She's going to be shoehorned into Mario Odyssey isn't she?
She's going to be shoehorned into Mario Odyssey isn't she?
Shes the best thing to come out of Nintendo
>best thing
Nah. She's not even their most popular character
I don't see why she would be in it. At the same time, mario always has cameos from his other games, so I don't see how a cameo or a level where she appears would even hurt
Also she doesn't need a stupid fucking bang obscuring half her face like she's some 1940's mystery detective. She's a Mario Princess who looks dangerously similar to a Disney princess and that sensual haircut doesn't fit her cartoony face. It's so fucking stupid
Mayor Pauline would look good with that hairstyle, though
Yeah, you'll probably find her in one of the alleyways or trashcans.
>all those mario 64 references in games released after it
>all those sunshine references in games released after it
>rosalina in games released after galaxy
Cover up those shoulders lady, there's children watching!
>be 8ft tall (243cm for you yurocucks)
>have the shoulders of a 150cm woman
Where is this animation from?
she sucks because she's a completely pointless character in galaxy. if she's pointless in her premiere game, then she's always going to feel pointless in any following game she appears in.
Actually people did use to complain about Bowser Jr and Petey Piranha a lot too. I think it's kind of dumb personally.
>Super Mario Odyssey Producer: Yoshiaki Koizumi
Yes. Yes she is. And you'll fucking learn to like it. Koizumi has enough of a track record to allow him to give his waifu a cameo.
He gave you Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Smash Bros 64, Majora's Mask, Mario Sunshine, Mario Galaxy, Galaxy 2, 3D Land and 3D World.
You can let him put his girl in his games, cant you?
Bowser Jr a cute!
It did feel a little weird for a Goomba to be able to kill her in 3D World after Galaxy showed her to be like a goddess of sorts, but she should fit into Odyssey just fine.
Nigga Koizumi worked on Majora's, which is why the story is so much better. And he was held back in Galaxy 2, which is why the story sucks donkey balls.
>Mario Galaxy (2007)
>Frozen (2014)
I'd shoehorn my dick into her vagooter
>she's made after so it means the resemblance isn't there
Face it Rosabrozo was good in ONE GAME and even then, her fucking haircut is a retarded design choice. I GUARANTEE YOU if she had her beehive hair she wouldn't have those deranged waifufags she has now
What did he mean by this?
You said she looks like Frozen when its the other way around. I really don't care about Rosalina aside from Sm4sh and Galaxy 1.