Does the Switch have more graphics than the Vita?
Does the Switch have more graphics than the Vita?
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a few more
about 20 or so more
Vita OLED > Switch LCD
vita lol
shit was always dead on arrival
too bad the OLED is only available in the OG model
Why are there so many of these.
I read it has actually 2 more grafiks. But you can input more grafics later.
she is so cute
why women are so perfect
the solely depiction of a woman is amusing
The Switch is stronger than a Wii U.
The Vita was roughly in between a Wii and PS3, but closer to the Wii.
>BOTW Switch can't reach above 25fps in TV mode while the WiiU can
>Odyssey has worse textures than 3D World
Definitely closer to a PS3. I'd say it's an underclocked 360 in terms of power.
The Vita is more powerful than the Switch.
no but the switch is a lot more powerful, they haven't really made any muh graphics games for it though, like uncharted golden abyss for vita
>BOTW Switch can't reach above 25fps in TV mode while the WiiU can
I have BotW for Wii U and Switch, and Wii U has the most frame drops by far
what about GFX?
OLED degrades too quickly.
Switch is a tad bit above the PS3 in terms of tech, without all the bullshit the PS3 had with performance of games.
PS Vita is under PS3 in terms of tech, so it's no surprise that the PS Vita is weaker than the Switch.
Why are insecure fanboys constantly trying to compare their 2017 handheld to a 2011 handheld?
Not all women are amusing
The vita actually has slightly more graphics than the switch since the cartridges are a little bigger
The vita's resolution of 960x544. This alone brings the Vita is closer to a Wii, and a lot of its titles, like Gravity Rush, run well below the native resolution.
To suggest Vita is closer to a PS3 in terms of performance is delusional.
any image that ensures (You)s will get memed to death
The Switch is slightly more powerful than the PS3.
Thats pretty impressive for a handheld, I don't know why this board is always shitting on it.
Because if they compared it to consoles it looks really really weak.
pretty sure the switch is like 3 times as powerful as a ps3
They don't they jizz all over it
True for TVs where you have them on almost all day every day.
But on a handheld you only play a 1-2 hours a day? Not really.
Is this confirmed? Any source?
>women are beatiful and cute by nature
>go out of their way to be fat ugly vapid cunts
Where did all went wrong?
>Bought uncharted for Vita like 4 years ago
>I remember it as silky smooth 30 fps experience
>Checked out DF`s framerate test yesterday
>It actually ran at 20-25 fps
What the fuck
Switch and PS3 use completely different architectures so it's hard to compare performance. But by using common sense, Switch has 4GB of memory while PS3 is 512MB shared. Also Switch has a modern GPU while PS3 is from 2006. So it's safe to assume that Switch is stronger than PS3 in graphics and memory. PS3 most likely has more raw CPU power though.
It's smooth 30 fps if you overclock your Vita with henkaku, but at the cost of draining your battery faster.
>if you overclock your Vita with henkaku
Too bad i sold it 2 years ago. I hope there will be Vita 2
Vita couldn't run Disgaea 5 but Switch can with no issues:
I think sony has pissed away enough money on their attempts to enter the handheld gaming market
Makes sense since Switch has a more beefy CPU. Vita could probably handle it in overclock mode but people would complain about their vita only lasting less than 2 hours on the go.
>Only playing handhelds 1-2 hours
Wii U is stronger than PS3.
Switch undocked is stronger than Wii U, 3x stronger when docked
PS3 CELL is still stronger than Switch and Wii U. But nobody will take full advantage of the Cell unless you're naughty dog.
VIta is ~15 GFlops
Switch is ~150 - 400 GFlops + much more modern architecture and feturesets
Finally got to homebrewing my vita.
What are the best waifu romance Persona-style games for it
And the xbone is the strongest console of all with the magic of cloud technology
Who realistically plays their OLED vita for 5+ hours a day when the thing has no games
That was fixed with a patch, the Switch version has way better framerate now. Also Switch is 900p while Wii U is 720p.
stupid reasoning as the age of the arch is taken into account while not taking into account power draw, the switch is a portable device
Trails of Cold Steel is Personaish, but you can forgot about romance. Tokyo Xanadu is Peronaish as well, not much romance either.
vita is closer to 30gflops, though vita supports only mobile tier APIs which limits in what sort of shit you can fundamentally do
>ps4 pro over twice the flops as ps4
>cant even do 4k without upscaling or checkerboarding
Personaish as in going to school and fighting monsters right?
Well, if there aren't any games that have both, which games actually have waifu romance stuff?
4k is 4x the amount of pixels compared to 1080p, so it makes sense
Especially when ps4 couldnt even do 1080p
Had to upscale from 900 or 720p
I thought it was more powerful than PS2.
CPU bottleneck
why? dreamcast graphics are way worse than ps2 graphics
>a fucking ouya has more power than a switch
PS2 came out years later so it makes sense that PS2 is stronger.
Youve confused the saturn vs ps1 as dreamcast vs ps2
If it were any company this would actually be considered a troll company, but Nintendo unironically releases hardware that's 1 to 2 generations old... so idk it's possible that Vita is on par or better.
resolution isn't really tied with CPU performance
Ps2 came out 6 months later, numbnuts
I guess i was too impressed by Shenmue 2.
Dreamcast came out in 1998, the dev kit hardware was finalized in late 1997 at least. PS2 came out in 2000
It makes me wonder how honest their attempt at making BOTW work for Wii U was, though. Sure it was originally being developed for it... but they also really wanted the Switch to succeed. It sounds like they just didn't put in all the effort and possibly intentionally botched it on Wii U later, just to make the Switch version look better after they patched it. Keep in mind that none of the patches made on Wii U did anything to help it's framerate either. They only cared about the Switch version. I'm more in line to believe they just quit caring rather than the Wii U couldn't handle it. It's one of the lowest graphically demanding games in the past 5 years.
No shit Nintendo focuses more on the Switch version. They want everyone to forget the Wii U exists. Hence they discontinued the Wii U worldwide shortly after Zelda release.
>One X already beating PS4Pro
They discontinued the Wii U before Zelda came out.
Im looking right at the wiki and Dreamcast released in late 99 for eu, us, and aus.
Releasing only on the cartoon island late 98 doesnt matter
Any game you can emulate. All the waifus of previous gens you could ever want
Funny enough shenmue 1 and 2 almost bankrupt Sega along with their previous sales blunders. They had to get bailed out by one rich employee.
Still doesn't change it came out in 1998 and the hardware/APIs used is based on what was available in 1997/1998
Dreamcast is (much) easier to develop games for than PS2. For example, it supports texture compression out of the box while PS2 doesn't. PS2 supports texture compression, but it required kind of some technical wizardry to make it happen and nobody worked out how for many years.
That being said, the PS2 is unequivocally faster overall.
PC IQ 190
PS4 IQ 90
How many times does this need to be said to you fuckers? When they were porting to the Switch, they were already getting better framerates before they even did any optimization. Watch the GDC presentation on BOTW. The Switch is just stronger than the Wii U.
Even worse. People give Sony shit for abandoning the Vita in the west to push the PS4, but Nintendo bailed on Wii U worldwide so they can push the Switch. Even going as far as porting what exclusives the Wii U had which further rubs salt into Wii U owners wounds.
4k is for rich people
Nintendo kept supporting the Wii U, even if half-assedly so by 2016. Sony dropped the Vita after a single round of mostly outsourced first parties at launch. Wii U games being ported to Switch doesn't mean anything, are all the PS4 collections of PS3 games shitting on PS3 owners?
What if someone has every console up from 5th gen?
One thing for certain is that Dreamcast games looked better at first. Dreamcast VGA > PS2 Composite
>more graphics
Nintendo pretty much gave up on Wii U after Star Fox Zero. Third party devs gave up long before that. Sony dropped the Vita in the west after 2 years but at least they didn't give up on it in Japan. Meanwhile Wii U said fuck everyone in America, Europe, and Japan. Region locked console and gave up worldwide.
Well, Switch is more powerful than Wii U which is more powerful than 360 which is more powerful than PS3 which is more powerful than Vita therefore we can conclude that Switch has 4 graphics more than Vita.
from what games tho