"Hey have you heard of four chan vee?"

>"Hey have you heard of four chan vee?"

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sorry bruh, i barely have time to check what's online

Nope. Never. What's it like?

What's a four chan?

You mean that place full of pedophiles and Nazis?

>Sup Forums is a pun on "fortune"
>that's why it has a 4 leaf clover theme with yotsuba.

>tfw met people on other forums who still regard Sup Forums as the nets hub of evil, hacking and pedophilia

>Sup Forums

I fucking wish, I could use some of that.

>these same people browse reddit which had a dedicated pedophile subreddit for a long ass time before it finally got removed

It better stay like that
Keeps normalfags away

bitches dont know bout my 711chan (RIP)

>"yeah it's a great place to post cute pictures of cats."

Yeah, you go there too! But, uhhh isn't that place jam paced with racists and nazis. Ughh it's makes me want to show those losers that communism is the future. Let's show 'em (((who))) controls the system nigga. Our mission will be to turn that place into a far-left minority lpving safe space! Once we take care of V we'll on to POL. We'll swarm the board with leftist anti-Trump pro-diversity,and anti-Nazi opinions. In the end Sup Forums will no longer be alt-right but a progressive liberal cultural marxist tumblr reddit-friendly anti-masculinity pro-cuck imageboard! How's that sound my nigga?

What's a four chan?

>sitting in room before lecture about 2 years ago
>girl with blue hair in side of the room is ranting on about how awful Sup Forums is and how everyone who goes there should be arrested
>two of my suitemates just sit there with these big dumb smiles looking at me as tumblr girl pretty much just goes on and on

Where'd this meme come from? Straight up came outta nowhere.

How did anonymous hack a van to explode?

How'd Israel learn to hack into planes, & control their flight remotely?

Holy shit. I've been in this site for a decade and this is literally the first time I realize this.

>tfw Sup Forums popularized the existence of 'memes' (in reality, they're image macros) way back around the Caturday/shoop da woop era

it all blew up with advice dog

/s4s/ has had fortunes for years, when's it gonna become a site-wide feature?

but keeps bringing in edgy fags who want to be 1337 h4x0r5

Heh heh.

Oh my.

I can haz cheese burger and soccer moms who don't get it.
There are people to this day that still make cat macros and then post them on facebook.

>have to sit and listen to someone go on and on about how Sup Forums is literally a terrorist childfucking pedophile cat-killing tumblr-triggering hive of scum and villainy while you pretend to know nothing

gotta hide that powerlevel

Is anyone going to post the vocaroo?

those learn fast I guess

>that episode where Ms bighead tried to seduce him
what were they thinking? it was kinda hot

>not feeding into the normie and sjw repelling myths
>oh yeah my friend went there once and his computer was hacked and loaded with child porn
>I hear that they organize neo nazi meetings there
>they once livestreamed killing a dog with a shovel
Great times

I wouldn't know, could either be a newfag or an oldfag doing actual damage irl, and I'm inclined to believe it's the latter
>also the word damage wasn't used as a negative term, more as in actually managing to act on something


anyone else excited for the new Rocko's Modern Life special?

theyre bringing it back

That episode was all kinds of confused boners for me.

Oh shit, are they?

I guess I'm interested, but not hype. Revivals never capture the magic but I'll still check it out.

No wonder I always got bad luck when use #fortune

im more excited about the new Hey Arnold! movie

it looks pretty good coming from someone born in the 80's who grew up with it, all hand drawn and whatnot.

Yes, an hour-long TV movie is in production.


Man, fortunes
Those were great.
Jackie Sup Forums pls add feature

i'm Sup Forums resident
i am VERY excited

That does sound neat. I was born in '86 so I grew up watching Rocko too.

Sweet, thanks. I'll keep my eye on it.

>be pajeet
>be shift leader at a shitty supermarket
>half our hires are local teens/burnouts who are all low-key Sup Forumsfags but crazy fucking awkward irl and can't break the habit of using "fucking" as an all-purpose intensifier
>if i catch them cussing around customers i take them aside and tell them to shut their loo before i poo in it

Is the Ducktales reboot any good or is it even out yet?

so we can keep this thread vidya related


why do all you pajeets smell so bad? serious question, I work around a lot of indians and every single one just reeks

is it something in your skin?

it's the spices we cook with. not kidding, go eat indian food for 2 days and see you how smell, now imagine if those fumes were in your house every day and seeping into everything you own

or it being an english 2chan?

>/s4s/ invented fortunes

how to spot the newfag

>Someone thought this was funny enough to bother writing

this artist still owes me a commission 2bh

What did he mean by this?

What. The. Hell.