What other devs than Todd Howard has their own Pop! bobble head?

What other devs than Todd Howard has their own Pop! bobble head?

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Is it 1:1 scale?


Remember to put me in the screencap, ok?

>he didn't buy a Todd figure
Please explain yourself and Steam screencap also.

nice one familia

cant wait to see this on reddit


ecks dee

man they totally got the hair fucking wrong. He looks like Matt Smith's Dr. Who

That looks nothing like the fucker. Take off the name and I would not be able to guess who it was.

Who buys these things? Why would anyone want this?

Literally my first thought and I don't even watch Dr. Who.

I need to be a part of this

Toddposting is the best thing that happened to humanity.

Does the LEGO minifigures count?

That's just the Sherlock one without the violin.

Put me in the screencap my friend.

best leddit meme


got im

hahaha nice meme great post screencap hahaah





I thought it was a joke

breddy gud

No if it was 1:1 scale that would make Todd the smallest human in history and that's far from the truth and I think you know this but you still wanted to make a stupid fucking joke with no basis in reality.

We're reaching levels of contrarian that shouldn't be possible

what a suprise Pop figures are shit

You bastard

Welcome to the great big Funko Pop scam.

He did it better, try again

>being this autistic

Holy shit it literally is

He's either Todd or just an autist

I'm at a short loss of words.

I was in that thread.
Has my sense of humor just dulled or is there nothing funny about that cap?

Todd please stop posting that chair is too high for you

>this post gets 20+ replies
the absolute STATE of Sup Forums


the absolute height of todd


Lol memes! Todd is so short and I am so funny! Oh wait, that's right. He isn't. Now fuck off back to Réddit and stop making lame height jokes about a man of average length.

Say that to my face fucker and not online.


This leave Todd alone you fucking reddit memers

Lol le epic false flagging! Well I saw Todd on a beach once and not only was he ripped he literally was above average height. Not even joking here. Stop meming when it's not even applicable to the person you're meming about. This trend only started because people were jealous of Todd stealing all the business from WoW and FF14 because his RPGs.

WTF what's your problem user? I'm agreeing with you. Todd is literally the tallest man in the world and nobody can say otherwise.

Care to explain this?



>posting the shoop

Both of these are photoshoped and I find your willingness to deceive people revolting

I saw Todd Howard at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

I'm pretty sure this never happened. Stop lying

first post best post

Fine fine here you go

Wtf I don't know what you're implying but Todd let me measure him while we were in college and he was 6 foot 2 then and that was just in college he's well over 6'5 now probably so post the unphotoshoped version or I will

Based 1:1 scale poster!

Go ahead. I need more photoshops of Todd.

No, they inflated the head to simulate his ego.

I would seriously consider buying a Peter Molyneux figure.


>The figure can do anything!
>It can't even move its arms


Gaben one when

Would it be a special one with an enlarged stomach instead of head?

>Todd gets an email asking about licensing for a Todd Funko
>he agrees because publicity and money
>probably thought he'd get a unique mold
>"his" figure is Sherlock's with a trophy and empty hand instead of a violin

yeah and it would be signaling the number 3 with his hand

His hand isn't empty. He's holding an award.

No, the other hand.




Ayo lemme on the reddit screencap too

That actually makes me mad. But why, i wonder myself? it's not like me or anyone wants to buy a Todd figure.

>shit what do I do with my hands

I like the pic you posted, wonderin' if I shared it, would you mind?

holy shit, its not just a meme. He's fucking tiny

Cause you know that this laziness is repaid in the millions.




Sup Forums really is full of underage now isn't it

>Funko Pop!

You guys just aren't true collectors. I mean look at this one. Any true die-hard collector would spend some serious money to have this part of their collection.

>Implying (you)s are proof of quality
>Implying getting them means anything
>Implying Sup Forums had any quality to begin with
>Implying we're not here just wasting our time and lives in here

Try harder newfag

Assuming there was no same fagging, how does the reception of your post make you feel? That is an extreme amount of yous and they are all praising/keking

I've never made a post as well received as your post, I'm jealous tbqh. Good shit mate



Who is the original pasta about?

It feels amazing. I keep coming back to this thread, reread my post again and can't stop laughing and smiling because everyone really liked my comment. I've screenshotted it 9 times now because the (you)s keep coming. I've had a handful of popular posts before but this takes the cake for sure. You'll make a post that everyone loves eventually my friend, don't give up! Have a good rest of the day my bros. You all really are my bros, never forget that Sup Forums

It's a custom, retards. The Sherlock Homes figure was used as the base.


Thanks for the kind words, user. You're the first person to have faith in me in years. How did you come up with such a good post so fast? You got the first reply and that is impressive. You've inspired me to be confident in what I say and to not second guess myself. Most the time I spend 5 minutes on a post and end up deleting. Never again


Actually he doesn't, that's just Sherlock holding a gaming award. Bethdesa will always be creatively retarded hacks.


Delet this

>POP will always be creatively retarded hacks

Why do people by this junk, it all looks the same.