Is NeoGAF's influence on the gaming industry/community fair, or overstated?
Is NeoGAF's influence on the gaming industry/community fair, or overstated?
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No, it's irrelevant. So irrelevant that this thread is dumb.
Devs used to post there.
But then it became the vindictive, left-leaning internet mob to become the yin to Sup Forums's yang.
So now its just a cesspool of groupthink.
Dumb tweet made Nintendo remove Sombrero Mario from the Odyssey cover.
Forum that is by some considered "biggest gaming forum" full of SJWs (to which as we know, most western devs cater) easily has at least some influence.
If there are people who think BotW was made with Egoraptor's sequelitis in mind then anything is possible.
NeoGAF has no influence any more. All the devs went to Reddit and Twitter.
>oh man
>[3 pages later]
>And thats why milk is a problematic beverage for minorities
Deep intellectial conversations, if I do say so myself.
They're irrelevant.
What the fuck did they even do before. I browsed there a few months ago and only found the Cuphead devs. Didn't Gaf mods get their E3 pass revoked a few years ago?
>girl fetishist are weird and fairly douchy.
It's the reason that Sony fan's are as emboldened as they are now to think they can speak.
There's none.
Neogaf is just the same schizo-SJW journos fellating each other.
a straight white male does not concern himself with the opinions of pedophiles.
>If there are people who think BotW was made with Egoraptor's sequelitis in mind then anything is possible.
Ahahahaha god, I honestly doubt there's someone that stupid on earth, holy shit.
A lot of people in the industry haven't realised how less popular the site has become, it peaked a few years back and goes down in users every year. Like in that interview with Druckmann on Horizon Zero Dawn he asks the guy who made Horzion about Gaf, like what? So unfortunately it is relevant inside the industry sadly. Mass Effect Andromeda another good example of pandering to Gaf.
Neogaf has no influence, maybe they did at one point but they banned anyone remotely relevant
Arin is shilling BotW and his sequelitis are now full of retards who say that Nintendo listens to him now.
>GAF thread crying about doug tennapel is now at almost 1000 posts
Wtf I hate pedophilia now
They're part of the leftist globalist machine so obviously
Unfortunately there's still too much influence on Sup Forums for my liking.
I noticed that when people started using the word "salty" on GAF as an insult it started appearing as common parlance on here.
Who cares about the influence of ants
For better or worse it still has a massive, regular membership and it's a reliable go-to source for gaming news, presented in a succinct manner. The problem is that it's then debated by collective of circle jerking lefty zealots ever eager to fall over themselves and each other in a race to be offended by the latest problematic toe stub.
Stop making threads about this socialist pedophile ring.
they literally just make threads about whatever article, news, or reviews go up on the various gaming websites
they dont do anything noteworthy at all
Arin's fanboys are quickly becoming some of the worst people on the internet.
That's because they come to shill sony here.
I's not rocket science.
Fuck these communist degenerate pedophiles.
There are a handful of devs still browsing, but it's mostly localization staff. I'd wager most of Nintendo's dumb changes the past few years were from Treehouse staff mistaking GAF's opinion for the majority. Outside of that, not really. Cosmic Star Heroine was pretty much their game, and it's sitting at 13k on Steam, so there's a decent example of their purchasing power.
Sorry sweaties but neoGAF is staying and no amount of gore and loli posting will make us stay away
>Cosmic Star Heroine was pretty much their game
Tell me more, this is the first time I've ever heard this.
Um, honeybunny? It's supposed to be SWEETIES, looks like sugar-bear needs to be tucked in hunmuffin...
I wouldn't worry about it. Most rational people realise that GAF is an obnoxious place to frequent these days unless you stay out of off-topic or gaming threads with a potential political/cultural divide.
A goldmine
*calls you by your birth gender pronoun*
Is CSH even good or does NeoGAF only like it because
>muh female protag
Its relevant enough to get jontron removed from yooka laylee
That would've happened anyway with twitter.
They only influence already converted Sony fans.
The problem is there's no alternative but Sup Forums. There's no good games forum
Hopefully they have zero influence these days, Neogaf is probably the most Marxist site I've personally ever been to. Completely disgusting in it's overly-sensetive, politically correct phony-ness.
No, they buried the fucking needle.
>"Freedom of speech is just a legal technicality; it has no moral basis, and there is no reason to support it unless you are forced to by law."
it's weird that people can be so proud of a place that thinks it is ok to kill children under the age of two and call it abortion.
but i guess when you have no real life friends and extreme ideologies you have to fit in where ever you can.
As soon as I disagreed, I got banned. Whats the point of a forum where you cant discuss. It's just used for affirmation by losers.
There's no real story. The devs post there constantly, and GAF brings it up like it's an Undertale level indie staple that everyone has played. Kind of like Risk of Rain and Sup Forums, though I don't know that the devs ever posted here.
To clarify, RoR sold well. Sup Forums is the only place that really talks about it, but it was a pretty dumb example now that I think about it.
>Being a Christ cuck
Lemme guess, rural and suburban retard?
you don't read much where you come from eh?
you think it's ok to kill children under the age of two after birth?
>The devs post there constantly, and GAF brings it up like it's an Undertale level indie staple that everyone has played
Fuck, was planning to buy it on sale since it looked interesting but my interest suddenly dropped now.
That would have happened no matter what after he made comments about gene pool dilution with immigration.
She owns the little monster, and should be allowed to do whatever the fuck she wants with it.
Is it true a thread about 90s vidya related magazine ads got deleted because it triggered feminists?
Ladies and gentlemen,
the average Neofag poster,
>pick random thread on neogaf
>pedophilia apologism 3 replies in
can't make this shit up
they unironically get pissed off at every game/movie/tv series featuring a straight white male in any capacity other than being villains
in a way they are the opposite of Sup Forums
>left leaning
>video game forum where you can be banned for discussing video games.
Really makes me think.
Only time I hear about that site is when some fag makes a thread about them here. So I'd say a big no.
Some years ago, Neogaf was very important, since a very big slice of rumors started from there.
Now there's Twitter. As soon you realize that Neogaf users simply check Twitter to get their rumors and leaks, you'll literally stop lurking that shithole of elitist and make a Twitter account to follow actual leakers or Gematsu.
I used to lurk Neogaf exactly for that reason. Now it has been years since the last time I visited it. And it feels very good.
>freedom of speech
>on a private platform, that just so happens to be open to the public but it is still private and shit.
Shit nigga the fuck is wrong with ya'll. That shit is as stupid as people whining that youtube is censoring shit just simply because the advertisers paying google don't want their ads on certain things. Like shit private only platforms tend to be beholden to advertisers and target demographics.
Like shit why are niggas so against capitalism and shit.Niggas so just get the fuck out of this country and go join whatever commie, socialist, or fascist faggity as countries or whatever.
I wouldn't be surprised since the concept of hindsight, empathy and relativism are absolutely unknown to them.
Cry some more. Some lives aren't that precious.
like yours?
Pretty sure he only said something about how constant 3rd world immigration to the west isn't good.
Oh Snap
>What does Conservatism stand for?
It's sad to see how none of them even tries to understand the right.
>Using nigga 4 times in that short of a post
If you wanna use the n-word just type nigger dumbass. No one here really cares.
Influential enough to get their own PS4 themes and avatars apparently
Daily reminder that leftists are overly emotional nórmies.
t. feminist
It's more about how unethical and hypocritical they are than anythinhg else.
Someone post Malka getting scammed, I need a good laugh. And no, There's no influence anymore.
By your logic public media should be able to broadcast porn in the name of freedom of speech but they obliviously can't.
He literally talked about gene pool dilution
Holy shit is that real? I remember that guy editing posts he disagreed with and was just unmodded and not banned. He also stole a bunch of users money to "help his mom" to buy drugs.
Jesus i finished the game today its a good game but cmon...
Don't you mean a Goldbergmine?
it was before it was taken over by Sony fanboys that jizz themselves over the next cinematic "masterpiece" and super liberals. I'm pretty sure EviLore fucking hates gaf but he gets so much money he doesn't care anymore.
>NeoGAF loves Horizon Zero Dawn
I'm not surprised
So does GAF actually bleed into Sup Forums or what?
neogaf is honestly okay if you don't go into the political threads.
Critics seemed to love HZD as well.
No. Just fucking stop. If you've been there once you should probably leave this place.
For some reason, a lot of people that have a burning hatred of anime loli turns out to be actual pedo.
Same shit with the U.N., remember pic related?
Literally a week after that, CP was found in one of their computer but no culprit was found because they cover each others back.
Well it's true that in a lot of places parents will get arrested if they allow their child to do basically anything without supervision. There's no independence to the coming generations.
Is this the same Neogaf that had the mod melt down and ban people that said that they would never date a male to female transgender because it was gay and they were straight? Is this the same neogaf that claims that heterosexual relationships are a form of slavery because they think women are some rare and endangered species that needs to be set free on the wild? Is this the same neogaf who had the tranny mods tranny lover slam their hand in the car door as a way of trying to cope with not getting and NES classic and then threaten to kill them selves during their three hour ER wait?
If so I'm surprised it's still around and not a burning pile of rubble like Something Awful
Can you blame them?
Giving conservativism a fair shake will undoubtedly give you endless angry replies and, if you're not very careful with your words, a ban.
Whats all this about Nick Robinson?
>they matter enough to get literally who removed from a literally who game
sounds accurate.
they dont make games its mostly indy developers, localization teams and randy pitchford roleplayng as gaming iluminaty