What does your desktop look like

what does your desktop look like

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that guy's is textbook ironic weeb shitter

Like this

no bullying aloud


Post that ilya pic.



Thanks senpai.

Pedos used to be subtle.

Another sign this fucking website is even more garbage than it was before gook moot.


Kill yourselves

Kinda shitty right now.

no bullying aloud in desktop threads

Default is the best.


Whats wrong with discord? I dont get this.

Not him, but you know exactly what he's talking about you weaboo fuck

>watching anime past the age of 16
You're all filthy degenerates

It's not " muh TS/vent/mumble " therefore it is bad.

>he hasn't used shutupwin10
Enjoy being spied on, mate.

anime website

why do you speak like barneyfag?


I'm more curious on how did you a get a screenfetch onto notepad.





I'd like that wallpaper

t-too spooky

>You're all filthy degenerates
It's like going to a trailer park and complaining about rednecks.

That does nothing, ony software that stops some data going to Microsoft is Spybot's Anti-Beacon, but even with that you're cucked.

you never did figure out how to change your desktop, did you?

Into the trash bin you go.

>white/bright backgrounds

The worst

I tried changing wallpapers but didn't like it very much. It's difficult to find good ones.

>watching anime past the age of 16
>You're all filthy degenerates
He says, posting on the video games board

>Anime website
>Even though this website isn't all for anime, and clearly has it's own multiple containment boards for Japan worshipping weaboos
>mfw no face
If you want to post weebshit go to the weebshit sections. I don't go on /k/ posting pictures of food or go on /o/ and post pictures of my asshole. Because it's not related to the section.

>barneyfag is going after animeposters now

the hero we deserve

accepting constructive criticisms.

anime website

t. I have no decorations in my room, nothing other than a dresser, a bed, desk and computer, MAYBE a trash can to hold my tissues.

This, weebs FUCK OFF.

Please be kind.

that looks gay

>he doesn't know about /ak/

i love seeing redditbros and newfriends getting so triggered

>implying /k/ isn't full of weebshit


Peepee poopoo

Do you have any actual proof that anime belongs in every section, including ones that have nothing to do with anime whatsoever? No? Huh.

It's almost as if the person who made this website wanted weebshits to post weebshit on their own boards so they don't fuck up and/or spread degeneracy on sections they clearly are not welcome on.

looks sick
how get like that

>no icons
>no taskbar by default

So, do I just post a picture?

anime website



Assuming if you have Windows 7 and I followed Sup Forums's guide to debloating Win7

Here's mine.

Hopefully these pictures of 2D women don't upset too many people.

You're complaining about anime on Sup Forums which means you came here in the last 5 years at the earliest. This means your frame of reference is invalid as there are traditions going back more than a decade in relation to this board, other boards and Sup Forums as a whole.

Consider the trigger my dude.

like this


/k/ is somewhat infested with weabshits who probably aren't old or mentally stable enough to handle or own firearms, but atleast they stick to their own threads for the most part.
Should you be allowed to post dead animals or the like on /an/? I mean it is for everything animal related, right? Surely the people on that board would agree.

Shut up faggot. We all get it, you love to choke down a big glass of cocks every morning, no need to advertise so heavily!


Who is she? She's beautiful.

I have actually shit that hard, yes.

>he doesn't have anything on his desktop
do you also own a desk and put everything in its drawers?

thank you


>mfw the stall is small enough to allow you to brace your legs against the stall door for maximum pushing power

Chihaya Kisaragi.

I had to scale/crop pic related a bit to make for a good 1080p wallpaper


Been here since about '04, nigger. Posting unrelated shit in sections has never been encouraged. Just because a bunch of autists dedicate their lives to shitposting and fapping to drawn little girls doesn't mean everyone on this website has, or that they encourage it.

Objective incorrect

Unfortunately, I have Windows 10.
I'll look into it anyway, thanks.

>best girl
my nig

Literally go on /k/. There's 2 threads that is related to anime and there is one dedicated to a videogame.

/k/ even has fucking film threads, user. But you don't know because you're probably a newfaggot.


Do you see me going to reddit and complaing about sucking dick? No. Then why do you come to Sup Forums to complain about anime?

i can't bother to do anything

Who even needs the trashbin, just use ctrl+delete.

What program is the one that makes your desktop wallpaper move and even have sound?
Ive seen a Megumin one but dont know how to get it

>Recycle bin on desktop
Would have been 10/10 but now it's 1/10


Likely wallpaper engine.


that's not clean at all

Looks good.

reading this actually did piss me off

to the right, drm platforms exclusively used for csgo, siege, tf2 and overwatch. tf2 and siege are shit btw, overwatch would be decent if not for the 12-y-o playing pro genji widow hanzo

Black only background is the best actually.

Keyboard Shortcuts are a thing.

Am i cool now?

She's cute!

Lots of wallpapers make the taskbar icons look funny if you've got transparency enabled.

I don't like black wallpapers.

>monitoring on desktop
first, they bloat startup times, secondly widgets have security issues


dumb ironic weeb


truth hurts brotha

Here ya go