Final Fantasy thread

About to play Final Fantasy VII as my first FF. What should I expect and any tips?

Final Fantasy thread, I guess.

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you will either love or hate,and if you hate,you can allways play the others because they vary a lot,especially if they are faraway from the numbers
ex:ff7 is similar to 8 but pretty different from let's say,12

its a good game
The only advice I can give is to make sure you get the optional party members since they're pretty great

If you like music and atmosphere in games you'll be blown away

still easily one of the top 10 atmospheres in any game, its one of those things where being on a dated console adds to that isolated/janky sort of feeling too, so the remake isn't going to be able to capture its full essence

I love atmosphere in games, so that's a giant plus.
Got the PS1 version. Any differences between the remake and the original?

Remember to change the flower girl's name to Aerith. The default name Aeris was a translation error.

One of them isn't released yet, I'd say that's a pretty big difference.

The remake isn't out yet, it's coming to PS4 in an episodic format in the next couple of years.

>any difference
are you actually retarded?

Didn't know that it wasn't released yet. Whoops.

I'm one of the ones that hate it, been playing it as my first playthrough and I don't get the hype.

Had more fun with FFIX and FFXV

Anyone who makes a 'about to play (insert game here), what should I expect' instead of just playing the game is definitely lacking in the intelligence department.

Expect greatness.

Seriously though, I played it when it was originally released and I just had a full playthrough that I finished last week. It's a great game. Cant wait for more news on the remake.



If you want some tips, i would say try and explore everything you can, there are a lot of materia and items hidden away. Also dont worry about levelling ur materia early on, its easy to grind out mid-end game if you want to. Enemy Skill materia is really useful. Abusing counter and double-cut materia with cloud is really broken too. Idk the game is not hard desu.

I'd say take your time and read the dialogues to get into the world. Don't worry about missables the first run through, as any content can be completed with a variety of different gear. In fact you could play the combat in any way you're comfortable with.

Fuck it reinstalling remastered right now.

>that ultimate weapon for cait sith you can only get in the Shinra tower

Hit Select if you have trouble navigating the pre-rendered backgrounds.

Pay attention to your materia growth levels, and always keep your materia sorted. Also, be mindful to the negative side effects equipping the Materia has on your characters.

Juice up Barrett, he has a solo boss fight about 30% into the game

And it can be a doozy if you're a racist like me who neglected the nigger any time I had the opportunity to.

>My name ith Aerith

95% chance you won't make it out of Midgar and then you'll probably make an angry thread about how nostalgia blind everyone is or something

>any tips?
Here's what comes to mind

>The E. Skill materia is really good, do NOT ignore
>Yuffie can be recruited really early on by walking around forests and looking for random encounters
>Tifa is best party member

I've got a few tips.
-When you wake up at Shinra and the cell doors are open, don't immediately leave. Instead, go back up a level and steal a Hardedge sword from one the soldier enemies. This is a great early upgrade to Cloud's weapon that you wouldn't normally get until much later in Junon.
-Enemy skills are very powerful for their cost. Try to get as many as you can. Matra magic is good early on and can be obtained by enemies around Midgar. You can get the very powerful beta early on from the Midgar zolom if you can defeat it (equip the person with enemy skill with as much fire defense as possible and hope they don't get knocked out). There are many benefitial skills like big guard and white wind that you can only obtain by using the manip materia and forcing the enemies into using it on you.
-There are some weapons that have 255 accuracy (ex. Vincent gets one). The deathblow materia halves accuracy but guarantees a critical hit if you do hit. Combining the two gives you guaranteed crits, doubling your damage output.
-yuffies ultimate weapon conformer messes with the damage calculation for the morph command, dealing out much higher than what you would normally expect when using morph. This will allow you to morph enemies (like enemies that morph into the stat boosting sources) much more easily.
-Once you get the tiny bronco, you can get to the island of mideel where the enemies give you much higher rewards. Grinding here for a bit will give you a huge boost early on.
-You can stack materia like sneak attack (start the battle with like 8 attacks) or counter (automatically attack several times after being attacked).
-You can mime your limit breaks provided no other character has taken an action since.
-The w-item duplication glitch.
-Final attack and Phoenix

don't get the bad ending

Also, there's a part in the game later on when you are raiding midgar. Remember to bring barret or else you will miss out on his ultimate weapon.
-use morph on the ghost ship enemy in the underwater reactor. The item you get can be traded to the old man in calm for the underwater materia which will help when fighting emerald weapon.
-You can trade the items you receive from defeating the Weapons to the old man in calm for master materia and a gold chocobo.

Underage fat butts.