Where were you when emboldened white males *RUINED* gaming culture? (kek)
Nick Robinson (Polygon) Sexual Allgeations
>It's a Sup Forums VS Neogaf proxy war thread on Sup Forums episode
is this a post-post-ironic thread
>le vidya journo
>linking directly to neofag
i love the people who always come out the wood work to say they knew something was "up" with someone who gets accused of anything
also he just asked for nudes and did basic male who isn't chemically castrated shit? who the fuck cares
>tweeted an uncool joke
Why do every last one of these shitheads type like a raging faggot?
Nick sucks. Griffin and Justin are the only remotely competent people at Polygon
This is one of the "women" that talking how much of a sexual predator this "guy" is.
I don't get it. What did he do? I just see a bunch of screenshots of people being vague and passive aggressive
And this is the other "women".
>liberals cannibalizing themselves
Big surprise
Is this again one of those things were women and transniggers are trying to drive white men out of video games?
There's literally nothing wrong with raping women. I want the SJW nu-male libcucks to leave.
probably just hitting on women in their DMs, this is the same board were someone seriously used to the term "women fetish"
they're all crybabies
This guy looks like he'd flinch if I started talking to him
Look's the new giant bomb hire is on fire by this random internet person.
I follow this guy on twitter, he seems harmless to me. What are the allegations, the thread link isn't valid?
>E Celeb "did" something and because somebody on Twitter said it people are going to dox a guy nobody cares about
Who is this guy?
What did he do?
Why should i care?
Is there any hard proof he did it or just fucking gaming journalists ( slang for people with a BAchelor degree in English who couldnt get a fucking real degree and flocked to the only avaible income ) shitposting ion Twitter?
Nothing good has ever come out of twitter.
I fucking hate neogaf so much. These people sit on their high horses and think they got the moral highground on everything.
>He totally did this to me but I'm not posting any proof because that might hurt my career! Accusing him without proof is totally fine though!
Alright then.
truer words have never been spoken, user
When you work for a SJW site, if you're already not a creepy wannabe rapist, you'll definitely branded as one because you are a white male.
On top of that, these faggots are so neutered, they don't even try to deny or fight these claims. See for example, Devin Faraci.
And then those same people come here and call people faggots just like the rest of us. They're a strange kind of hypocrites.
>Earthworm Jim creator goes off the deep end because he gets criticized
>Robinson starts creeping on random indie devs and outs himself as an asshole
So who's next?
No. It's a prominent video game journalist who's in deep shit for exchaning sexual n00dz for a positive review.
Except it happened when he was being a dick about Overcooked and everyone decided to BTFO him.
It's the power of anonymity, baby!
I honestly wish both groups would kill themselves or fuck already. They are the same group of idealist just on different teams.
I mean really, they would all have boring lives if it weren't for them constantly trolling each other and egging each other on.
Fucking hell what a dog. Unless that nigga has a Shrek fetish nobody is touching this ogre without a lethal blood alcohol level.
apparently months ago he tweeted that Krystal from Star Fox is hot, which put him in SJWs' crosshairs, because male sexuality is evil. now they've found their opportunity to leap on him with cryptic allegations of him "sexually harassing women" (aka talking to them on twitter)
I'm so fucking glad he's next on the gayming controversy chopping block. Maybe I won't have to see his fat ugly faggot face ever again.
>>Earthworm Jim creator goes off the deep end
All he did was make fun of a tranny, calm down
Ben is the worst person there by far, this is a win win.
Neck yourself my man
I too like to get transphobic when people criticize my game out of nowhere
Twitter is the worst thing to happen to society.
So long as Griffin or whatever the fuck his name is doesn't do any shit, I genuinely think he's funny as fuck.
No, fuck off. I'm tired of the new breed of Polygon fucks who escape their site's SJW reputation by being le fanny memesters on Twitter. I hope those McElroy fags get some soon.
>exchaning sexual n00dz for a positive review.
>everyone decided to BTFO him
isnt this the same shit with gamergate? bitch used sex for favorable reviews , yet everyone called her a victim. if she was a victim so is this dude.
Watching this character assassination unfold live on twitter was terrifying because there was never any evidence posted for anything. People started making claims and then others immediately treated those as if they were the most obvious things in the world. Like he was angry about being asked to basically do QA work for a game he bought for an issue that seems to be pretty well-documented and was posting angry tweets and suddenly he's some sort of rapist now or something? What the fuck?
>probably just hitting on women in their DMs
Isn't that pretty much what all these "male-feminists" do?
>man talks to women
>this is an affront to society and this man should be ostracized
Am I getting this right? Half of the women in those posts never mention his name.
What did he say? I must have missed this. Was it really transphobic or was it one of those silly jokes that trannys get bent out of shape about every 30 seconds all day everyday?
Some people just point out how freaks look freaky, fuck off an die sjw