Why is your Steam level below 100?

Why is your Steam level below 100?

Why do you spend money on garbage?

because I'm not a good goy who throws money at Valve for e-peen

Your profile is one of the biggest "DO NOT BEFRIEND THIS PERSON" redflags I've seen

cuz im free to do it, poorfag.
I could drop 100$ on a piece of literal shit if I wanted

>all friends have animu avatars
I really hope this is ironic for you sake OP

I have Steam since CS 1.6 times and have no idea how to raise my Steam level.
Do I need to farm achievements or spend more money on Steam? I have no clue.

I went about leveling all wrong, going for badges in games I like instead of badges that cose 20 cents per level of said badge

>I-I'm just pretending to be retarded

you have the most redflags by far

Anime profile check.
1K hours of dota 2 check.
Lvl 100 steam account.

Stay away at all cost

1K in Dota? Not even. You just meant Dota as a general red flag you deranged mongoloid

Mb there's not that many hours on dota 2. Still other checks count

Because I am not an autistic manchild who spends every waking hour playing video games.

>crafting or buying trading cards when you could just sell them to idiots so you can buy more games

i don't care about it, or really much of anything on steam besides launching a game to play

Why are you such a stereotype weeb hungering for attention? Are you masturbating right now to the thought that a simple screenshot and captcha solve can get people mentioning you, positively or negatively at basically the drop of a hat? How empty is your life?

Your profile is almost as cancerous as OP's

These are actual people I share a board with?
Time to end it all.

Why don't you fucking play videogames?

How do you have so many hours in Binding of Isaac and so few achievements?

>implying playing video games has a single fucking thing to do with your steam level

paying money to valve is how you raise your steam level, be it indirectly or directly

fine by me

Because I play videogames instead.

Then that's even worse

Did the bird died?

you're damn fucking right it is

>muh steam level

How can someone have 300 hours in TBOI but only have 20 cheevos? And only the more basic ones?

>almost four thousand hours in dota 2

nigga i don't know who you think you're fooling but that automatically makes you as bad as OP

>289 hours in Isaac Rebirth
>21 achievements

Jesus christ, man. Even I 1000000%'d it in 200 hours.

I guaruntee 90% of the posters in this thread have people with anime avatars in their friends list, if not weeb games on their account.

Most likely those aren't 100% game time hours, and they would just leave it on while doing other shit or get distracted easily. A lot fo people's hours on steam come from the game just being left open so that when they want to play it again they just tab to it or give it a single click and they're instantly there. Laziness/conveniences.

Yes I have weeb games if you count RPGs and SHMUPS.

Except you're a poorfag too. I know because I had to deal with your retarded ass constantly buying stupid shit like shitty cheapo laptops because they were slightly better than the shittop you currently had or some bullshit like that. In addition to you buying some chink mp3 player instead of using your phone for music for the battery life, I remember that as a particularly retarded decision on your part.

Don't bother associating with OP anons, he's legitimately an autistic retard that didn't get the message after being removed three fucking times and tried to add me on discord at one point too

Mods disable achievements, so maybe that's the case here.

Not me, i stay away from people with games like Hyper Dimension Neptunia on their account.

but he has almost 800 screenshots taken

>all the people with such superior taste willing to brag about how much better it makes them than the two profiles posted in the thread, but it's just barely not enough for them to brag enough to show off their superior tastes personally
>chances are it's just a bunch of self-loathing weebs feeling secondhand embarrassment



>I could drop 100$ on a piece of literal shit if I wanted
which you do, which is why no one respects you

go show your account level to your mom, maybe she'll pat you on the head and say "good boy"

Why in the hell would i buy fucking badges to get a higher level?

The Steam system is the worst system of all platforms every other system ( exxcept Switch ) is based upon skill not STeam.
Steam level rises with the money you invested into buying cards.
Your Psn level rises with completed games.

>he says this without posting his account

Working on that lvl 100, lvl 13

I dunno man I wouldn't count shmups as weebshit, if you're into the genre it's just gonna happen you end up with anime girl games sometimes

Rate my recent played then

I didn't brag about having superior taste, now did I?

years of service is the only achievement that matters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

probs lol

>Level 100, 384 games and only 0.6 hours in the last two weeks

Do you just use Steam to erp or something?
On second thought, don't answer that.

Are you a cute girl?

Because I don't want to spend money on a pointless vanity rank.

The only money I spend on Steam is money I make back from it.

>I don't know how to manage money the post

Why stop him? You could use those steam levels, in fact im currently doing so. I know someone with 30 iphones, at least this has its uses.

No, but you harping on people for not posting their accounts, while at the same time not posting your account makes you a hypocrite.

Why do people with high levels usually have anime girl profile pictures and are usually the biggest fags?

I still don't know what the fuck steam levels are supposed to do besides bring up the extremely low self esteems of certain individuals.

They unlock features you can use on your steam account, like the ability to add more friends and stuff. It's fucking dumb.

Sit down.

Holy fuck

>palmdesert has been surpassed

palmdesert has been surpassed for a long time, it's st4ck thats at the top.