ITT: classic vidya you still haven't played
ITT: classic vidya you still haven't played
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Deus Ex
I have only played HR but not the original one, even tho I have it since 2011
Any Zelda game.
A Link to the Past, Crash 1, 2, 3
I own every Deus Ex and every STALKER but have only played the first of either for about an hour
one day though
Play all stalker games through, bby
You'll have no regrets. Other than completing the very end of Clear Sky.
any Metroid game
any 3D Zelda game
pretty much all JRPGs besides Pokemon and Chrono Trigger
anything Bioware
any Hitman game
any Bioshock game
any Blizzard game
I thought the STALKER sequels were supposed to be a downgrade from the first
max payne
System Shock 1 & 2
Deus Ex
Deus Ex for me, too. HR's beginning sucks balls.
Anything Final Fantasy
Any Persona or SMT game
Any and every Wii, Wii U, or Switch game.
You owe it to yourself to play it, user.
ace combat games
Clear Sky was an upgrade from SoC, repair and upgrade menu, more guns, more maps and everything
It's buggy as fuck tho
Call of Pripyat was an upgrade too, better AI, +1 gun, 3 large maps instead of a bunch of small
It also implemented the duration of consumables instead of instant effects
Not sure if it is a good thing or bad.
All Zeldas
Deus Ex
Baulders Gate/Neverwinter nights
Most Mega Man games
Final Fantasy
The entire wiiu and switch library
is that still true taking mods into consideration?
any snes/nes game besides mario
Play it with the GMDX mod
Story, atmosphere, pacing and overall challenge-wise, SoC's still the strongest.
CS suffered of severe bugs and bad faction warfare shit, while CoP is just all around underwhelming and easy.
mods, as always, are hit or miss.
>The entire wiiu and switch library
This fucking nigger
Never played any of the Final Fantasy games. I think I played III on the SNES for a few minutes.
So many... Stalker, Thief, Deus ex, Gothic and many more. I've tried going back to some, but they are too hart to get in, while there are some others that are in my backlog and may end up being played eventually.
You haven't missed out on anything, user. It's not revolutionary anymore physics wise and the story isn't all that interesting.
Plus the series is never gonna be finished anyways.
Literally all of Metroid.
Every couple of weeks I try to get into STALKER. I love everything about it, but it's not "clicking" to where I can play for longer than an hour without quitting. Same thing happened with Max Payne and Oni; then out of nowhere I was able to marathon each of them and enjoyed them thoroughly. One day, STALKER, one day.
I played parts of Half-Life 2 on a mx420 back in the 2000s.
Same. Is this still worth playing? Or will it be horribly dated and unplayable?
The last part of half life 1 in the part where you go around what it seems like a mine with lots of tracks until the end, I accidentally saved over a file where I had like 15 health left so it was impossible to advance further
All the zeldas other than LTTP and awakening
Metroid other than fusion
chrono trigger
deus ex
original doom
donkey kong country 1
i remember it clicking for me around the time i got to the freedom base, i haven't played call of pripyat tho
>falling for the youtube memester "aged" meme
Aged like milk
System Shock 2
Mirror's Edge