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I have this game on cd but never played it. Is single player good?

You're in my spot, sir.

This is because i honked at that streamer isn't it?

*raises hands and dicks*


>badguy is holding a gun
>waste him
>lose points
>wasn't part of the ROE to shoot armed suspects
what the shit? When the fuck has that ever been a thing

when do I laugh?

It's 10/10 with a friend, never played alone

>TFW coop is dead

It's literal perfection.


i played with a bunch of folks from here when gog released it

Was he pointing it at you?

it's better solo if your friends are the kind to go "wtf i cant just run around gunning people down this shit's boring"

The first few missions are excellent yet simple so give em a try and you'll see if you like it. Take it slow, go non-lethal first, use the optiwand. Sometimes the AI will throw grenades like fucking weaklings so you'll want to either throw one yourself or support their grenade with a longer throw of yours in big, longer rooms.

Are there any servers or do I make one ingame?

you can connect via direct IP if the host opens his ports (just google em it's 10080 something) or there's stuff online that lets you connect to servers but I usually dont like these as much.

>Entry team, this is sierra 1 I have a visual on the suspect, side 2 level 1.

cops don't wait to see where you're pointing guns. If they see you with one they shoot you. It aint like the movies where you quickdraw and shoot it out of their hands.

B-But i want to use my physical copy


Ayo! Hol up! I dindu nuffin!

Welcome to police work.

If you shoot anyone, you are a monster no matter what.

easy fix champ look it up

calm down bootlicker

unauthorized use of force

basically you have to wait for people to shoot before you can shoot back

What you can do to bypass this is shoot suspect's hands to disarm them swiftly.

Wait, you can shoot the guns out of their hands?

Or you can just use the gun that doesnt kill which I forgot the name of

>cops don't wait to see where you're pointing guns. If they see you with one they shoot you.
Cops in the US that only get 6 months of training do that but since this is video games you're supposed to act like cops are supposed to act.

>That one gun that always disappears/bugs out

the bean bag shotgun and the pepper ball gun are great, but they also take away a lot of the decision making in the game.

It turns every encounter into "See suspect->shoot" instead of analyzing the situation. With a deadly gun, you have to wait for them to point the gun at you, an hostage, or shoot to not be penalized for unauthorized use of deadly force.

I would recommend playing non-lethal to learn the game but do try to go full lethal without losing too many points once you git gud. It changes the game a lot and usually your AI partners wont break the rules.

>be swat
>enter wrong house
>kill innocent dog
when will swat games emulate reality?

>North Korean terrorists hole up in hospital, slaughter everyone inside
>Still have to demand surrender like they're common criminals.

I love SWAT 4 but the ROE being the same on every mission is bullshit and it's too strict regarding armed suspects.

swat 5 when?

>*stabs someone*
>*gets shot in the back by a cop*
Kill yourself you worthless trash

>tfw no mission where you're the team sent in when a streamer gets swatted by a viewer

I can agree but I like the ROE they force on you so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I really love when they tell you little but very important details in the briefing like "the suspects have negotiated a hostage against 2 gas masks" which completely change the way you'll approach every encounter because you have to track the probabilities to encounter rooms with gas mask wearing suspects and use different grenades in that case. Gas grenades being op as fuck, you need to coordinate a lot more and maybe use more grenades for bigger rooms.

check out Due Process although I dont like the way they're going and the game looks like it runs like shit, it's a similar experience and looks promising.

>tfw I don't have a mic
>tfw I don't have any friends that want to play this

Don't you mean
>be ATF

I guess Sup Forums could make some swat 4 games from time to time

They found the investor now, so they have a chance of actually hiring a team, instead of pushing all the work on a single fucking coder.

>Sometimes the AI will throw grenades like fucking weaklings so you'll want to either throw one yourself or support their grenade with a longer throw of yours in big, longer rooms.

I can't stress how good this advice is, helps a lot on higher difficulties too.

Honestly mate give it a shot. I really enjoyed going through it. Personally Non-lethal weapons are OP as fuck and I preferred to go in with lethal weapons, however aiming to simply take them down.

I'd recommend the SWAT Elite Force mod as it allows you more customisation that you can only do in COOP Online in single player instead. More guns as well if that suits you but I personally preferred outfitting them with vanilla weapons

>Chechens take hostages in Dubrovka theater
>Hurr durr muh human shields
>Based slavs gas all of them

Wake up West

The issue there is the game has scenarios that the local SWAT team wouldn't deal with. If North Korean Terrorists pulled that shit the FBI Hostage Rescue Team would have been sent in. But alas it's a game giving you higher stakes.

Honestly I long for a proper successor. Police games are a hard breed to find especially if it's a proper tactical game.

another good piece of advice is treat yourself as a VIP.

If you die, the mission is over and you have to restart.

If you lose one member of your team (fully incapacitated) it makes you lose two (2) points, which is fucking nothing even when playing on the highest difficulty.

Don't make your partners needlessly go in blind in rooms lots of blind angles, but do treat them like cattle when the situation calls for risk taking.

Also, you can usually equip them with like 3 grenades per partner so abuse these. The later missions might require you to be more efficient with your grenades but for at the very least half of the base game you'll be able to abuse them in every tricky room without running out.

Not everyone wants to be like the Slavs.

Ready or Not sounds good on paper, then again who knows when that game will be finished or how good it will be if at all.

I don't think swatting was such a common pass time for american teenagers back when the game was developed

>accomplishing the bank level on high difficulty with no penalties

>be swat
>enter wrong house
>handcuff little girl while loudly screaming and pointing dozen loaded guns at her


>Rainbow Six
>Ghost Recon
>Swat 3 and 4

Tactical shooters used to be so cool. What the fuck happened? Ghost recon turned into open world trash, SOCOM is dead and Rainbow Six doesn't even let me place waypoints anymore. Why doesn't anybody capitalise on the gap in the market? Literally the only thing out there at the moment to contend with is Arma 3.

>start the first mission
>get killed by the last guy

I played it a month ago for the first time and except for the AI being completely idiot sometimes and the bomb stages I had a really fun time.

>That fucking hospital mission
>That cultist madmen house
>Seeing those fucking criminals cry
>Avenging your mates macing the asshole who shot him after cuffing him
>That detailed and cool briefing.

>When you spend an incredibly long time trying to find the final suspect in a large level

God damn that train station in the expansion.

>when you with your whole squad can't find that fucking random suitcase in the lab level

Cops /=/ SWAT. Officers that are assigned to SWAT Units also get SWAT training.

Also, aren't most of the guys in the SWAT 4 squad like old as shit and been with the force at least a decade? Granted they don't act like professionals because of the god awful AI but they have tons of training and experience.

If by "old as shit" you mean 30-40 then I guess.

One guy worked for 30 years

Fuck man. the memories from playing 3 and 4 when I was a kid...
>Playing entirely for shits, spraying everyone down through the walls
>Handcuffing hostages and torturing them with CS grenades
>Non-lethal soloing the lab in a complete panic after all four of my idiot teammates got whacked clearing the first room
Gotta replay them soon.

Dude, the youngest guy in 4 is like 35, and they make a pretty big deal in his character description of how young he is for a SWAT officer.

Reynolds nickname was "Gramps" and he wasn't even 50.

>torturing the old lady in the serial killer level
>beating a level with all your squad WIA and you hanging onto life by a thread with all body parts wounded

too much of a niche. ''nobody'' will play them unless they got meme mods like arma haha. but granted raven shield has infinite replayability so at least there's that

>cultist keeping people hostage
>go to the basement and they have their own kids killed then buried

>All that blood in the child's wing of the hospital

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