Are there any games that accurately depict the capricious and unpredictable nature of magic and spells?
Are there any games that accurately depict the capricious and unpredictable nature of magic and spells?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably would have worked correctly if he didn't have autism.
But magic isn't real.
Fuck off Chris it will always be funny
Wild mage in baldur's gate.
>want to cast Friends
>it surges and opens a Gate in a middle of a city
>want to cast magic missile
>reverts the gender of my character for a day instead
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
well that's the pot calling the kettle purple
Is it that time again?
>ban-evading Argentinian
"ban-evading Argentinian" does indeed ban-evade, and mostly posts stealth pony pictures in threads he doesn't like, such as furry, CWC, lewd, gay, fetish, reddit, Sup Forums threads etc. His posts are usually very tepid and short, serving as mere excuses to post the pictures which he finds in other threads, or are MLP loli porn, which he posts himself.
Any games where magic doesn't exist.
How the fuck does he do it?
The only one I can think of is Umineko. In that game, magic is basically a perfectly covered up lie shared between two or more people, powered by strong feelings such as love... and it can only be defeated when people carrying the anti-magic toxin can prove a non-magical method that can achieve the same result, and those anti-magic feelings overpower the magical feelings of the lying party.
That's Frisk from Undertale, not ponies. Why are you mad at everything that isn't a pony?
Is that from a new comic?
He has a bot that notifies him and makes the posts when he's not around to do it.
Notice how virtually all the pictures he links are hosted on the same website?
>he has a bot
This is false, or he would have taken all the /asp/ bait that got posted yesterday (about 40 images across several boards).
For example:
>several boards
I meant threads.
There was this series of MUD's that did magic very well, it went by The Inquisition, I think today it goes by 'Ti-Legacy.'
Basically, the way the magic worked was that you had to balance the moons every time you wanted to prepare a spell. To do this, you had to do a bunch of rituals. There were 5 moons, and to reflect this, five sets of ritual subtypes. Songs, Rhymes, Sacrifices, Sigils, and Dances. They all did the same thing and often shared the same qualities, but let's say you need to balance the moons, and all of them are balanced but Arien and Lunare. Arien's at -1 and Lunare is at +1. If you did a ritual that raised Arien and Lunare by 1, then Arien would be at 0 and considered balanced, but Lunare would then be at +2. Then you had to find a way to do a ritual that did -2 Lunare so it would go to 0. You had about ten moves and 20 rituals that moved various moons up and down, so every time you wanted to evoke a spell, you had to do a small puzzle with a time limit. From then, after you had evoked the spell, you could hold it in your bosom and 'invoke' it at any time.
Part of the way magic was so interesting is because while you automatically learned the spells, the rituals you had to learn manually through meditation and travelling through the fucking astral dimension, as well as slowly practicing spells of your particular element. In addition, you had spells that required certain components, and some spells you could imbue, so you can take multiple with you.
For example, an Air mage may have a thunderclap spell which blinds and deafens everyone in an area, but why not imbue it into a rock? Turn that rock into a fucking flashbang and skedaddle the fuck out with a backpack full of glowing rocks whenever you need to leg it.
You care too much about random posters on this site.
look at the link
Not an argument.
I saw someone bait it successfully in a different thread.
It probably doesn't bite on everything that gets posted. Either that or it only works if he remembers not to turn off his computer.
>discussing eceleb faggotry
>using the word kys unironically
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
this guy is legitimately more pathetic than Anthony Burch, holy shit
t. degenerate
I agree. A literal retard broke him, and now he spends his days rage-posting about MLP and Barney.
The magic in Magicka isn't really unpredictable in the slightest, but when (not if) you mess up, you are going to seriously fuck up yourself and your buddies and it's wonderful.
Last two digits are the age Chris dies
both me t. barneyfag and yes I have a bot that finds the source of cropped images even if google itself cannot find them
there is no god
>tips fedora
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
>reverts the gender
Is that supposed to be Chris?
I believe so
>didn't even read it
CIA confirmed the existence of remote viewing, faggot. Psychic powers exist.
good thread haha
i agree
Not sure how it is, but how is Lichdom Battlemage? Heard mixed results
Kill yourself faggot
What took so long blarneyfag?
Dark and Light
fuck off
So what's up Chris up to these days? Last thing I remember he tazed (or was it pepper sprayed?) a Gamestop employee
any game that uses dice/random number generator
had previously been one gender then changed to another, then is reverted to original for a day
not hard man, it's 2017
hang yourself
so nobody is going to post the pages?
Baldur Gate II Big World project as a Wild Mage
Get your Nahal's Reckless Dweomer and the speelbook from the guy appearing near the game starting area and watch out for falling cows
>mfw getting a sequencer and spamming the Wild Magic Sigil thing into a bunch of enemies and summoned exploding and completely annihilating a bunch of enemies 5 or 7 levels above me in a single round
All higher forms of art treat magic as something sacred and mysterious that is clearly lacking in today's video games.
In Lord of the Rings a "wizard" isn't human but more like a demigod race of people In LotR magic is spoken because that's how the world was created, the world was literally sung into existence and thus voices have power.
In A Song of Ice and Fire there are many different forms of magic that are all unexplained and mysterious. Some magic requires blood sacrifice and the blood of kings and rulers is more powerful.
In literally every video game ever you can shoot fireballs and lightning out of your ass because fuck it who cares you've got a mana bar.
Is it still alive?
I'm gettin all these crazy damn calls. Whatre you doin.
Kinda fun but it's a FPS with some diablo-like stuff (you can find components and you expend them to create your spells, then you can use them whenever)
Plus you can only have 3 elements active at a time and you can only gain experience on 3 "enabled" elements, if you "disable" one element to enable another you lose all progress so it gives you more damage but it kinda entices you into "fossilizing" on those 3 elements
Give it a spin
Unrelated but does anyone have that picture in which there is a smiling old man with a very bright light shining in his face and some text that said something along the lines of "he hadn't came in 10 years and he's now ejaculating blood but he doesn't care"?
He's probably never coming back
>op makes a cool thread
>barneyfag and shitposting kills it
And then there are people that have the galls to say that reddit is worse for discussing stuff
The mmo asheron's call required different reagents for each spell. The reagents required for a particular spell varied between characters. Reagents could be consumed and spells had varying fail rates depending on how high your skill was and how advanced the spell. If I remember right your character automatically 'said the magic words' in chat whenever you cast a spell, if you wanted you could type the magic words yourself and you'd also cast the spell. Useless but a fun detail.
How many fucking years has it been that Barneyfag has been doing this?
I've lost count
>op makes a cool thread
op made a thinly disguised CWC thread.
a lot
Prove it
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
>Thread up for 8 hours
I was sure that this thread would have 404'd hours ago.
Blame autism because Lee Goldson HAS TO reply to every single troll and he thinks bans mean something
Why aren't you making this a Chris Chan thread Sup Forums?
Nothing interesting has happened with Chris lately. Next arc will most likely be when Barb dirs, and she seems to have either super genes or meme magic keeping her alive at the moment.
>he hasn't experienced the joy of drinking a beer from a plastic kiddie pool during a hot summer
damn shame
Any idea what happened to the sweater he was trying to sell a while back? I remember it ended up going for some ridiculous price and Chris promised that he was going to wash it before he sent it off.
Did it get paid for? Has it been sent? Have we heard anything from the buyer?
He didn't get paid and he tried to sew the damage so he can try and sell it again maybe