

Imagine if Blizzard designed chess
>Dark Queen - Destroy All Pawns That Moved More Than 1 Square

>Imagine if blizzard could come up with a game as good as chess
Fuck, that's hard, they couldn't even get Rock Scissors Paper right

I'm surprised Blizzard hasn't made a card that lets you draw every card in your deck yet

Fucking trash

they did.

>deal 2 damage playing cards refreshes this

what is the one for rogue?

>more than double the cost of shadow word: death
>destroys all minions so your side isn't safe
>pretty much useless if the enemy has a bunch of small minions
>only works once so you're fucked if they summon more
>just spent all your mana on a board clear that only works on minions with more than 4 attack
It's fine.

gain stealth for 1 turn

All Priest decks are cancer decks.

for all minions? nice :)

Complete shite
>Remove ~5 Jade Golums and have another 7 played next turn
>Can't beat aggro hunter, token Druid or shaman cos all they use are bodies not stats
>Spells based decks ala Mage trounce it
>Hero power absurdly slow, like did they learn nothing from TTG
>4 damage cards are common as shit, ala Primordial Drake
>ALL minions so you board is fucked too
Just shit, Hemet tier legendary

Are there any good alternatives to hearthstone?
I haven't played the game since first expansion release and it seems absolutely impossible to gain cards at a reasonable pace now.

Elder Scrolls Legends


depends on what you want
shadowverse and eternal are pretty beginner friendly. SV is similar to HS's system but eternal is more like MTG
you could also give Todd's game a try



Just looked into shadowverse thanks guys, seems really beginner friendly with all the cards they give.

Tried ESL it's very fun and I love the style but the double lane mechanic is really not for me.

Hearthstone gets more fun the more cards you have.

Shadowverse gets LESS fun the more cards you have.

What's the hero power?

give a try to eternal user, it's better than all the other game that usualy get mentioned in these threads (it uses MTG rules) but for some reason it's not as popular as other games

Shadowverse is good until you reach the higher rankings.
That is when you uninstall.


>get high rank
>don't get any rewards for playing passed dailies and the monthly rewards
probably one of the biggest reasons I quit
eternal always rewards but it's also a shame they lowered the amount you get after 10 wins in exchange for the daily pack

The art has been pretty bad for nearly every card for this expansion.
It sucks, because I love the idea of alternate versions of your class.

I'll go ahead and download that as well, thanks for the suggestion user.

Are these cards like Jaraxxus but without being a minion and changing your health?


and so far every single one of them has been unplayable. The hunter one is CLOSE to being playable.

This latest one is trash incarnate. I'm not even sure what they're thinking is good about this one. When do you ever need more than one power word death in a given turn and when do you actually want it to affect your side of the board and when do you want to waste your whole turn killing one or maybe two minions?

It would be playable if it was 4 or 5. It practically has a built-in downside to it.

let me know when they make a card that uninstalls your game and refunds all your blizzbux

Anduin here is solid if just for the new hero power it gives.

Pokemon TCG online

It's surprisingly Not-Clunky.

Custom cards go

That's actually not terrible, with Lyra and those pudding spirits you could squeeze out some decent results.

>DWD works on the online Pokemon TCG, ESL and Eternal
busy dudes

Planning to start shadowverse soon

What do you mean exactly ?


It's best you don't know.

you were saying?