The JRPG genre is dead. bury it. consider this mercy

the JRPG genre is dead. bury it. consider this mercy.


>Erdogan allowing video games


>the same game as Warband, just with a slight graphical overhaul


Yeah, in your bra!

Trips and it comes out


We'll be days from release when "damning evidence" will come out showing Tale Worlds to be "Guleninist Spies" and Bannerlord will get pulled from steam for being anti-turkmen propaganda.

Fuck off with your lies, Phill


>2017's best rpg

>another slow clunky MAKE YOUR OWN STORY XD rpg


5 and devs get executed

At this point I'm less surprised that you post this exact thread multiple times a day for months and more impressed that it always gets so many replies.


dubs and if you dont respond to this post and something will happen to your mom in her sleep

It will likely outsell P5 in the west. I know sales=/=quality but more people are going to enjoy it.


liberals will complete the downfall of western civilization before this shit comes out.

Not a argument, M&B was always shit

Not an argument.

>Mount and Blade
>ever good

It might be out by 2019.


Also mountain blade isn't really an RPG.

t. Brainlett with 2 left hands

t. someone who got cucked by a claimant when they asked for marriage

mount and blade feels like those 2 paintings desu

never ever

kys frogposter


ONLY if I can run it on dx7.
I still play warband in dx7 and I refuse to play on dx9.

that character design

Shit man you might even have a hard time finding an option to play it on DX9.

>pc exclusive
>outselling anything

As long as I can slay some mudslime scum, this game will be the game of the century.

im still searching a warband mod with armors like the painting, i got the 15th century mod but is broken has fuck, someone knows other similar mod?

>weeb shit
Lol no

>highschool anime shit

>PC exclusive
If you want to get good at shitposting you need to actually be pointing out facts.

what is pubg?

come on, you and I both know that's not true.


Thank god it's not releasing, this sexist game has no place in todays gaming industry.

If it looks like it did at E3 and it isn't running dx9 I'm gonna just not bother even buying the game. Everything they've shown off, and the otherwise lack of new reveals has lead me to believe we're getting another WF&S. And I bought that full price, preordered even. What a fucking mistake.

Mountain Blade 1 was an RPG? Pretty sure it was a simulation.


That's even less of an RPG than Mountainblade.

>when warband has a woman on the cover

I thought it was a joke.

Failing for that obvious stupid baiter

Brainwashed jew boy.

>mobs attack female toons
>not sexist


3 and Erdogan will personally announce the cancellation of M&B 2

>the JRPG genre is dead.
Not yet.

>Turks releasing anything that will be Goty

The game will be goodbut its a barebone RPG that will be great because of mods and not the actual content they delivered

>The game will be goodbut its a barebone RPG that will be great because of mods and not the actual content they delivered
Just like any bethesda game.
This is the WRPG GOTY modus operendi

Half of those people are from Fire Emblem.

Mount and Blade "role playing" is even more babby shit that an average JRPG

Fuck off retard. Go back to your circlejerk thread with 540 replies and only 40-50 unique IPs. Nobody on this board wants your shit.

>They attack female characters
>Politely clean their gear after battle, let them have food as they travel, and even let them keep most of their gold
>No rape, extortion, or slavery against women, or men


>No slavery against women, or men
Wut? Slaving is one of the more profitable activities you can do early game.

Fuck off with your irrelevant war nerd games, i never understood why people creams their patns over these, all look like samey bland shit.

Against female player characters damnit.


>That's a nice head you have on your shoulders

user we all hate fake RPGs too but face it MB2 isn't coming out.

I don't think Mount & Blade is trying to take on the JRPG market or it's customers.


That something isn't necessarily bad.

>release date when?
So yeah, we have board games! Wow!
>Release date?! When?!?!
L-look at these cloth physics! So realistic!

>poured over 500 hours into vanilla MB and Warband combined
>had no idea the devs were kebabs until now
T-Turkey isn't that bad right now, right? Erdogan likes video games, doesn't he?

>weeb shit
>better than horse and sword

>Shitseki faggot getting rekt by the larger Sup Forums population outside of the ~60 fags in the designated circlejerk threads
Feels good every time


not gonna say MaB2 is shit, but does it have any serious RPG-competition 2017?

Nah I'd argue J""""""""""""""""RPG"""""""""""""""""""s are even more brainlet-tier. At least this game has some player agency.

Shitcom is one of the worst vidya companies and I have a shit ton of Sup Forums bros who can vouch for me on that. Take your literal non-game series back to /vg/.


Nah not really. Unless you count
>Tales of Linkin Park
>Pershita 5
>Xenoblade: the Harem LN
>More Shitseki (literally less of a game that TLoU)
>Final Faggotry Boy Band Edition
as competition of any sort.

every new feature makes me want it even more

>all three Fable games

>haha let me shill my garbage LN turd from one of Sup Forums's most hated series made by one of Sup Forums's most mocked companies there's no way this could backfire
>gets absolutely BTFO
>completely silent against the majority of Sup Forums shitting on his favorite non-game
l e l

>Mass Effect, Dragon Age Origins and Jade Empire

Atleast move them to average.

move fable 3 to shit tier and Arena to Average. Replace Arena With Dishonored and fable 3 with Jade empire and this list would be actually valid.


This. The features they're adding all look to add something interesting to the game, allowing for more variety when you play the game.

I fucking LOVE how this fuckers are taking their time with this game, they don't want just a shitty graphical update.

Be careful when saying that around weebcucks. They'll attempt to backfire by posting the shitty Form turds that they played for about 10 minutes just to shitpost "le smug reaction images" about it. Like these fags .

Is there a complete list of all the stuff they've added to banner lord anywhere? They seem to have added a ton of new and cool features, but I can't find a comprehensive list of them

Y-y-yeah but m-m-muh weebshit ;_; it's better cus I can fap to it xdxd fuck games with actual depth or player agency why cant all devs just make games like persona that play themselves xdd

>Witcher 3
>Not god tier
stop this fucking hating the popular meme.

Also DAO and Fable 2 should switch sides, NWN 2 should be average while keeping MOTB god tier.

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, all the features theymre adding look great, and frankly put I have absolutely no problem with them taking time to add more and more and more depth to the game. Shit like advanced formations, a fuck ton more stuff to do in cities, better battle AI and so on are all things that I always felt the game would benefit from, and it,s great to see them added.
On the other hand, while they may very well be making an amazing fucking game, it doesn't matter if it never comes out.
Would it kill them to get to a point where the game is stable and playable and release a beta, like how M&B was to warband?

Shadowrun Dragonfall should be great tier

Also where is Drakensang? fucking ignorant tier list.

I can't bring myself to start my own kingdom, life is so good when serving an already stablished kingdom. King give me castles, big sized armies arround to fight and conquer shit, bunch of friends, loads of money. I don't want to lose everything and be puched thousand of kilometers out of my zone of comfort.

So they should sell us unfinished shit like most companies do along with a fucking season pass for when they finish the game?

Fuck off, impatient fucks like you kill the industry.

>Not god tier
>game has good story but shitty derivative gameplay
>god tier

The thing you can guarantee is that no matter how the game comes out, you'll never be as JUST as faggot weebcucks claiming all their """""""""""""games""""""""""""" are good even when it's objectively shit to anyone with half a braincell and isn't a fucking waste of human life.

Looking at you failcuck shill. Enjoy seeing half your shitty series never getting localized.

Tfw you will never be autistic enough to reply to the same post 4 times.