He bought a full tower + 750w psu for his single gpu build

>he bought a full tower + 750w psu for his single gpu build

>tfw got a 40% discount on a platinum 1000w modular with japs parts
>10 year warranty
never ever have to think about a psu anymore, feels good

Wattage is irrelevant, rating is what matters. That's like getting pissy that someone has a 20 gallon gas tank when they fill up at 25%.

Rating is for at higher loads.
1000w 80+gold psu is actually less efficient at say 400 watts than a 500w 80+gold psu
That being said OP is a bitch nigguh who has never done real overclocking. I bet he doesn't even a waterloop and custom bios in his GPU.

Enjoy your tiny hot box and tiny penis OP

Only marginally so. I'd rather have a PSU large enough to support any build rather than having to buy a new one with a more ambitious build.

>his mouse runs at 1000hz
>he runs his mouse at a DPI > 800

Actually I bought a full tower + 650 Watt PSU for my single gpu build THANK YOU


>implying the shitty support for sli is ever worth the extra price/power consumption

Who said anything about SLI? I want it to power my coffee mug warmer and automated onahole.



Triggered OP?

You can cool your PC with jizz?

Yes, specifically the jizz found in your mom's spit bucket.

It would probably work so-so as a thermal paste.

I have a 750w in my non-tower PC. :^)

The cables bulge out.

But that's contaminated with tartar from her teeth. Surely that's not good for the components.

>mfw did the same thing in under 12 liters

Tartar's natural thermal paste

Well, we used to use her pussy juice but that well dried up years ago. It's fine with a kill coil and no mixed metals.


>same thing
>single 120mm radiatior
>probably no gpu block
>ugly as piss
At least the object that never moves from your desk is more portable.

this fits in my backpack no problem, and the raijintek pallas keeps the cpu under 50c at load. H75 keeps the 290 below 60c under load. Works for me, bet it would work for anyone else looking to run a single card build.

yo real talk FUCK TOPH

tbqh. Hate hearing him bitch about netplay how can scar tolerate him.

The fuck did you say?

>before playing
>yeah these guys are scrubs

>if lose
>wow these virgins spend their life jerking off and playig netplay

>if win
>yeah guck these guys they suck

>spending hundreds more on a loop for marginally better cooling
>doesn't even get a second card
>completely useless unless case has a windowed panel
>he has a windowed panel

i'm reusing the 1000w i bought for my retired mining rig

>bought 1000w PSU for dual GPU so I could have a Windows XP virtual machine with PCI-e passthrough
>want to upgrade to Vega
>see leaked power consumption
Jesus, there's no way I'm upgrading to 1200W or whatever just for Vega.

>He's a caselet

ATX/uATX for home desktop
ITX for portable desktop
Gaming laptop never

>he can't afford all three

>fits in my backpack
Lmao for what purpose? also overclock more if those are your temps.
>Being poor.
>fallifor the sli/crossfire meme.

>finally built a bomb ass pc after years of laptop
>only play gamecube games on doplhin

>tfw spent $350 on a psu to look cool in my water cooled build

I do regret it. At the time, I needed to get it out of my system though. Next build is going to be the most boring, quiet Define R5 you've ever seen.

>1000w psu + custom loop
>won't spend more on a second card

i take it to meetups at campus to play halo online and splitscreen cod zombies. My laptop can't splitscreen bo3 but the 290 doesn't break a sweat with rendering 1080p twice.

Not him, but I ran SLI for five years and it's the biggest meme out of all of that shit desu

Both Nvidia and AMD are moving away from multi-gpu stuff.

yeah, but whats the point of wasting all his money on an open loop for a single gpu setup with an overkill psu? You can't argue that its cheaper not to when you've already wasted this much on a pointless cooling system.

This is the true way to play vidya

This is a good point. Main reason I did SLI in my water-cooling phase was for looks anyway.

I'm just on a hair trigger because of how much fucking trouble for basically minimal gains SLI gave me. Single card and upgrading more often is so much better than SLI.