Play horror game for what feels like 2 hours

>Play horror game for what feels like 2 hours
>It's only been 20 minutes
Anyone know these feels?

Yeah, I can only play them in short sessions. They stress me out a bit. But the more I play the game the easier it gets to play it longer.

That whore better not be sniffing her hair

>play fun game for what feels like 30 minutes
>its been 4 hours

Fucking this.

I'm sorry user

Called the cops

>start playing a city builder
>look out the window
>its morning

what will happen to me now?

>Play fun game for what feels like minutes
>Four hours have passed and the game is over

Mandatory five years rehabilitation and parole if you're a good boy. Standard fair for posting anime girls sniffing things as I'm sure you're aware video games

fuck off faggot

>play fun games
>15 years passes and you achieved nothing in life

What feels?

Could you be any more cancer?

This is me right now. Age 33 and feel massive anxiety each day that I need to do something. But I also feel like I've passed all my prime years and don't want to spend years learning a trade.

Being a neet is not the dream.

>spend 12 hours a day playing horror games
>feels like 72 hours passes each day
>mfw my lifespan is effectively 250+ years

dumb sniffing poster

>see anime girl sniffing her hair
>get irrationally angry
Anyone know these feels?

Stop smoking meth

i only tried weed once and got scared
didn't like it

CK2 does this to me
I swear it feels like only an hour passes but turns out it was 5.

I don't. I have enough vices with video games and masturbation to keep me from doing anything meaningful.

Meth seriously makes 2 hours seem like 30 minutes, it's terrifying.

31 here, All you need to do is work and die, if you can do that you're free to spend your life hoever you want.

>play horror game
>feel a distinct lack of tension and scares over the course of the entire 8-10 hour game.
>play ultra realistic drawn out tactical shooter.
>hear shots in the distance
>mfw for the entire 45 minute session.

best feeling tbqh, and I haven't had it in a while

The occasional feeling of dread and imminent death in a none-horror game is the most thrilling.

>If I post childish shit with an anime girl it will make me seem cute and not like a manchild

Stop making multiple threads you dumb sniffposter

This picture has been around for ages here, how new are you all?

>Play dead space 2 and stop playing after every save point
>They're 5 minutes apart

That sucks man.

>play horror game like Amnesia
>nothing but dread and pants shitting terror 24/7

>play realistic tactical shooter
>adrenaline rush, paradoxical feelings of energetic comfiness, half-boner the entire time