Will they nerf her in next week's update?
Will they nerf her in next week's update?
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Doubt it. She's popular but far from broke. They're most likely gonna tackle helix
>Helix is good
That's surprising based on what I've seen online, the only person who really consistently gives me trouble is Ribbon Girl
Hopefully. I hit my girlfriend after losing to her three times in a row.
Helix has an incredibly high learning curve but when youy master his movements he's the closest thing to broken in this game. Put some glovees on him or some rams and he's damn near a god.
I'd rather they nerf Twintelle. She's the only one that consistently gives me trouble.
Rams? Never played ARMS. Explain.
I have to fap after every fight against her. XD
Chakrams, that do fire damage if charged.
Light, big, and fast.
But her float is so slow, and you can usually guess where they're going and get them as they move, or on the landing after they whiff
ARMS is the best fighting game ever. Still makes me mad when I think about how it gets treated.
I was hoping for gloves shaped like rams. Oh well.
Chakrams and Ramrams
round Arms that release a beyblade at an angle to attack your opponent. Ramrams have fire effect chakrams have stun.
"one of" or "the"?
the customizeable arms make it more fun but at the same time hurt it competitively. Good thing it's a nintendo game and nobody will ever play this competitively. Should've had a more robust single player story rather than be a weaker online experience than splatoon
Nintendo has done more than enough to advertise the game. People just shat on it because it was a motion control fighting game.
I think the worst thing Nintendo did was release it so close to Splatoon. It ended up killing ARMS because people just treated it as something to just keep their interest for a month until Splatoon came out.
The arms aren't customizable and they don't really hurt comp at all. it's not like any of the arms are out of normal play it's just allowing other characters to use certain ARMS.
The idea that customs ruin the balance is silly.
>the customizeable arms make it more fun
ah yes, dealing with meme combos are so fun
All the competitive ARMS stuff only use default arms.
iirc the issue isn't really balance, it's just unlocking them and + arms even existing are a complete hassle
it isn't viable when you need a ton of set ups for tournament play
But they really had no other place to put it. Launch was all about BotW and no one is going to buy another multiplayer focus game after Splatoon.
maybe a new character on the way?
>Splatoon is bad.
Found the shitposter.
wut? Reread that again. It's the opposite. Everyone is too busy playing to buy and play ARMS.
if all ARMS were available then everyone would be using the same 3 ARMS.
I think August/September still would have been a better window than June though.
I think the only thing it would have had to compete with around then is Fire Emblem Warriors.
yea that's the current main issue although people do argue it ruins balance. Some tourneys allow "customs" but the biggest ones go default mostly for the logistics.
What would those 3 arms be pray tell?
And Pokken Tournament, another fighting game on the same system with a better reception.
That's when Splatfest happens. No one is buying ARMS at that point.