sup Forums has invented the new catch all criticism to shot on it.

Back when linear games were the dominant, Sup Forums would suit on them too.

So did NES Zelda but there's a lot of things to do and see, it shouldn't kill you to explor user but please don't let me stop you from posting this shit

>the whole game is pure shit
You want a little vinegar to go with all that salt?

stop comparing Zelda 1 to BOTW, they're nothing alike

did anyone actually use their horse?
it seemed faster and less of a hassle to just teleport to the towers and glide.

Of course not. They're two completely different games seperated by 30 years of technological advanced and game design evolution.

But - being the 30 year anniversary of the series - Nintendo looked to the original NES game to recapture the spirit and philosophy of that particular game.

Always, fast travel defeata the point of the game. It should only be used sparingly. Saddling up your horse and letting it gallop along a trail by itself while you take in the surroundings is the only way to travel.

>Doesn't the world feel a bit empty?
Nope. It feels like a real living breathing world.

Not really, the NPCs are just there.

Play Witcher 3 then, you will remember every quest.

The NPC have a daily schedule, they react if you draw your weapon or behave aggressively, they run from the rain and take shelter, they get scared if the see a monster. Shit post harder.

Yes, but what does that have to do with Zelda?

NPCs repeating the same shit over and over does not make them alive.

>living breathing world
>50% of the screen covered in grass

NPCs are not what makes the world feel alive either. Shit post harder.
Feel free to point out a more 'ALIVE' world than BotW.

The Witcher 3


>but once you know everything, you're not left with a whole lot.
>once you've completed the game there's not much to do

Oh god forbid

Nope. Have you either of you even played BotW?


Try again dumbfuck

Even just walking around listening to pedestrians talk in GTA is a more engaging experience than BoTW

>not an argument

I don't know why people bother trying to discuss BotW anymore. It's just nintendo shills who think the game is 11/10 throwing their dung at anyone who has a different opinion. Not surprising since the game has nothing else worth talking about besides Link's puss..

A little, but Ganon did kind of fuck everything up so I wasn't expecting anything less.

>actually wanting to "play" a "game"

Oh come on. The Witcher 3 is pretty amazing but it completely fails here.
The NPCs don't even have beds that they go home to. In Breath of the Wild practically every NPC has their own bed or place where they sleep. But in the Witcher we're just meant to be fine the idea of them wandering off into areas that we the player can't even access. And then fill in the gaps using our imagination.

And that's fine, really. I don't demand that every NPC in every game has to have a home or bed. But Breath of the Wild that does have that, does feel more alive as a result.
The Witcher basically has countless of "dummy" NPCs more there to decorate the world than actually be part of it.

I love the game and I refuse to try and have a serious discussion on here about it because of the amount of toxicity its very existence has produced.

I've never even played The Witcher 3.

Mainly because Witcher 3's ambitions are higher. Coordinating the actions and daily cycle of a city of people with probably 10-20 unique NPCs with a smorgasborg of random NPCs, versus that of a small village. Even so, it's not like the NPCs in W3 do nothing.

>Mainly because Witcher 3's ambitions are higher.
That's arguable. I mean I fully recognize that it has its perks. But I'd still argue that it doesn't feel as "full" as something like Breath of the Wild or some other games. Because most of its NPCs are still pretty much just window dressing than legitimate parts of the world.

It's personally something I value more than a surplus of details for characters that appear to have no other place in the world. It feels more shallow to me even if they were very ambitious with their window dressing.
Of course, these NPCs aren't the draw of the game and thus shouldn't be the focus either. So it's largely a complete non-issue. But I still wouldn't claim it makes the game more alive than a game where NPCs are actually part of the world.

I have and I enjoy it, I just wish there was more variety to activities rather than shrines and seeds making up a disproportionate amount of the content.

They also run for cover from rain and comment on the weather and react when you draw your weapon. They're also voiced, alot of unique NPC interactions come from quests, and alot of those interactions have alot of time spent on it.

If you're talking about general NPCs, BotW doesn't much fill the bill either. If you want to talk about memorable NPCs out in the world, I guarantee most people will say something along the lines of Fish loli, psycho flower girl, tree upgrade guy, that builder who wants a gerudo wife, and Sidon. There's still not a lot and the NPCs that inhabit the rest of the game's sidequests and villages aren't much more memorable than any of the sidequests in W3. At least the quests in W3 are voiced for one and have different endings and dialogues. BotW falls massively short of the pure effort put in, on the NPC front. That, to me, is what made W3 quests much more memorable.

Hell, in the quest where you can make Roach talk, you can talk to the small wildlife too. There's so many tiny details in the quests that are in W3. Much more than BotW.

My point is basically that even though they're far more detailed, I really do not feel that they're as complete.

And that's why I said that the point was arguable. Because that level of details can most certainly be interpreted as ambition. And I wouldn't say that anyone is wrong for thinking that.
But no matter how detailed they may be, they feel less complete and less integrated into the world itself. And that's why I have a hard time taking it as more ambitious. Details in the end are just details if the complete picture isn't as full.

I won't even deny that Breath of the Wild is full of quite barebones NPCs. And that The Witcher 3 has far more detailed NPCs than most games. But even with the many details there are just so many NPCs that serve no function than to basically just be decorative assets for the environment. Even Skyrim beats it on occasion and that game is ridiculously stiff, ugly, and lacking in detail or overall quality.

They haven't made a better 3D Zelda than OOT, just slightly better mechanics here and there that they soon forget about.
I've lost faith in the series. It's like they don't even strive to make a better game than the last.

You know you fucked up when even motherfucking Wind waker feels more dense than this.

it defined nothing

It's the new high bench mark for open world design and every open world game from now on will be measured against it.

I suppose you think that's wrong too.

The game needed more variety in what you actually do. the overuse of shrines really ruined any chance for the game to shine.

The world has been fucked for 100 years. Considering that, it's pretty lively.

Can't wait for devs to think people want aimless exploration, 5 good sidequests out of ~80, waifu baiting, as many collectables/seeds as they can possibly stuff in the world, and no actual main story quest progression. The future of video gaming is looking bright.

Name one fucking thing they did that was unique.

Korok seeds

>Name one fucking thing they did that was unique
Here we go again.

In-denial haters will jump through an assault course of mental gymnastic hoops to convince themselves of any false truth rather than just admit the simple reality than Nintendo just made another great game.

>B-but I can set fire to grass in MGSV!
>I can climb in Minecraft!
>GTAV has rain!

You'll stack up every feature of every open world game ever released to try and desperately hold a candle to BotW - under the blind delusion that the game's critical appraise is due to one defining aspect.

In truth, it's the design philosophy behind BotW which is it's most important characteristic. A foundation of player agency and complete freedom, married with a myriad of seamlessly interconnected systems of environmental interaction and gameplay reciprocation. A world where the exhilaration of exploration is paramount and every discovery is a personal one. An impressive amount of confidence from a developer in their product to simply let a player run wild and make their own gaming experience as they see fit. Nintendo said "go ahead, do what you want, we don't care" and meant it in the best way possible.

BotW's legacy is assured.

You sound like one of those paid reviewers.

Yes, but that's good. I like huge empty worlds in open world games. Even if it's something useless to find, I'd rather it be in a huge empty world than a small cramped one.


What did you expect OP? Did you think there would be hentai sluts under every rock every 5ft?

I don't see why not.