Name One game you really cant bring yourself to finish
Name One game you really cant bring yourself to finish
I always one-sit them, I don't leave them halfway
If its longer than I can stay up then I'll wake up the next morning and continue it and repeat
Luigi's Mansion 2
Man, I bet Lucoa would make a great girlfriend.
Depends on what you consider finish, I've beat legend of mana 13 times but never 100% it.
i want to fuck that dragon
Used to be dark souls 2 for me, I ended up using cheat engine just to get through all the rest of it and I can't really remember anything in the end game as a result.
Nowadays its Fallout 4, Brutal Legend, and Crysis.
Nier: Automata
Stupid twitchweeb. I can't stand the grindiness in Mother 1.
Valkyria Chronicles
Nier Automata
Witcher 3, I have done all the dlc but the mainstory is still in skellige.
Also nier for me, it's kinda boring
FF type zero HD
Witcher 3
I can't even get past the beginning of Nier Automata because my fitgirls repack has no sound effects
Those two last missions are pure horseshit
also that room with 3 blue ghosts at same time
Deus ex human revolution, I got it on ps3 and I can't be bothered hooking it up again.
literally every game in my backlog
Hollow knight 100%.
Did the new update speed up backtracking?
Impregnating Lucoa.
Persona 3. The characters, story and all that are alright but the actual dungeoning and combat are so fucking boring.
Mass Effect, they all bore me to fucking tears
She has some big fat tits. 10/10 would let her another me with them
the persona games in general. stopped playing 3 at in-game november, 4 in the bathhouse, and 5 at december
I want to finish inside her, if you catch my drift?
Horizon Zero Dawn.
Dark Souls. The trial-and-error playstyle just gets tedious after a while
Gravity Rush 2, I'm so sad to admit it. I love the characters, the gravity shifting mechanic, the music and graphics. But fuck whoever designed the missions, the challenges are fine but both side quests and story missions are dull with bad combat. I really wish I could enjoy the game despite those shortcomings.
I do not get this joke, can anybody explain it to me?
Banjo kazooie
Fallout New vegas.
Got confused after the mainguest split.
I couldn't bother repeat the same shit over just for a bunch of achivements...
Resistance 3
Literally sold it used for 70p 3/4's the way through, the worst purchase I've ever made.
such a faggot response.
Valkyria Chronicles
It's just not the same without her...
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. I'm literally at the final battle where you have to choose each character to fight a boss, but I can't bring myself to finish it for some odd reason.
Tales of Zesteria. what a waste of fucking money.
I finish in Custom 3D Maid every day.
I'm in love with Lucoa's Lucoas
This, It offers nothing that makes me want to continue
>tfw you will never /ss/ with Lucoa
Skyrim... unironically. I've never finished the main story.
I couldn't finish Spectre Knight because I realized it's lack lustre compared to Plague and Shovel. I don't like how Plague has towns and overworld map but Spectre has that fag Reize.
order of ecclesia. the level design is boring and the enemies have weird hitboxes and do a fuck ton of damage.
the practice mode is also design for late game/ng+ which gets on my nerves.
I always drop and go back to it while doing small progress.
meanwhile I'm always replaying aria, sotn and dawn.
sly 2 and hyper light drifter
Shin Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
good; /ss/ is a meme fetish for people with mommy issues. that's why it's so popular in Sup Forums.
System Shock 2.
That will be over before you know it.
>sly 2
You criminal
Felt like such a shoehorned death
I'm stuck and I don't even know what I should be looking up in a guide.
It's frustrated me too much for me to come back to it.
dude me too, and i know id love it once i get into too. but i for some reason just cant pick it up.
This, I dread going back to boring ass Sword Valley even though it's probably not that long.
Valkyrie Drive. Meh gameplay, story is boring and slow. Anyone who prefers it over Senran Kagura is retarded.
System Shock 2. Game is way too shit, I could barely tolerate it for more than 2 hours.
GTA IV. It's too boring.
nier automata. beat story a got a few hours into b and quit. the combat wasn't fun enough for me to want to replay 75% of the fucking game again
>That fucking musical number afterwards
I bet she would
Dark Souls 3. Not that I dislike it; in fact, I love it. I just can't bring myself to kill the soul of cinder. I've done everything else many times. I guess I'm just waiting for the right mood to strike me when I can finally put the series to rest. I also still need to kill Sister Friede, but it's a damn hard fight for me. Gael was much easier.
>people complaining about DoAX3 VR putting the player at chest height of the girls
Seriously, where are all these fags coming from?
Why the hell did the anime amp up the lewdness so much? I don't mind the fact that the boobs are big, but Tohru's bust size was doubled in the transition from the manga to anime. I don't think they make screens big enough for the oppai loli that was recently introduced in the manga to be adapted into the anime.
Sly 3 is super tedious, I just finished 1&2 but I just can´t slug trough 3.
Why the hell are there no bottles? Why are the first two worlds so bad? Why Carmelita has no accent? Why is Bentley so annoying in the forced asswipe tutorials?
I wish i was shouta and that she was a futa
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue
I just can't.
Her death combined with the vehicle spam the later levels became made the late parts of VC so unfun. It became such a pain to play, unless you cheesed the entire game with scouts.
T. 14 year old
I just finished the DLC the other night. Freed would have been a good boss if not for that stupidly unnecessary second phase, and the soul of cinder is easier than the Crawling Magus from DS2 (no I'm not kidding). You could do soul of cinder in about 30 seconds.
Persona 3. But mostly just because my save corrupted 90% of the way through the game after playing it for over a year.
dragon age origin aka le generic fantasy with edge
any final fantasy game. i try so hard every time but i can never get half way to disc 2. i love 6 and 7 but i just cant beat it.
Fuck off with your stealth waifuposting threads
There are boards for this
Those spite-spamming shuppets in sky tower are such a pain. I'd completely forgotten about them until you brought up my PTSD.
they're called Sup Forums - Off-Topic
>magic system sucks
>hideous graphics, and this is from someone who grew up with N64 and PS
>Thief engine
>hacking is a % based roulette
>enemy hitboxes are a fucking mess
>nonsensical status effects
Or is System Shock just one of those "art" games so its shittiness is to simply be excused. Take off your nostalgia goggles, the game is total ass. A little better than Bioshock 1, but not by much.
Whatever I bought from steam that isn't TF2
Dragon's Dogma. I don't think it's bad but I just find it a bit dull.
I just wanted to playthrough the entire series I loved as a kid, but Jesus Christ this one takes everything that was positive about the last three games and replaces them with actual shit.
I have that game in my backlog, I need to play it, but goddam if it isn't a poor man's Dark Souls. Normal is too easy, and hard is specifically geared towards NG+, so if I play it I'll be bored to hell.
Mad Max. I'm going to have to get all the upgrades before I take on Scrotus and even after that, I'll be too overpowered for him.
Ryse: Son of Rome
The combat was just so repetitive and boring.
Shadow of mordor
I just feel empty when i play for too long
its just so slow
Because it was, there was literally no reason for her to be shot over anyone else.
I don't think I'll ever finish it, the last mission I did was taking back the village and I only did it for Isara, now my will to fight is gone
holy shit she had it down
>That's not a Akuma!
>This is a Akuma
>played it a few years ago on PS4
>killed the guy with the hammer and stopped for some reason
>picked it up on summer sale
>I really liked this, why did I st-
>run around for 5 minutes
>stop again
I don't know what's wrong with it...
You don't have to play through all the storylines. You can get most of the content just by doing two, Legion and NCR/House/Yes Man.
This and also DDS and Persona 3
It's what Goku black says and it means "Beautiful"
nioh. got tired of the limited enemy variety close to the end, and decided to wait until all the dlc was out and they had released a bunch of patches for it.