Haha it's ironic! They finally caught wind of how stupid this kind of stuff is!

>haha it's ironic! They finally caught wind of how stupid this kind of stuff is!
No it's not. We're talking about the same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have a human princess kiss Sonic back to life.
The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic wield a sword and go through the medieval ages.
The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic transform into a werewolf.
The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to introduce aliens into the series and make them staples.
Sonic Team is gonna expect you to take this story 100% serious even with the edgy characters and the teen drama music.

Other urls found in this thread:


>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic transform into a werewolf.
>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to introduce aliens into the series and make them staples.
there's nothing wrong with these.

Maybe the executions, but concept wise, they could have been better.

Personally I'm just happy to see Knuckles back to his original shape

Sega can't help it, the Sonic Boom cartoon is the best thing sonic has done since shadow the hedgehog and they want to capitalize.

This game will only help perpetuate the shittyness of the character.

that's what make Modern Sonic retards happy. It's really quite sad.

he stopped eating enchiladas

>Bad guy is called infinite, some edgy bat in a mask
>Voiced by Liam O'Brian
They 100% know what they are doing

they really don't. they're just that out of touch. when the game comes out, you'll see

Shame he isn't playable thanks to Build-A-(insert animal here) being in instead. Glad Mania has me covered.

Do you know more than we do, user?

>they're just that out of touch.
Alot of fans like some edginess in Modern Sonic. I would rather have this than the kiddy shit that was Lost World.

>he hasnt seen how aware sonic boom is

Sonic Boom the TV series has no connections to Sonic Team and neither do the games. It's just like how the Twitter is really self aware, yet Aaron doesn't have any connections to the actual games.

No man, it's a parody, trust me.
The people working on it are treating it sincerely. There's still a sizable crowd of people who make Sonic AMVs and think Infinite is actually cool (check deviantart if you don't believe me). Infinite's theme is nothing out of the ordinary for the band who made it. Infinite himself is barely any more edgy than Mephiles. And Sonic Team are a bunch of incompetents who probably don't even know what being self-aware is.
But trust me, it's a parody.

>Sonic Team having anything to do with Boom

We can't really complain, since we know that we are getting the perfect 2d Sonic game.

They're self-aware enough to be launching the game at a massive discount

>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic wield a sword and go through the medieval ages.
Honestly I thought this was a neat idea. Sonic is kind of based on early cartoon mascots and they used to do shit like that all the time.

edginess is what killed sonic series. These kids will never learn

Anyone else here actually excited to see some edge in a Sonic game again? The last several games have been overly goofy to the point of being obnoxious with levels made of candy.

> I would rather have this than the kiddy shit that was Lost World.
Wasn't one of the Zeti a literal emo, complete with "I long for death's cold embrace"?

>edginess is what killed sonic series.
Its still alive and well.

He wasn't portrayed as being a cool character. He's not comparable to something like Infinite.

He was an exaggerated emo

its not hard for a marketing team to go "wow this style of writing and humor is sucessful and popular with the audience"

alive but you know full well it's not well.
Every modern sonic game has been garbage. GARBAGE!

I enjoyed Adventure 1 and 2, Unleashed, Colors, Generations, and the handheld games. Why are these games garbage?

Honey modern sonic has had its struggles but its not a flop. Sonic is still a skinny legend

Is Sonic Forces actually self-aware? If we're going that route, I want a self-aware Shadow game.

gee, shitty controls, constant gliches, constant gayass butt rock that make Jesus go "woah man thats pretty sad"
You know exactly why they've been bad and what sonic fans have been made fun of and laughed at.
Hate to break it to you love handles, but the only reason Mania is even coming out is because of the constant failure of the modern series.

>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic wield a sword and go through the medieval ages.
that one's pretty fucking neat though

in fact, the only bad part of Black Knight is the awful gameplay
story was fun and a bit goofy, visuals and setting were decent, music was ace

Sonic's writing is still going to be annoying as shit.

have a (You)

You are dealing with Sonic Fanboys, you might as well talk to the wall.

>The gameplay on a videogame is shit.
>the GAMEPLAY on a videogame is shit.

then you might as well watch a movie, faggot.

>all those people giving a shit about Sonic story, from both side

And the furry OC creators are supposed to be the autists ?

I really liked Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog, but that is it. I also played Classic Sonic games but I hate them. Would I enjoy Sonic Forces?

I love how insecure people are trying to play this off as some kind of self aware thing.

Nope. This is it. And you know what? it's gonna be fine. The game will be another Generations at best, and another Colors at worst.

I'm hyped for this and Mania and I ain't even trying to pretend it's not Devart shit.

oh yeah I forgot

I gotta be honest with you guys. Over the years I've seen this shit posted about Sonic and it's pretty well known that all the games past a certain point are bad, but I've never really understood why.

You go right fast and collect coins n shit. How could you possibly fuck that up?

>No it's not. We're talking about the same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have a human princess kiss Sonic back to life.
Sonic originally had a human girlfriend but was scraped because SEGA though Americans wouldn't like it
>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic wield a sword and go through the medieval ages.
Fans make shit like this all the time, there's old flash movies on newgrounds called Sonic's Quest for Power and Sonic t. Swordsman
>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic transform into a werewolf.
Making a furry furrier, you know furfag creamed their pants at the idea
>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to introduce aliens into the series and make them staples.
No one had issues with the wisps
>Sonic Team is gonna expect you to take this story 100% serious even with the edgy characters and the teen drama music.
They KNOW what their primary fans want. You gotta look beyond Sup Forums to know that Sonic fans fucking like this kind of shit.

>Sonic being part-Werewolf doesn't sound like a bad idea

I forgot the game is almost 10 years old and newfags who grew up on that bullshit are starting to migrate here.

Sorry hun, Sonic is a iconic & talented skinny legend who's here to say. He's been in the industry for almost 3 decades and the other girls WISH they could touch him.

I am worried the switch port will be terrible

The thing is, Sonic can be edgy without looking edgy. Sonic Adventure 1 for example had wackiness all around it, but manages to keep a serious tone.

by making it more than it needed to be.
Basically adding shit like characters and plot that went beyond retarded. Look at Mario, it's always been save the princess but with added new play style that brought along the old.
Sonic they add shit load of characters that are retarded, shit from DBZ that make Toriyama go, sweet jesus what have you done!
Basically Sonic became try hard edgy ness and kids started with that type of sonic.

Sonic Haters are just pretty vocal and as autistic as certain Sonic fans. Sure, some of the Sonic games were really terrible, but the hatred for them is frequently overblown in cringeworthy ways like . Then you have Classicfags who genuinely believe Classic Sonic games are the best thing ever and it isn't just their nostalgia googles telling them that.

no one said he was going any where autismo who eats too many ribs-o. Just he's been shit and it's sad you can't realize that.

They keep trying new gimmicks. It's like how Nintendo keeps messing up their new consoles because they're putting too much attention on gimmicks

At least they are trying new shit instead of giving you the same shit over and over and over until you can't stand the sight of it anymore. Trying new ideas is a good thing imo.

Sorry you're an ugly irrelevant turd who no one knows

What the fuck is that green abomination with glasses AND a gun

awww did that hurt your feelings?

Kirby gives you the same thing over and over but people love it.

haha it's ironic! They finally caught wind of how stupid this kind of stuff is!


But you don't see Mario threads with this bullshit.

All you see is the daily princess waifu threads and occasional "BING BING WAHOO" bait threads.

What makes Sonic different than Mario that brings out the worst in the fandom?

I said Nintendo consoles, not Mario games. If you go into a console thread, they always talk about how shitty Nintendo consoles are because of gimmcks.

because sonic fans have lost touch with reality, Mario fans know full well what it is and don't give a shit about shit posters because shit posters are gonna shit post.

Basically in-denial behavior that makes autists say 'x' Sonic game is better than the others. Normal people realize that 3 childhood generations have past since the first Sonic and people will like what they like.

Vtmb gameplay is pretty bad too.
And is a really good game regardless.

>shitty controls
I never had a problem controlling Sonic in the games I listed. Spindashing off shit to get through levels faster was really fun in the adventure games. The boost games control fine
>constant gltiches
SA1 can be wonky, buts its nowhere near as bad as people say, unless you're playing DX. The boost games, especially Unleashed are extremely polished.
SA1 has an extremely diverse soundtrack
SA2 is mostly rock, I'll admit
Unleashed only has one rock song
Colors has none
Generations has remixes from througout the series
The Rush games OST were composed by the Jet Set Radio guy.

The thing is, people actually love Nntendo's gimmicks, because of how Nintendo perfectly polishes their games. The fact that there are several youtube channels dedicated to dissecting gimmicks and physics in Nintendo games displays that Nintendo is doing something right.

Sonic on the other hand makes gimmicks revolve the gameplay, but doesn't make the effort of making sure the entire game work around said gimmick. Sega spends too much time programming and marketing than they do testing their product.

no surprised, you lick sonic's asshole and say it's chocolate.

>Is Sonic Forces actually self-aware?

Absolutely not. It's being written and produced by the same guy who helped write the dumpster fire that is known as Sonic '06's story. The best you can hope for is the English localization script having a few self-referential lines from Modern Sonic, but other than that it'll be played completely straight. If you genuinely thought otherwise you got memed on by Sega of America's marketing department who are running damage control for Sonic Team in the form of Twitter shitposting. I'm not holding that against them, by the way, it's actually a good move on their part seeing as how they have no control over whatever Sonic Team shits out and have to make the best of whatever they get.

It is when it's not being done by the Western side of Sega, who are exclusively the ones responsible for the self-aware stuff you keep seeing everywhere but the actual games.

>Video of some millennial nu-male cuck with meme opinions telling you what to think
>Expecting anyone to watch it

>"I only played SADX."

Dreamcast's SA1 barely had any glitches and none were really game-breaking.

I don't see any human romances or transformations of any of that. This game is basically Generation 2. What's wrong with that?

silence child, I've played sword of the berserker before you were shot out of your tanny dad's testicle

Remember when Sonic was about being fast and free while having a 8/10 soundtrack that sounded like you was sunday driving in the summer?

And then Sega thought it was a good idea to come out with pic related.


Seeing Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic next to each always reminds me how much better Classic's design is. Modern sonic looks weird with how long his limbs are.

>Classic Sonic is now a shitty friend

>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic wield a sword and go through the medieval ages.
>The same people that unironically thought it was a good idea to have Sonic transform into a werewolf.
yeah but those games were good at least
>Sonic Team is gonna expect you to take this story 100% serious even with the edgy characters and the teen drama music.
Compare the trailers here to the trailers released for Lost World. Compare the amount of cutscenes and the extent of the story between Generations, Lost World, and Colors with that of Unleashed or Adventure 1 & 2 or hell, even Sonic 06. It's not going to be a problem because barely anything is going to be there. The trailer released introducing Infinite is almost the same as the one introducing the Monstars from Lost World, the one where they use the magic conch in the desert and tell Eggman to fuck off. The story is going to be near non-existant, very barren, VERY CRINGY when it tries to go drama mode because it will be entirely undeserved, and just like Lost World they'll neglect the entire team of villains introduced, and that's especially bad this time considering they're all pre-established ones. Hell I bet Metal Sonic won't get more than 3 cutscenes worth of time throughout the entire game (two of them being a before and after boss fight cutscene), and he's right there on the fucking poster.
It's not going to fail because it's back to serious story mode and they went 1000% flanderization mode and expect you to eat it up (though they do), it's because it lacks any resemblance of what made the original 3D Sonic games so good and popular and they fucking keep digging deeper away. Sonic Mania is doing things right at least, it seems to completely understand. Sonic Forces is just embarrassing.

>they add shit load of characters that are retarded, shit from DBZ that make Toriyama go, sweet jesus what have you done!
>Basically Sonic became try hard edgy ness and kids started with that type of sonic.
Have you played any Sonic after 06? This hasn't been a problem since Unleashed. Its been extremely goofy tone with just Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Eggman.

I just want more Sonic R and CD music.
Also more sonic boom tv please season 3

it's unreal how you guys manage to hate something based on almost no information at all

Some of those that love Forces, are the same that burn crosses

>Sonic Adventure 3 is a bad ide-
>Sonic Heroes comes out(its shit)
>Shadow the hedgehog cones out(its shit)
>Sonic 06 comes out (its shit)
>Sonic Unleashed comes out(its shit)
>Sonic Colors comes out(its shit)
>Sonic Generations comes out(its shit)
>Sonic Lost world comes out(its shit)
>Sonic Boom comes out(its shit)

Someone tell me what in the absolute fuck they have to lose at this point? I'd rather have SA3 than this garbage.

>This hasn't been a problem since Unleashed
do we forget sonic boom? dont pretend it's over, you know very well what's happening and it's saaaaaad.

>>Sonic Heroes comes out(its shit)
>>Sonic Unleashed comes out(its shit)
>>Sonic Colors comes out(its shit)
>>Sonic Generations comes out(its shit)

Shadow the Hedgehog is actually not that bad.

Sonic Boom is a western made spinoff series. Even then, the main cast of that show consist only of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Eggman, and Sticks.

If they make Adventure 3, it'll get one of two reactions
there is no way a modern day SA3 could do well

Is it really just so hard for the current writers to make a halfway decent simple story?
It's like we either get full-on deviantart extreme edge cringe or total teletubies. I just want a middle ground like the old games. Have some lighthearted elements and jokes here and there but let me give a shit when stuff happens. The new games beg you to care about what's happening and immediately follow up with sonic and tails cracking jokes at every situation like "lol you really care for this crap dude? im mc so im gonna win. dont you dare be invested"

Remember when everyone managed to guess Sonic 4 would be shit based on two seconds of Sonic running through a corkscrew?

Out of all the games on that list, ShTH is the one you defend?

God damn, do I wish I could still care about useless shit like Sanic

and it was awful

And you can argue that Unleashed are good.
I haven't played the rest.
Shadow the hedgehog is not as bad as people are saying.
Replaying the mission is bullshit though.

We've reached post-ironic enjoyment of the shitty storytelling from the 99-06 era. The director is non the wiser.

The American team is self-aware, not Sonic Team themselves.

What does that have to do with the argument about there being too many characters? And again, its a western spinoff that doesn't affect the actual series in any way.

Playing Generations for the first time

This was pure kino.

>SA1 has an extremely diverse soundtrack
>SA2 is mostly rock, I'll admit
What? SA2's is just as (if not more) diverse as SA1's. It's not my fault you only replay the Sonic/Shadow levels and get their music, which by design is all rock/slightly edgier rock.

Leave Sonic to me.

Listen, I like Generations and Unleashed has good production value though very flawed as a game, but Shadow The Hedgehog?

>Bland level design
>Bland music in stages
>Overly complex story
>Slippery controls, lack of emphasis on speed

Come on, dude.

The worst sold Sonic game is Sonic Boom and it's still sold very well for a Wii U only title.
So no, Sonic is the most successful franchise Sega ever created.

>if not more) diverse as SA1's. It's not my fault you only replay the Sonic/Shadow levels
To be fair, Tails/Eggman play like a shitty E-102 Gamma and Knuckles/Rouge levels are fucking massive and only allow you to find the emeralds in a certain order.

>Provides well informed counterarguments
Grow up

I cringe everytime i see this fucking mophead fuck, I hope he gets anal cancer.