24 years in the making and its finally here everyone! Whats your excuse for not playing this masterpiece.
24 years in the making and its finally here everyone! Whats your excuse for not playing this masterpiece.
Other urls found in this thread:
I found a secret guys:
In the shrine of the raptor, there is a couple fake walls that by pressing spacebar you can go through. Then, there is an orb in one of the rooms through a wall that gives your character +2 devotion.
>Handpainted graphics
No wonder it took 24 years
I don't have 40 shekels
You had 24 years to prepare for this masterpiece and you havent saved up 40 dollars yet?
Anons jealous their attempts at vidya never went through. Probably too poor to dough out for a game of superb quality.
I'm leaving v for good now knowing that Shilling is accepted and a common practise here especially with shit like this
Did you get triggered over a few bugs that is to be expected at release, just look at how quickly the dev fixed literally all release problems using only 0,023% of his brain capacity.
Back to overwatch general sweetie ;))
Rule 34 when?
Did they fuck up the pricing and it was supposed to be $3.99 originally?
>Expects a game developed for 24 years to be cheaper
You should be happy its not 100$ because after 24 years of continuous non-stop development the game is chocked full of content, over 600 hours of gameplay. If anything you should chip in 30$ extra to his paypal after buying it.
There's no market in pandering to morons. I wouldn't want to make that kind of money.
Grimoire is an elite game that is unlike anything else up on the Steam store. I defy you to find anything like it in the thousands of games listed. I defy you to find a game like it on the planet. It's not even a Wizardry clone really - it's everything Wizardry should have been but never was.
I'm not competing with Sir-Tech any more. Amongst other reasons, they went bankrupt 17 years ago.
I'm not competing with anybody. Grimoire is the pinnacle of the peak of the summit of the incline. I could probably get 99.95 from a lot of people but I don't want to limit it just to the very elect of RPG players. I made a compromise and and priced it somewhere just under current AAA titles. The truth is there is not an AAA title you could buy nowadays that deserves to crawl up on a high chair and plant a kiss in the crack of Grimoire's ass when it comes to enjoyment, immersion and wonderful escape.
I say all this with confidence because I have been playing my game 12 hours a day for two months and I can assure you there has never been anything like it in all of recorded human history. It's the greatest thing ever to emerge from that genre. The fact is, people who enjoy that genre are considering it cheap at that price. If you are not a connoisseur of the genre then why would I amend anything in it to appeal to you? It's like saying Mozart needed more cowbell.
Trust what I am saying. Those of you who played the demo and got the scent of greatness will know the full game has achieved it. For whatever it lacks it has much more in abundance.
I was just playing Kublai Cathedral to check all the logic and was almost weeping tears of joy at how wonderfully told the story of everything is in the game. I had forgotten a lot of it and it was like reading the work of someone else.
>mfw I log onto Steam and Grimoire is in the Released tab
Hell has frozen over
He actually fucking did it bros.
The incline has finally come.
I'm so fucking happy right now, based Cleve!!
So is the game actually good, no memeing for a sec
Like, is it just wizardry?
Did he actually fucking post this
I made a party and played for about an hour. It's pretty damn good desu, tons of customization and high complexity which is what I expect for a game in this caliber and from the 90's dungeon crawler era. I think I like the music more than I thought too, shit is catchy. Gameplay itself can be brutal; I wiped once already, make sure you rest/sleep your people in the beginning to restore MP.
I have no idea how to 'read/equip/learn' magic in this game and apparently there isn't a manual yet.
>I want you to know if my back is ever in the corner again I am more than willing to bring on as much as 0.005% of my brain power online to fix the game and keep the troops fighting. Any time not spent playing Grimoire is wasted playing life, which will never give you any Perk Keys like Grimoire does. Remember that.
shame its only selling like 100 copies, probably won't be able to pirate it :((((
>$40 leafbucks
is it really worth it?
That's just the tip of the Cleveberg
This feels even more surreal than playing a full version of Age of Decadence.
Here you go
>He actually released it
I can't believe this
My heart almost stopped when I got an email that it released
Sequel when?
Game looks pretty legit. If you played old school blobbers you will notice it. Of course it's buggy but nothing too major unless you are an imbecilic SAPE.
>Just bought it
I'll probably never play it but meh.
>use arrow keys
>no input buffer
>hold down key for 30 seconds
>still spinning
thal DNA is strong with this one
>a crazy man's pathetic attempt at making a game
>some anons drink too deeply from the memes and start believing it is in any way worth of praise instead of being the terrible, worth of mockery piece of shit that it is
>a nu/v/edditor takes a break from his chicken nugget dinner and PUBG matches to come comment on a game that started development before he was born
At least I'm part of video game history now, you autistic sap.
Are we living in the best timeline?
>be a self-proclaimed genius
>after 20 years can't even implement an input buffer
what extraordinary autism
is this real? its hard to imagine someone so far up their own ass.
torrent when?
How does the game run. Lots of people reporting bugs. I'd like to buy the damned thing but only if it is actually playable.
it's on igg
is it the patched version?
I'm genuinely surprised it was real after all.
Reviews are in and they are fucking terrible! And they don't have much good things to say about the game either.
It's just Sup Forumseddit and codexfags hating on the incline unjustly
none of the negative reviews even have 10 minutes played
nice virus.
Probably all sapes too, given the biological makeup of the planet.
I came here for fresh memes to post on twitter to get easy retweets.
A lot of people bitching about the developers politics, like I give a fuck what the developer thinks. I just wanna enjoy a solid dungeon crawler and frankly I couldn't give a fuck if the game was developed by Adolf Hitler himself, so long as it is good.
To be fair user all this shilling is underage newfags that just hopped on the Grimoire meme within the last week.
I can't tell of this game is awesome or not
i hear "it's a buggy mess" and then I don't
>Some garbo game that took 20 years to code by some autistic fuck
What do you think?
It's garbage and testament to how bad a coder Cleve is. Of course all this dick suckery of late is just newfags latching onto the meme and going overboard with it. Like they always do.
>I can't tell of this game is awesome or not
Same here. With all the butthurt that the game developer seems to inspire it is hard to know just how honest these reviews actually are. I reckon I'm gonna wait it out. Let the dev patch and polish his game, and drop the price as well because it is pretty damn expensive for what it is.
It has only meme value, the game itself is shit
He's already said he's not dropping the price. In his mind he thinks that it already is worth the 40 bucks and that it should always be. Cleve is delusional as fuck.
40 bucks for a game that looks like it could run on an old Amiga? Damn, way to guarantee nobody will purchase your product.
You can tell how amazing Grimoire is just by how many assblasted weebs are shitposting about it. Can't remember the last time I've seen so much nipponese asshurt.
Exactly. Cleve is the testament to a coder who shouldn't be left to his own devices. Had Grimoire been made by a small team with a manager to barreled down on Cleve the game would not only had released long ago but also would have likely been decent. Of course Cleve thinks himself the second coming.
Tried it. Glad I pirated it. I'm thoroughly unimpressed considering it took 20 years to make and cost fucking $40. I'll probably just buy Darkest Dungeon (Got a pirated version but all the Nexus mods suck and the steam workshop mods look way better) and save the rest for something else.
>way to guarantee nobody will purchase your product
>already over a hundred people playing it on steam
>at least a thousand supporters on various kickstarter scams waiting on keys
What does Shartest Shitgeon have to do with Grimoire? They're nothing alike, and while 1 game is simply buggy, it's still a good game. The other is garbage twitchbait, I'm sure you can infer which one is which.
>the kickstarter and indiegogo backers
Holy shit is there no better example of cucked. They gave this fucker all this money for a game that's shit and he hasn't even given them what he promised.
Probably safe to say you're talking about Grimiore for the latter
B-b-but 600 hours of gameplay!
What did user mean by posting that image?
Codex is liking it.
All I can say is that this Cleve dude must have done something right to earn himself so many haters....
It's uploaded on mega there was a thread to download it
He got a whole bunch of people to ironically shill his new game at any rate.
Whether they'll actually buy the game is anyone's guess, especially when there's so many similar games you can get on Steam or GOG for cheaper.
Codex basically worships Cleve. They don't want to admit a game they've defense forced so hard is shit. It's the same thing as the No Mans Sky shills.
He is literally the last of a dying breed surrounded by a bunch of dumb sapes
>All I can say is that this Cleve dude must have done something right to earn himself so many haters...
Yeah like Stalin and Hitler
For a game that's being shilled with a new thread linking to the store like every 30 minutes begging people to buy it it's kind of funny that it's only just barely broken 100 players.
>bullshits around 20+ years on a game
he claims is his magnum opus
>misses deadlines consistently
>takes money from people that backed him
>doesn't fufill a single of the pledges
>acts like a complete unwashed asshole when he gets called out
>thinks he's a grade A coder and programmer when the game proves he's shit
Oh yeah he's a lot to like. Fuck off.
Heres a (You)
Use it wisely
He sure got you all riled up. Did Cleve fuck yo mama or something?
>defending a dev who's both incompetent but also shady
You are either Cleve or one of his many shills.
>it's kind of funny that it's only just barely broken 100 players.
>Over 5 times as many people are playing Dark Elf: a eroge RPG knocked up quickly in RPGMaker.
Really activates the old almonds.
spybot claims its clean
Zork had better graphics than this turd.
my favorite part:
> Weaves this long ass story about how he totally stumbled upon a pedophile ring preying off run away kids lead by one of the developers he worked for
> claims he stuck it to him by charging up a huge bill at the hotel he stayed at with room service and expensive food and wine that he charged to the company
Yeah, you sure stuck it to those pedophiles by stuffing your fat fucking face instead of doing what you should have done and immediately exposing them. I'm sure all the kids who were traumatized by being molested are extremely grateful and idolize you
This game will have legs.
It will go from the tens of fans it has now up to the dozens.
Even if I weren't defending Grimoire. Darkest Dungeon is still a piece of shit twitchbait game for numales, and nothing like any real dungeon crawlers
Cleve is a bullshitter that blows himself up ten times bigger then he is. He's like a dev version of Dobson.
Dobson only wishes he could inflate himself to that magnitude.