>open ps4 case
>no manual
>its a fucking ad
What happened?
Open ps4 case
Less passion.
More marketing.
I even get ads on my phone now too. Like, the fucking home screen.
buying shit digitally happened
>needing a manual
no casuals allowed
Yeah this sucks, it's not a PS4 exclusive issue either. Modern gaming just decided guides and maps don't matter unless you want to spend extra shekels for the SE.
Casuals dont even use a manual.
Stop trying to fit in, casual
Started sometime last gen. They're all digital manuals now.
>needing a manual for a nu-game
Wtf? What phone?
>buy XSEED game
>full-blown instruction manual with character bios and color pages
Did you buy an Amazon Prime phone?
What was your favorite instruction manual? Mine was pic related.
>buy PS4 game
>feels nice and heavy
>open case
>big fat manual and a thank you note from the studio
But that never happened
I don't remember any last gen games that didn't come with basic manual
Sony Xperia Z3
What's in that package OwO
Witcher 3 did that, actually.
>we will never again get cool, full-color manuals with artwork, lore, and hints.
Arc the Lad collection, holy shit
>glossy pages
>ribbon bookmark
>full color
>dat smell
A few still have them. The Evil Within and Guilty Gear Xrd for example. It blows that it's become such a nostalgic thing now.
The manuals are basically half the reason I've been buying Nicalis' Switch releases.
Jesus fucking christ
Movies don't come with manuals.
>open ps4 case
>no game
>it's a fucking movie
A game that needs a manual is shit.
Its called suggestive advertising.
>buys a movie
>gets ads before watching the movie
colour me surprised, op.
also, you have some serious shit taste, kys.
>The Rental: 1886
>Buy physical copy of doom for PC
>it has fuck all in box
>Literally a CD key, an ad for the dlc and a disc that had like 6GiBs of the game
>have to download the rest
Fuck that noise. I don't need a manual or extra goodies, just give me the full goddamn game.
The best part is when they fucking inflate the size of the game by an absurd amount so it takes a good 70+ gb.
Who the fuck are they trying to keep out of playing the game? Everyone?
It's because they are too lazy to decompress audio at runtime.
Well that sucks. One of the reasons i buy physical copies is because i don't have to download 50gb+ of shit. other one being that i can throw the disc in the lake and it will be gone forever
>those comic book manuals that came with MGS2 and MGS3
I dont think anything will top them.
>people ITT actually defending a lack of manuals
Underage plz leave
>Well that sucks. One of the reasons i buy physical copies is because i don't have to download 50gb+ of shit.
I just installed FF12 HD the other day on my ps4.
It took 40 gigs.
40 gigs isn't enough it needs at least 60 gigs of confirmed space before it'll install without errors.
I had to delete the witcher 3.
The witcher 3 was 70 gigs.
Ps4 has plenty of games but you need to keep fucking deleting shit to make room for more.
Games don't need to cram their game under 50 mb anymore. The shit that used to be in manuals is now in ingame menus or tooltips.
There is no big jew cosnpiracy taking away your booklets you fucking retards