Is this the GOTY?

Is this the GOTY?

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Better than BOTW


I guess so. Nothing else really comes close this year.

For teenagers that watch others play game online rather than play any themselves, perhaps.

I was just gifted the game, we played a couple of matches and it's nothing but Multiplayer trash. I wouldn't compare this game to anything like Uncharted's Multiplayer, Splatoon, or Titanfall. It feels like a cheaply made indie game. And that's exactly what it is.

Only for people that has friends.

That's some decent bait. Repost that in every thread, I bet you'll get some good (you)'s

It's not bait. It's my honest opinion. My friends have been hounding me to play, and gifted it so I wouldn't have an excuse. We played in a 4 man squad, and it was a nightmare. One of the games none of the houses loaded, and had no collision detection, so I was warping through houses.

I had fun because I was with friends, but the game is very lackluster and I really don't get the appeal.

What kind of ancient computer are you playing this game on? Do you have an SSD? I have 200 hours in this game and I never experienced this but my friend who plays on a potato has this happen all the time.

My computer isn't the greatest, but it should be more than capable of handling it.

Unironically yes. Remember that Overwatch won shit tons of awards, this game will be no exception.

I'm guessing they haven't fixed the goddamned lag yet? Have they gotten rid of microtansactions? Have they added more maps?

It seems like everyone with this problem has 8GB of RAM. Which should be plenty, but I'm hitting 10GB or more while playing this game with 16GB available, never had this issue. I know Windows will use more RAM if you have it available, but I still think there's a memory leak or something in this game.

For kids, yes

You need to meet the system requirements user ;)

Upgraded from 8gb to 16gb can confirm. It fixed every technical issue i've ever had with this game. Memory Leak confirmed

i can see what is unique about splatoon and titanfall but uncharted's mp is the generic trash

wow so i bought this game and the servers dont work, everyone calls each other "niggers" and guns make no sound when you fire them
literally a walking simulator, do not buy this piece of shit Sup Forums
also apparently the developers are a bunch of crossdressing cannibalistic faggots

I 100% agree. But I was just noting those at least feel like actual put together games worthy of attention. This game everyone is losing thie shit over feels like it was glued together.

Indie or not, it feels like crap.

No but it's top 5 easily.

Early Access needs to die. A LARGE part of the reason that it's shit is because it's unfinished. Paid alpha, ect. ect.

>unfinished game that's sold as finished vs unfinished game that's sold as unfinidished
hmmm makes you think

Even computers that can run the Witcher at medium settings get problems with this game. It's just poorly optimized

Boy howdy this is some dumb shit I'm reading

Yup. $30.00 for an unfinished bare bones game is a God damned sin. It should be $10.00 at the very most. And even then that's too much. Just finish your game and release it.

But then they can't take your money and run when some developer drama happens and they stop updating it. Oops.

non-ea games you buy are mostly unfinished but marketed as finished

Nah. Nioh's better, Dead Cells is better, TW warhammer 2 will likely be better.

It could be if they fix all of the glitches and get it out of early access before the end of the year. Otherwise it's just another game stuck in early access hell, destined to lose popularity long before going gold.

no this is

>early access goty

Nioh was underwhelming. Dead Cells is alright but come on.

Goty is subjective dude and I'd rather play either of those games than pubg.

It's easily goty without question

say it right normie

peanut butter battleplace. And it's not goty.

Then you have shit taste.

this guy gets it

Not really. I actually have pretty fantastic taste. Pubg is a fine dumb fun game, but it's not what you'd call goty.

i heard it still runs like garbage

why cant slavs into coding games, why only hacks

>I have fantastic taste
>I would prefer to play Nioh or Dead Cells to this
Doesn't add up.

Reminder that "vaulting" and "climbing" was massive selling features at E3

>basic movement functionality
>selling points at fucking E3


this. Popping bubblewrap is grossly fun, but I'm not going to do it for more than a few minutes, let alone give the activity itself an award.
the taste bit, let's not do that can o worms

>tfw games are so shit nowadays that pubg is considered "good" whereas pre 2007 it would have been a bargain bin tier game

I'm too old for this shit

Best walking simulator ever.


>embed link
>click to random spot to skip intro
>epic music over some chick climbing some stone post in a very everyday, average style

A 100 player game pre 2007 looking like this would have hit the radio stations instantly in popularity.

If a moron looks at a complicated calculation it doesn't appear to add up. The truth is he doesn't have the stuff required to see it.

Good analogy, but my taste is superb.

when i first saw it i was tempted to play. however the more i learn about it, the less i want to actually play.

it runs like shit, looks SUPER repetitive and the concept is nothing new.

Dunno, i watched a stream and it looked boring.
They spend 90% of their time looting stuff and managing stuff in their menu and 10% actually fighting anything or driving/walking around.

What's the appeal exactly? Honestly if i was streaming that shit i'd probably welcome the honkers just because they make that crap far more interesting than it would be otherwise.

game is optimized to shit. i could have google chrome open and a movie playing and it's the same as if i had nothing besides the game open at all. no matter what, there is a 10-40 second loading delay on the houses. sometimes they load while im parachuting, but only rarely. using a SSD as well, 8 gigs of ram.

>watch others play game online rather than play any themselves
That's why it's sold tens of millions of copies while in the earliest stages of early access, right? Because nobody actually plays it.

cant make this shit up

>that image
I had that happen to me at the start of every round until I upgraded from 8 to 16gb of ram

knew it

You shouldn't spend hundreds on a GPU if you aren't even willing to spend $40 on 8 more gb of ram

>Says GOTY is subjective
>Says that taste in games is objectively fantastic

t. hasn't played the game

Have they fixed the patch thing from yesterday yet??

If a moron looks at a complicated calculation he will put down any shitty answer and hope he's right, or he will mangle the problem and think he's right.

I would love to hear your case for why those games are better anyway.

>Paid alpha
It's more like a preorder with alpha access.

Paid alpha would be like what that game Fortnite is doing or Archeage did, where it's $40-$200 for a "founders edition" that lets you play it in the early stages, but it's literally going to be f2p when it actually "comes out"

No Persona 5 is.

My answer is basically just going to come down to, because they appeal to me more. I like action games and I like 2d action games.

I don't like slow as fuck shooters with ADS and an hour of snakefucking or poopsocking for every 10 minutes of combat.

My taste is pretty great though honestly.

>I actually have pretty fantastic taste.
>goty is subjective
you couldn't have made your bait any more obvious

And you took it anyway.

You can do 20% looting and 80% fighting/looking for fights if you want. Its up to you how you want to play. You have to loot at the start but beyond that its up to you.

The game is being developed by a korean studio.

It's not bait. Something like goty is subjective. To me having good taste just involves being exposed to a wide variety of games. If you name a relatively good game the odds are good I've played it.

The guy that only played a few AAA games probably can't have good taste because he doesn't have a wide enough array of experiences.

pubg is not slow though. Action is as frequent and instant as you make it. In fact, its fast pacing is why it has become so popular over other games like DayZ. Now that is a slow game.

If you don't run TOWARDS gunfire when you hear it, and then complain about nocombat, you're a DSP-tier idiot.


Its currently being carried by the gamemode being fun, with the numbers its selling some AAA studio is going to come out with a optimized king of the hill game and blow it the fuck out of the water.

You can do like 5% looting even. Drop in a high loot area and kill other players for loot. You will have everything you need then.

>Persona 5

I'm referring to the actual mechanics more than the pacing. I don't enjoy ADS I don't like bushhumping etc. I prefer more fast paced shooters. And even then if you survive the initial conflict you can expect some downtime.

That's a good way to lose though, optimal play involves avoiding conflict for the most part.

has there ever been a jrpg to be awarded goty?

It is pretty much a San Andreas Multi Theft Auto mod I played a few years back when DayZ was popular.

Server admin would just mark a circle on the map and kill off anyone who is outside it within 10 minutes.

Was pretty fun then. No lag either since it was basically San Andreas.

Preference means nothing here. pubg is better than those two games because

1. pubg is better than games it is competing with
2. those games are worse than the games they are competing with

bottom line.

nope, just the flavor of the year, just like overwatch was

getting kills and losing > sitting in a bush until the end of the game

In 4 years. The only devs who hopped on the "cross-country hiking simulator with hunger, thirst, and temperature management" DayZ-train in time were no-name devs who shat out games like H1Z1 and 7 days to die. None of the AAA studios got a survival game up and running until well after the genre had worn its welcome.

name of the game but I still can't believe how quickly that died out
r34 activity doesn't count, naturally.

this game is surprisingly relaxing to play sometimes

Ok, if we're going to play the argue like retards game:

pubg is buggy early access trash with a tiny dick.

The other games are super awesome and have big dicks.

And that's the bottom line.

I could see several engines already made being tuned to it which should cut dev time. If they used the fox engine or whatever konami could make a pretty good one, not that that would ever happen.

Optimal play involves enjoying yourself because it's a video game and that's what they're for.

Plus, you get rewarded more for kills. Most points I ever got came from killing and losing, not getting #1.

>broadcast your location in real time to enemies and thousands of other people
>get killed

If I'm going to play a competitive game I'm going to try to win. I don't care about farming cosmetics.

>If I'm going to play a video game I'm going to go out of my way to make sure I don't actually enjoy it at all
Throwing yourself at gunfights gits you gud faster allowing you to become capable of winning without having to hide in a bathroom or behind some tree for 20 minutes like a coward.

So you prefer getting 1 kill and winning, while doing nothing in the entire rest of the game, over getting 8 kills but dying in a firefight? Sad

is this an actual thing?
I hope it is.

It is but the sad thing is devs are actually banning stream snipers even without proof

>playing semantics game just to not accept defeat

Not the "literally raping me" part. Some streamer got stream sniped and rather than put a delay on the stream so it stopped happening, he reported the guy and got him banned.

The banned guy played innocent, but there are steam vods you can watch where the streamer gets killed by him several games in a row, and the devs even claim to have looked into it - pic related is from PU's twitter.

Whatever keeps normalfags away from other games.

I prefer Gigantic so far but I wouldn't be upset if PUBG made GOTY. Its really pretty great.

How can struggling to supply your frontline be so much work and still fun?

It was released this in year here in the land of the free. Only release date that matters

no, far from GOTY

collect 10 minutes gear like an idiot, get killed in a sec, leave and start a new game, basically a piece of shit survival. are better games out there for that money.

It is mine.