Comfy PSP thread
>favorite games
>comfy memories
Comfy PSP thread
>favorite games
>comfy memories
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Psp had no games but a cool hardware.
It was only good for game boy advance emulation.
But why would I emulate when a have a fucking Gba Sp ags-101 with a beautiful flashcard? lmao at psp fags!!
>no games
>Metal Gear AC!D 1 and 2
>Crisis Core
>Peace Walker
>Loco Roco
>Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
>MediEvil Resurrection
>Portable Ops
I think I'll be putting my PSP to rest soon. Vita's got SD adaptors now.
GBA emulation on PSP sucked.
Those games sucked, except MediEvil which I never played and FFT which was a port.
Play some real shit like Ace Combat or Burnout.
>. Vita's got SD adaptors now.
whats the max cp anyways?
it cant be just 64gb right?
>Metal Gear AC!D sucked
>Peace Walker sucked
>Crisis Core sucked
Now I know you're baiting me.
How does that even happen?
>>Metal Gear AC!D sucked
Play Tag Force if you want a PSP card game.
>>Peace Walker sucked
Level design was terrible, sneaking was boring, whole game was too repetitive.
>Crisis Core sucked
The action RPG gameplay might have been good if it weren't for the fucking slot machines. Type-0 was a better effort.
>comfy memories
>playing peace walker on the ouch at my dads on saturday mornings
>playing God of War chains of olympus during the summer I finished 9th grade and being blown away
>playing GTA all the time
>playing resistance on the bus on the way home from an NYC field trip
>learning how to encode videos and name them properly before the Videos folder existed
>cutting open and making my very own Pandoras battery at age 14
>looking up softcore porn with friends at sleepovers
this shit was a childhood miracle for me
Playing with both of my cousins, pw and monster hunter in vacation was the shit
>nobody says patapon 2
i get the feeling that the PSP's real legacy will be that it developed so many tech enthusiasts with its "limitations" that made you learn new terms, languages, formats, etc.
The thing was like comp sci 101
that's exactly what it was like for me. I remember the exact moment I said something technical that my dad didn't understand.
>tfw you never got to learn programming making PSP homebrew when you were 12
At least I'm finally toying with the DS now
gradius collection
maverick hunter X
I have a whole lot of memories of using it for porn.
I bought 10 copies of Battlefront 2, just for the Utapau level.
I've been using my PSP 3000 as an emulation machine a lot lately, it's fucking great.
But I only have a 1 GB memory card for it that came with it. I only used it for saves back in the day so that was fine but now that I'm putting ROMs on it it's way too small.
What's a good way to get as much storage in there as fast as possible? Should I go for one of those ProDUO Micro SD adapters and then get myself a couple micro SD cards?
I remember one user dumped his furry porn collection on his PSP.
>Should I go for one of those ProDUO Micro SD adapters and then get myself a couple micro SD cards?
>Tag Force
I haven't heard of this. Though I really liked that AC!D had you moving around levels with your deck. Any more card-based games?
>slot machines
Agree with this, actually. They got really frustrating later in the game when they were constantly interrupting battles.
you just answered ys
>tfw the Vita FINALLY has a microsd adapter and the homebrew community is starting to grow
We're home, boys.
too bad 3.61 never ever
>favorite games
Loco Roco was oddly fun. I had a good time with Daxter and the Star Wars Battlefront games too before all the hacking. Renegade Squadron was great. Dracula X Chronicles was also good as far as remakes go. Same for Mega Man Powered Up.
And while I know this board has a hate boner for God of War, I think Ghost of Sparta is easily one of the best of the series.
I wish the Vita turned out better.
Somehow I completely missed the Patapon games, but they look awesome. Emulatable?
My PSP fell into the bathtub once, still worked, that thing was a beast! It was the first version though, the later iterations seemed less sturdy.
I have many fond memories, the PSP was my first own gaming system. I remember the fucking boss with the prisoner ball on a bus in Pursuit Force being the hardest thing I have ever done in Videogames, I was pretty young though...
Best games:
>Patapon 2 :3
I had a lot more fun with Warriors of the Lost Empire than I should have. Using essentially a dumbed down version of the Gladiator Begins engine, you hack and slash your way through dungeons, beat the boss and then rinse and repeat.
It's not particularly deep and there's very little variety, but for some reason I always keep coming back to it.
>favorite games
Monster Hunter Feedom Unite
I'm about to download PPSSPP
If there anything I need to know to get it working? Anything else I need to download with it? Drivers, extensions, bios, whatever
>Playing on the ouch
>Zero no Kiseki
>Ao no Kiseki
>Ys Seven
>Nayuta no Kiseki
>Brandish: The Dark Revenant
>Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure
>Locoroco 2
>Locoroco: Midnight Carnival
>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
>God Eater Burst
>Patapon 2
>Patapon 3
>Motorstorm: Arctic Edge
>LittleBigPlanet PSP
>WipEout Pure
>WipEout Pulse
>all dem emulators
>dat crisp screen for porn
what a system
yeah, get a real PSP 3000
Nope. PPSSPP is powered by a combination of dwarven science and elven magic which means it can run pretty much perfectly from the get go.
Yeah get a PSP 3000. It's an incredible piece of hardware. It has a great screen, modding it is dead simple, and it feels amazing. It weighs almost nothing but despite that feeling very solid and reliable, almost paradoxically.
I love my 3000 it's the best.
>tfw my shitty A6 APU laptop from 2013 could run PPSSPP flawlessly with games rendered in HD
>tfw I could even unthrottle the speed and run games at 500% speed
Fucking wizards, I tell you.
>My PSP fell into the bathtub once, still worked, that thing was a beast!
you're lucky, dude
Sony hardware is such garbage. I've had two PSPs and both stopped working. One had an L button that just refused to work after a while, and other's screen wouldn't turn after you wake it up
Fucking Sony hardware is built like shit
it's pretty much perfect
aren't the colors worse on the 3000?
No the colors are better, but there's much more noticeable scanlines.
I hope you're right. I really do. I've been pulling my hair out trying to get some of the emulators I've downloaded to work.
I've already got one.
From a design perspective, I can't play it for more than a couple of hours without my hand cramping because of the analog position. Also the D-pad isn't as good as on other Sony controllers.
Also, there's a couple of games I want to run with patches. FFT:WoTL Slowdown patch for example.
I just hope I can find copies of the game that are moddable
I dunno man, I've had pretty good experience with most of my Sony machines. My PSP 3000 is ancient but still works as well as the day I got it. I have one of the original 60 GB PS3 phats and have used it every day for 10+ years and it works perfectly. My PS2 from 2001 still works very well as well (although I play my PS2 games on my PS3,) it's all been good stuff.
It's not as durable as Nintendo hardware but it's still damn good stuff.
about to go on a 12 hour train ride sunday what GBA games should I take with me?
Already beat all the MonHun and mainstream psp games when they were current.
Breath of Fire, Metroid ZM and Fusion, Spiderman 2
Ninja 5-0
Dril Dozer
Pokemon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire.
All you need, really.
you got a great stream of luck when it comes to sony
>PS1 had DRE up the ass
>PS2 had DRE up the ass
>PS3 had YLOD, second one refused to work after a while
>PSP, faulty L button, screen that won't turn on
before anyone says "you don't care of your systems" I fucking leave them on a shelf their entire lives and never move them. what am I supposed to do, pet them?
however, my Vita still works. Now if only it was useful
I beg to differ
Fair enough, I guess I'm the exception then. I guess there will always be outliers who manage to avoid encountering widespread hardware defects.
Lucky me I guess? Time to buy a lottery ticket
I dropped a UMD copy of Speed behind my desk a little out of reach and I've been staring at it for the past 6 months but I can't be bothered to pick it up.
got them thx anons
>comfy memories
>can't enjoy those memories because the disc reader on my PSP broke
>so did the disc reader on my previous PSP before it
>god fuck I miss playing MH with my crab hand
I still play MH with the claw whenever I can. It's too fucking comfy and nostalgic.
Somewhat obscure but to me it's a classic
just get cfw dummy
I had a PSP 2000 for years that was constantly put through the ringer and still worked. Eventually a few of the buttons stopped working, but given the torture it often went through it was a fairly hardy machine. Maybe I just got lucky.
Disgusting, fpwp
I had the first version of the PSP and it went through hell and kept working... That shit was sturdy af
I've been thinking of getting a Vita for hacking &emulation, is it worth it?
totally...but we're still stuck on pre 3.60 games.
i really want to play Salt & Sanctuary
omg, the "look-while-walking-crab-hand"?! good times!
Eh. It's the best option for it as far as consoles go but it's still not fantastic.
I currently emulate mh third, the PSP game, that only came out in japan, there is an english patch! and you can even play online with ppsspp!
Oh, I remember my old PSP. Golden case and red LEDs in the shoulderbuttons. I know... I was 14 back then.
I used mine almost exclusively for MonHun and Bookr, though I played GBA games on it when on my off-time. Read the EU-Thrawn star wars books, and had a good ol' time.
>Baby mama's bf was sanchoing around one day and I'd left mine in my go bag. Fucker ripped us off. Kicked his ass, but never got my PSP back.
Now I wish I was back there again, so I could drop him into the river.
What's a good case for the PSP-1000 model?
shin budokai 2
It was the first and only dbz game with an original story that wasn't shit.
>Bzzzzzzzzz brzt brrrzzzzt brzt bzzzzzzz
>>favorite games
Shin Budokai and Tenkaichi Tag Team
I was a dbfag as a kid and still am today. Shit's literally PS2-tier dbz games on to go.
It was alright. I do prefer how Future Trunks looks in this compared to how shitty he looks in Super.
Absolutely this. I even played FU after 4U and still love it, old mechanics and all.
I love it but I really wish the shitboxes were better.
Who else still plays on their launch day PSP?
I still have the OG fat PSP and looking at it now i realize i only had the shittiest of shit tier games. Rachet and Clank: Size matters, pursuit force, tekken and ssx. Almost feel like i should go back and buy some of the good ones.
I learned how to PSP claw just to play FU and P3rd. It didn't feel right otherwise and it's much more comfortable than I thought it would be.
>all patagon gamed
>gundam vs games
>one of my fav gems was half minute hero.
i have a sealed copy of this game. I just bought it and forgot about it. Do I open it and play?
this is the best game
>dig out my PSP
>put Burnout in
>so noisy and slow I just CFW my PSP and download the game
FUCK YES MANE. There is a STRONG reason it is a PSP essential.
Anons, where can I find roms? I've been wanting to play a couple games but I can't find the roms ;_;
emuparadise mang
Seriously? Just google [game] iso
I love the PSP, bought a 2000 model back in 2008 and it's been working great ever since. However, i bought pic related in Japan last year and it's just amazing (the battery life is insane, it lasts like 15 hours).
>favorite games
Way too many, I barely used it for emulators or psx games. Crisis Core, Peace Walker, Birth By Sleep and Ghost of Sparta are the highlights, but Dissidia, Jeanne D'Arc, Danganronpa, P3P, God Eater Burst, BlazBlue are awesome too. Patapon, LCS and all RPGs in general are great too.
>comy memories
Co-op missions on MGS Peace Walker with buddies.
Meetings with fellow users in a forum I used to visit (mp games were the best).
Playing God Eater Burst and Hot Shots Tennis with my ex gf.
The finale for Crisis Core.
Reaching the moon in FF4 Complete Collection
Watching porn on it.
The keyblade graveyard in KH:BBS
Playing a Persona 3 in my flight to Japan.
Getting home from buying the PSP, firing up FFT WotL and watching the gorgeous intro for the first time in that amazing screen.
Showing Patapon to a few coworkers
Only if sony organizes the lottery...
Yes. Just make sure to check the Monsters' weakness guides and Weapon trees as you are playing the game. And don't hesitate to watch Youtube's how-to-beat-monsters too.
Anyone here played the first God Eater on this?
Does anybody have that news report about kids saving porn and learning how to build bombs on their PSPs?
I liked The 3rd Birthday a lot. Also really enjoy playing ps1 classics road trips.
>The finale for Crisis Core.
>Playing a Persona 3 in my flight to Japan.
>Co-op missions on MGS Peace Walker with buddies.
>Watching porn on it.
>hooking it up to my PS3 to find people to play MHFU co-op with
Recommend games, anons. I just ordered a PSP 3000 on Ebay.
Initial D
>half minute hero
you and me brother. I enjoyed the sequel a lot too
Fave game I bought for it back in the day was Half Minute Hero
To this day I still love playing gundam vs gundam next plus in 1080 on ppsspp
don't forget about the felyne kitchen recipes and the village's garden guides
God of War Ghost of Sparta
And Danganronpa Hopes Academy and Despairs Students are my favorites
And a lot of other things.
I think the best memories i have of the psp is me and my friends sending porn to eachother on the bus to school
This it?
>spending my entire freshman year playing phantasy star portable 2 on the bus to and from school
>getting home and hooking up the component cable to play it on my TV
>And Danganronpa Hopes Academy and Despairs Students are my favorites
I played the fan translation too.Have you played the official one?Did they keep those bro puns?
>Playstation Pornable