Why are the two biggest bullshitters in gaming history, Sean Murray and Peter Molyneux, both British...

Why are the two biggest bullshitters in gaming history, Sean Murray and Peter Molyneux, both British? They even live close to each other and Murray's wife has actually worked with Molyneux at one point.

Todd Howard has lied too, but he's nowhere near the sociopathic behavior of Murray and Molyneux.

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>Implying Todd can be topped.


Molyneux actually had a dreamers vision- but no one could contain his mouth. He truly thought that his company could design and implement the things he promised. It had nothing to do with producers or the pubblishers- it was just his dream.

Sean Murray and Todd Howard know they lie on a daily basis. Sean did it for short-term profitability. Todd Howard does it because he's created 15+ years of good will to burn.

This. Peter just dreams too big. He isn't malicious like the other two.

You're the reason he's gotten away with all of his bullshit. "Dreaming too big" for over two decades doesn't just happen by accident. He is malicious but he doesn't seem like he is because he is a good actor. I don't have confirmation on this, but I have a strong suspicious he is a Jew.

>being this wrong

Maybe after 20 years of "accidentally" promising too much he'd learn? Or maybe there never was any accident and he know's exactly how to get people like you into believing him time after time?

Maybe your opinions would be taken more seriously if you were actually alive 20 years ago.

You are a kid a fridge what do you do? (help me user)


Molyneux is a bit different in that his ideas are always batshit crazy and way too advanced, what Fable was originally going to be would never have worked on the Xbox. I do believe he actually wanted those ideas to be in his games before though, usually it's either his devs or the hardware or other limitations that stop him.

It also helps that Molyneux's games are usually in some way original and interesting, not something you would get from a different director. Meanwhile Howard just makes generic open world junk and Murray made survival crafting game #121323123213.
also Murray blatantly fucking lied about the multiplayer literally weeks before release, even Todd wouldn't be like YEAH THE NEW FALLOUT IS MULTIPLAYER

>c'mon, guys; todd's not THAT bad!

Todd has never lied

hang in there kid!

Molyneux problem is he's got no guts, and is too much of an idea guy.

Look at Dwarf Fortress, it's not much to look at but it's got a somewhat living world.

For all of you claiming that "Molyneux just dreams too big", read the interview below. There you can see a reporter that doesn't just ass kiss but actually cuts through Molyneux's bullshit and ask tough questions.



Peter has all sorts of problems but it isn't malicious. Incompetence is more accurate than pathalogical liar. John Walker is a giant faggot that you can tell was just salivating at the thought of all the good boy points and dick sucking he'd get from his readers in this interview by being puposefully antagonistic. If you seriously think Walker is a serious reporter worth his salt who doesn't ass kiss and cuts through bullshit you are mistaken. John Walker has his lip firmly graffed to developers asses, particularly the indie circlejerk. He was probably even shilling the Kickstarter before it went to shit. The times were just turning against Molyneux and Walker capitalized on it for clicks.

I haven't bought a Molyneux product since Black and White in 2002, you dumb bastard.

>Peter just dreams too big. He isn't malicious like the other two.
I disagree, Sean wanted to make his dream game but was naïve in terms to resource management and amount of communication required between the dev team and him, causing him constantly updating the feature scope that the dev team and resources couldn't keep up with Sean. All this ending with a situation similar to Jurassic Park Trespasser.

Todd and Molyneux knows how to sell shit as ice cream.

I didn't assume you had bought a single Molyneux product. I was pointing out that that your mindset is the reason for him getting away with constant lying.

Not him, but I've bought games that he has directed (Black & white and The Movies) without any knowledge of them beforehand and generally enjoyed them without knowing who he is. I think the games speak more strongly about their directors than their directors speak of the games.

I love this song so much

Why are you faking Todd's height