Was it really that bad?
Was it really that bad?
Fun with coop mod.
Otherwise just play Prey instead.
Just not Doom.
I played and beat it stoned, it was a lot of fun.
>dark corridors
>can't see shit so gotta use flashlight
>flashlight can only be used in one hand, can't be used with a weapon
Otherwise, it's an okay game, just not a good Doom game.
reminder if you use the duct tape mod you are a c*sual
As its own game? No, it was perfectly fine. It just didn't mesh well with the rest of the series.
Even Doom 3 is better than Prey (2006).
no. it was awesome. It does everything doom does
>can't be used with a weapon
You can mod it, or play BFG if you want to use light and weapon together. I actually prefer the game making me choose, even if it doesn't make sense for a futuristic space marine to not have a body mounted source of light.
As if there are any people here who were old enough to play that shit when it came out.
It's a good game, especially after the patches. It may be not the traditional Doom game fans expected but was good nonetheless.
It's alright, still play it once in a while (mostly around mid to late fall) but it's not doom
I've picked it up and had fun with it many times but it's a long game with a procrastinating story so I always drop it before hell knights show up our of boredom
When that demon on the cover throws fireballs, you can duck under them
>demon on the cover
it's a hell knight
my nigga
Uh no hell knights have shoulder mounted fireball throwers
No, that's hell squires.
Resurrection of Evil felt like its was the real DOOM 3
Alright well the game became too repetitive and the story stagnated before those guys showed up
It kind of did.
RoE is good if you just don't use The Artifact.
Compared to the classics yes, but overall I don't think so. Can have a decent amount of fun if you run and gun through the levels and the atmosphere is still very solid imo. It's most major issues are the hitscan enemies, low enemy count in general and the weak guns.
>RoE is good if you just don't use The Artifact.
Its not like there was much usage for it to begin with.
Just everything is more tight and better than in Doom 3.
Eh, maps look worse, especially Hell. What it does right, though, is making the encounters tougher and more diverse. I think their logic was "we gave player literal "I win" button so might as well throw in some high-level baddies".
>literally incapable of dying
Ruined the game imo.
I never played ROE but from what I saw everything seemed like a watered down version of Doom 3.
You can quicksave in all of these games, what difference does it make? Just reload if you die.
Honestly, it feels like Carmack played shitloads of the Memento Mori WAD along with System Shock 2, then tried to stretch the skin of Doom over that.
its not,if anything it does "horror" better
Well maybe you should play it.
Checkpoints are the best from FPS.
Pretty sure Carmack wasn't a game designer on Doom 3, Tim Willits was.
Quicksaving ruins it for me as well. Save scumming in general makes a game feel too easy and unenjoyable.
Its not bad, just not an actual Doom game. If it was named something else it wouldve been considered a pretty good game but they tried going the whole scary, heavy narrative route and the Doom series isnt about that. Thankfully Doom2016 turned it around and brought the game back to its fun, fast gameplay with minimal story. Seriously GOTY
Yeah the point is that both are shitty and can be easily avoided by players who are seeking challenge. The whole "you can't die" shit is overblown.
Fuck it I'll play it. I loved Doom 3 anyway.
Regardless, Carmack was still an instrumental part of id at that point, and odds are good someone in charge of design played those games.
Then again, given how many popular WADs seemed to be pitch black it's not surprising.
But how do you avoid the checkpoints in Prey?
The monsters were cool and it had some good at atmosphere. But the gameplay was bland and the boss fights, especially the cyberdemon were a let down.
By reloading
It did that for some time but the game was still easy with dumb enemies and all so I think I stopped at some point. Except for bosses, still did those in one go.
Like reloading the chapter? I mean sure I guess you could do that. You'd have to consciously punish yourself the entire time but I guess you're right.
beyond the fact it was unsure if it wanted to be a standard fps (i.e. go around and shoot these things) or a survival horror more akin to resident evil, and it was too unlike other doom games, it was pretty good
>. I actually prefer the game making me choose
Because the game was designed around that, and having the flashlight on all time breaks the game.
If by breaks it you mean it allows you to play it like a run and gun shooter instead of a tedious slog
There's like one or two room in total where you even NEED the flashlight. Imps and a lot of other enemies illuminate themselves when they attack you.
I think it is better to consider it hellish System Shock-(like) than Doom game.
oh my fucking god the girl on the pic looks like one of my old classmates