Vidya apparel thread
Vidya apparel thread
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It's a funny shirt, but I won't wear it.
I hate to show my powerlevel, I only wear subtle shit. When I think about it I think that I don't own a single vidya shirt.
I have a skateboard brand shirt (Iriedaily) with a lightsaber that replaces the sword in the logo.
The cringiest thing I own is a shirt with the Autobot logo on it.
I wonder what Oney thinks now that his art has become a meme. Also is he the one selling the shirts or did they straight up take his art?
>Also is he the one selling the shirts or did they straight up take his art?
Oney is selling it. Also he confirmed on Twitter that Youtube offered to help him claim any video that tried to use his meme and make money off of it. But Oney declined. I don't know if that makes him a good person or a dumb person to lose a good opportunity.
don't have a cow man
> tfw you missed the Woah meme
Being there for a meme is not really a good thing. I just want it to blow over and people recognize him for being an animator and silly jokes again. That Friday the 13th video he did today was golden.
how many of these shirts did you print ding dong? how many are selling? 5? 10%?
le funney shirt meme
today's Friday 13th had me in fucking stitches
ding dong has nothing to do with merch sales.
he doesn't have much to do with anything other than being on the channel.
Are you kidding? Ding dong is always streaming to beg for donations so I wouldn't be surprised if he's behind all the shitty merch.
I bet he's furious at Chris too for not jumping on that opportunity to make tons of money off of his meme.
Oney and Jason teaming up was fucking hilarious
anyone know where i can buy this?
I think the design of this is pretty neat, regardless of whether you like the game. Although, I am a fan of medieval looking animal insignias in general, so that could be it.
How is whoa now a meme when he's been saying it since 1996?
It's more so the picture combined with it, fuckwit
Is this referencing something in particular?
It's a normie meme where a crudely looking Crash says "woah" and does some stupid shit. I would show you a video but they should not get any views.
Not vidya but it's still one of my favourite shirts.
i actually bought this
my lovely girlfriend got me this for christmas
I'd wear these
I don't get the Potato or the frying pan reference.
That's neat
Why is his mouth closed and not open wide?
normie memes don't give you a powerlevel
Ha, nice Taxi Driver shirt!
neither do i i just stole it
my guess is the potato is casca, the pan i have no idea.
He's knows what its like to get fucked by youtube, he probably didn't want to bring that down on others even if they might deserve it
It'll spread his popularity at least
The potato is probably casca
can we please fucking stop doing this? Jesus I've wasted almost a decade of my life on this website and it never ceases to amaze me how many people think this place is like a secret club. and people outside of it are somehow inferior for developing their own memes separately from us.
Who the fuck are you talking about? Oney? Joe J. Kuhr is the one responsible for the meme spreading.
You know there are other sites. It rhymes with Beddit and Bumblr.
>le epic reddit boogyman
He took Oney's voice and did the video, faggot.
You have to go back.
No buddy I think you do.
100% acceptable for public.
[spoilers]because most people won't get the reference.[/spoiler]
Uhn... yeah. Your point being? Why would anyone consider this "Oney's meme" is beyond me.
yeah I know, I have people even compliment me all the time because "Ohhh a puppy!"
Spoiler protip:
Highlight the words you want and hit "Ctrl +s"
cheers bruv
I'm kinda embarrassed to wear it but I suppose I did technically pay for it.
I supported the kickstarter enough to "Earn" the shirt as a reward
either is a dumb decision that will make him look good for everyone or made a good decision and be looke dbad by everyone. Also never trust youtube to make decisions so in my opinion, he made a dumb but good decision
should have added a bag
i burst out laughing, specially with that player wanting to kill him for leading jason to them
>"there they are, jason"
It wasn't Youtube, it was some bloodsucksing YT add agency.
Sadly now everyone who has seen the video is going to try to replicate it in the game now. But at the same token who gives a shit the game sucks anyways
yeah, i bet people will copy this but also the game looks glitchy though, i wouldn't play it if it is like that
We did it Sup Forums xD
did you suck him off as thanks?
I bought it. I want people to know I have a very simple sense of humor.
You talkin' to me?
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme
mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe
which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
>normie meme
Pick one friend. Almost everyone I know has watched at least watched one oney vid and half know the meme.
Not gonna lie, I'm tempted to buy this shirt
Taking Youtube's offer to fuck up everyone using that would have been the dumb decision in the long run. He'd be betraying his fans for a few pennies if he did that.
Oney is literally a redditor
cop or not
The whole series was pretty funny, but the finale was glorious. The fact that he hitched a ride with them in the car at the end fucking killed me.
What proved to me that oney fans were literal children was not the memes, the autistic furry porn posting or even the obsession with the personal lives of their imaginary friends, but how triggered they get by criticism. They cannot BELIEVE anyone would criticize their favorite youtubers and sperg out in the most embarrassing way as soon as anyone mocks them. They cannot take a joke. They cannot handle someone saying oneyplays isn't good. This, and only this, is why they've become the most irritating posters on Sup Forums.
despite being a redditor at least the rules aren;t cancerous
props to them to know when to end it, this was the best one of the series and glad it ended in good terms, otherwise it would've been run to the ground like motifa
Not. Unless you can get it on a hat
For someone with a fanbase Reddit is almost a necessary evil, and sometimes one they don't even have control over. Him being an admin on that subreddit is probably a formality then him actually running it.
>just because we're braindead faggots on the show who act like retards doesn't mean you're allowed to have fun, serious discussion only so we can maintain our superiority complexes while churning out garbage
Sure, not cancerous at all
trying too hard to find flaws, aren't we?
>no boat
>reddit memes
They look like they'd fit you perfectly.
aww thank you ;)
>tfw say whoa all the time in chat usually sarcastically before the meme even started
>now everyone thinks im referencing a meme
It was funny the first time but there will always be people who run jokes into the ground.
That's unfortunate, i was thinking the "woah meme" was just people quoting crash bandicoot in the same way people say "i'll be back" from terminator.
What Crash clip specifically brought this on? I skipped his Crash vids because I thought they were boring.
This is the most video gamey shirt i wear.I think it's pretty nice.
Oney made a tweet of him messing with the crash model (he later uploaded a vid of crash asking to donate at sgdq for Tifa's name to be beefaroni)
on said tweet he morphed crash's model in sync with the woahs. Someone else made or edited the crash model to look like chris' art and used the woah audio. Then he posted a green screen version.
How the fuck is that funny
It was kind of funnier than it sounds
Is wearing this acceptable?
If you're below the age of 15
That's actually a pretty cool design choice
literally every major youtuber/streamer has a reddit page. Its like the best way 2 get feedback. We cant just have a oneyplays general thread every other day
Wow ebin reply user so original xDD
It made me zozzle as well