Filename Thread


I like how they all just stand around and watch.

>asians are such pussies to be scared of a woman

Why didn't he punch her if she was armed?

In communist countries if you intervene in any way, you are liable to be sued for the crime

If you help in china you can be liable for medical bills. So most people just back off.

thats not communism its just Asians being retarded

Also its a crazy bitch with a knife. If I was a fat 40 year old chinaman I wouldnt want to attack that.

america watches their wives get fucked by black men. how is this different?

In China, if you help someone you become legally and financially liable for the victim. That compounded with most people in China being 1) dirt poor and 2) fucking opportunistic leads to people just standing by while shit happens.

That old lady that just moved that one little kid off the road so his legs were run over instead of his torso is probably the most kindness you'll ever see in these situations.

you can literally throw a brick, pick a log and hit her, standing there waving your hand is no way safer then trying to intervene

Asians are fucking subhumans.


That last stroke of bad luck. Toppest of keks.

>these are the people who will own the world when the white man is gone


yurocuck spotted


>its a china is seriously fucked episode
lets keep this going post more

>implying they won't just commit racial suicide with the exponential increase in auto accidents

>Drives into van
>Drives into standing car
>Drives into oncoming traffic
>Drives into construction site
That some vehicular suicide right there

Libcucks are not Americans.

ok so what the shit am I looking at?



I hate the Chinese ao much.

Dumb fucking chinks

meme vs. reality my friend. that doesn't work here.

>it's a daily anti China Sup Forums thread rerun

Not video games.

I like how the women pretend to act horrified. What did he think was gonna happen?

Also why was the door so damn flimsy?

This happens like every week. We literally have an arsenal of webms.

america is progressive

Sup Forums is a broken clock

>midir fog wall

>Implying Lori-Anne isn't walking 50 ft across the border to get a Dirty Sanchez while her husband Bo's working in the mine shaft

No but really has the right of it. Interracial relationships aren't really common, people are still largely attracted to people who look like themselves.

God damn is this PT?

>that guy with a shirt that shows off his belly button
wtf is wrong with you china

Damn high IQ looks like this??




What's wrong with having your girlfriend have sex with your black friend on the side? As a white man I see nothing wrong with this when you can't satisfy her sexually why not have someone else do it?

>man i was really hoping someone would go in that hole
>that last second

>Libcucks are not Americans.
The get the fuck out of this country ya unpatriotic fuck fag.

Like god damn go to whatever other the fuck you want instead of being a huge as fag hating on your own shitty country men like some sort of beta as faggot whiny piece of shit..

>Also why was the door so damn flimsy?
Because China