Losing vidya argument

>losing vidya argument
>call him a shit taste retard

Other urls found in this thread:


>losing vidya argument
>hit report button
>his post gets deleted and he gets banned

>losing politics argument
>call him a nigger loving cuck

>be a faggot
>post frog
>thread gets deleted

>losing filmography argument
>call him reddit

>having vidya argument
>"well I don't agree but I see your point"
>he logs off and kills himself while auto erotically asphyxiating himself to president trump

>losing music argument
>call him a underage pleb

>losing the argument
>remind the other person that they have never had sex

>losing an argument
>report a NSFW image I know he posted earlier in the thread
>all his posts become [Deleted]

>losing vidya argument
>close the thread and start shitposting in another

>see frog shitposting thread
>report it

>losing argument
>start attaching obnoxious laughing pictures to my posts

every time

>report it
>five more pop up and take its place

>arguing with someone
>critique them and give them ways of bettering themselves at engaging in debate
>they either call em a fag and act mad or acknowledge that other people have other opinions

this happened to me. you gotta be some kind of coward to consider it

>people posting anime
>call them faggot weebs
>weeb apologists arrive
>another thread ruined by my hand

>losing argument
>find a really antiquated way to call him an idiot
>get bonus points in the form of 13 year old pseudo-intellectuals thinking you're a supergenius for your insult

that image is missing a fidget spinner

this actually works every time

Not video games.

>losing argument
>argue against myself

>losing argument
>shoot the person and run away

>losing argument
>mass reply the thread calling everyone cucks
>reply to myself and say go back to Sup Forums
>thread gets derailed
>someone dumps tails_on_park_bench.jpg

literally me, lmao hope winning that argument was worth the hospital bills and weeks of pain.

>losing argument
>check the archive for posts matching his filename to embarass him

>losing an argument
>another user jumps in on your side and saves your dumbass

>stop making vidya for a bit to really focus on what matters
>come back fairly quickly and blow out the competition in every way

>anons arguing
>pretend I'm one of them and say something stupid
>thread derailed even further

>be redditor
>post memefrog
>guaranteed replies

The second someone resorts to ad hominem, they lose.

They have nothing else to say to their point. So you win. You even got the last word, too, because the argument was over as soon as he started talking shit.

your a homo.... sapien

>Trash thread gets bumped to page one
>Call everyone in the thread cucks
>Tell myself to go back to Sup Forums
>Argue with myself
>Derail the thread

it's not about winning its about making them lose

>someone calls me a redditor/tumblrina/neofag
>i play along and act as one to make everyone in the thread angry, even posting images with intentionally edited filenames to make them angrier
You guys are so gullible sometimes

>losing argument
>post pepe reaction image

>losing argument
>post one last time
>close tab


>losing argument
>more anons jump in against you

>Losing an argument
>Start spamming anime pictures on purpose to irritate everyone

>make an actually good counterargument
>"Hah! But you called me a fag so I win!"
That's nothing but cowardice and you know it

>go into Silent Hill threads
>tell everyone I look like Heather, but as a twink boy
>never post pictures of myself

>winning argument
>other person stops talking or never replies

I think he's talking about just replying with a something like "ur a fag." Having a good counter argument and ending it with name calling is fine by me desu

>Post bait
>See how many anons fell for it

>being this deluded
He just stopped responding because he realized that it's pointless to argue with such a retard

>copy thread from Reddit/Neogaf
>500 replies


You know you've won when the other user is acting like an autist and sperging out with no actual counter argument. If they simply aren't replying, that means that you're the idiot that isn't worthy of wasting anyone's time.

>get 1 (You) like every 20 seconds because of 1 image

ur not video game fag

>losing argument
>do a complete 180 and start agreeing with everything your opponent says

>post baity image
>everybody asks for source


>arguing on Sup Forums

I just post console war wojaks and shitpost. There is literally no point in making arguments on this board.


>losing vidya argument
>call him a loser for not giving up
>keep fighting fighting it anyway

i do this

You people are all complete monsters.


>losing argument on mongolian throat singing appreciation BBS
>make a new thread where you can shit on your own strawman argument and feel superior without anyone arguing back
Show us on the doll where the shitposter touched you OP.

>losing argument
>some retard who agrees with you spergs out at the person you're talking to
>everyone thinks it's you

t. lost the argument



>losing argument
>don't reply for several hours
>check back on the thread when it's at the bump limit
>call him a fag
>thread archives before he can reply back


>winning argument
>get called a nigger loving cuck

I guess you could say he's a... "rickle"

*dons sunglasses*


>Post XD ironically



>unironically having vidya arguments
you're a faggot reported shit thread shit meme

>someone posts something i dislike
>call him the latest board bogeyman
>lose anyway

>Losing argument
>Tell the opponent "I accept your concession"

>Post frogs
>Get called a frogposter
>Jokes on you, i just wanted (you)'s

>in argument with someone online
>they post something so unbelievably naive you conclude there is nothing to be gained from continuing
>they walk away thinking they've won

This is why stupid people continue to exist. And Undertale IS NOT an "objectively" bad game.

>Actually know you were totally wrong
>Before you can post and admit your mistake several anons jump in and start agreeing with your wrong point
>Everyone now assumes you are even dumber than previously indicated

>shit posting in 2011 being the sole reason why that year was considered infamous

>other anons join in your argument and take your side, overwhelming that faggot with (You)'s

>thread discusses topic
>post topic + opinion
>argument starts over the opinion

this is actually and unironically what Sup Forums taught me. people used to do this shit to me irl in arguments, all the time, and i believed them.
by coming here i found out most of them are just shit eaters with no real arguments, and just spout shit when they have nothing to say.

>not losing politcs argument
>call him a nigger loving cuck

>tfw this happens to you

>play league
>lose ranked match, get in a discussion with a guy after game
>im losing the discussion
>i screenshot my paypal and link it in chat, balance was 220k
>i tell him hes a poor faggot and that this game is just pixels and real life is what matters
>he leaves

>losing boss fight
>call the boss a faggot
>he dies from anger and i win the fight

>more anons take your side
>imagine him sweat over all those (you)'s
>he never replies again
Now i know what winning a war feels like.

I've left threads pre-emptively knowing I fucked up on a post as soon as I read it back after posting it, and I don't want to see those pop up desktop notifications come in one by one. It gives me the ass sweats.

>post Apu
>everyone thinks it's pepe
>get called dumb frogposter

fucking this

And it also sucks when that happens in threads that I wanted to lurk in.

>only 220k

>make a post at the start of the thread
>no one responds to it after around 20 minutes
>thread seems dead so close it and do something else
>two hours later you notice a (You) from that thread while browsing through Sup Forums
>turned out four people replied to you and started a big chain reaction of posts that you could've easily joined into
>thread is nearly dead and there's no point in responding to them.

Go back to Sup Forums you retarded frogs

>be faggot
>post frogs

>someone says something I disagree with
>have no real retort so I just copy/paste "Not an arguement" for the 30th time in the same day


>not even sure how many levels of irony we're on and who's trolling who anymore

it literally is a frog you dumb retard

>winning vidya argument
>get called a shit taste retard

stupid frog poster