Where my Humongous Entertainment niggers at?
Where my Humongous Entertainment niggers at?
I am not going to lie, I saw that logo and I thought H-game. It's just the Freddie Fish guys
>Freddie Fish H-game
Thank you for that mental image user, I need to bleach my brain
Spy Fox>Pajama Sam>Backyard Sports>Fatty Bear>Putt-Putt>>>>>Freddi Fish
>Pajama Sam not number 1
>Putt Putt that low
Fuck off
I can't believe ron gilbert was the one behind humongous. Like as a kid I liked monkey island and freddie fish but never knew it was the same dude.
undisupted list from someone who's played every game dozens of times:
fatty bear > backyard sports > pajama sam > spy fox > freddi fish > putt-putt
Honestly? After replaying Monkey Island and having the urge to replay Pajama Sam 1
You can really see the resemblance.
What about the Putt Putt pogo stick game? That rocked
im having trouble comprehending the perspective of this image
>pajama Sam
>anywhere but first
You better be talkin about the shitty 4th game
Best homerun hitter coming through.
I actually liked the aesthetic of the 4th game
But the new voice actor was fucking terrible
Thimbleweed Park feels a lot like Pajama Sam.
I always found him underwhelming despite his stats. I never bothered to look into the specifics of what the stats actually mean so it was probably all in my head, but it felt like the other top batters were better.
oops i am an idiot and had the signs backwards
putt-putt the GOAT fatty the worst but still really fun
If I remember, they always fucking walk him.
Now this here is the real nigga. Lightning speed, stolen bases everywhere.
so you thought freddi fish was that high? Whats interesting about a fish?
the stories were really well put together and had a lot more depth overall compared to the other entries. pajama sam had some memorable entries and ideas but generally just felt rushed and fell flat. spy fox was dope and there was great care put into re-creating james bond
the ending of freddi fish 2 is always something that's stuck with me, it just had such a great theme that only putt-putt could beat
>mfw as a kid all the shitty baseball players became amazing soccer players
>Thimbleweed Park
Haven't played it
Wanted to
Is it good?
I replayed Pajama Sam and a few others for nostalgia and I'm honestly surprised at how accurately I remember every single detail.
One thing that I am consistantly surprised about
These games are actually really solid games
It's not nostalgia. They're top-tier point-and-click adventure games.
Especially Pajama Sam and Spy Fox with their distinct art styles and stuff
Ya'll best not forget Kenny Motherfucker Kawaguchi
The Land of Darkness is one of the coolest, comfiest settings in any game.
Being able to click almost anything and a cute little "reaction" is really fun
>kids will NEVER get based HE games
At least I know I'll have my kids play it
>kids will NEVER get based HE games
This actually breaks my heart
Not only did the games teach good life lessons
(healthy eating, not being afraid of storms or the dark), but they taught problem solving and shit.
Minecraft, Angry Birds, and the games that kids play now don't quite have that
I've noticed that quite a few of Ron Gilbert's games have comfy night locations in them.
Pajama Sam
Monkey Island 1/2
Thimbleweed Park
>tfw you perverted your brain so much that you can't even think about something without sexualising it
I need rest.
>tfw I've made click n point games
>all those tiny reactions take a lot of work and creativity
made with love and skill
We can all agree Pajama Sam was the best sure, but which of the original 3 is the best?
For me it's a toss up between 1 and 3
Waiting for steam sale to bring the bundle down to $50
>tfw it only gets worse if you take a rest because the body has become conditioned to fap
>brain never stops sexualizing anything and everything
>Depravity knows no bounds
>can't even hold down relationships anymore because regular sex is boring and unsatisfying compared to jerking to a fish from a children's game or the geography of a state
Oh boy, thanks Sup Forums. 9 years has done the mind well.
I haven't replayed them for many years, but I remember liking 2 the best. I enjoyed the fantastical setting and the bright colours, plus Lightning was one of my first waifus
Loved Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, and Putt-Putt. Fatty Bear was fun but a shame he only had one game unless I'm mistaken. Played Spy Fox for the first time last year and it was pretty charming having all the gadgets.
1 or 2
But the music in 3 is probably the best?
>geography of a state