Begging Thread

Anyone wanna be a bro and buy me the battlefield 1 premium pass on ps4? I promise I'll be your best friend and play with you all the time :)

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Just buy BF4 premium. It's still populated, has more content and is literally superior.

Yeah bro, post your bank account information.

I already played the shit out of bf4

and that game nothing but BRs now

I received BF1 W/ Premium for free and I still prefer Battlefield 4. Battlefield 1 has perfect movement mechanics and flight controls, but I cannot grow accustomed to the gunplay.

it's either this or I go back to black ops 3, save me from evil, bros.

Sounds like you don't have a problem with money with all these games you have

Kill yourself nigger.

>wanting this shit cuck game
>for console
>to be bought for you by a stranger

this is the kind of thing gas chambers were invented for

seriously you people are fucking disgusting sometimes

you can't gift people on ps4

who said I did, just don't feel like spending it on dlc lol

don't be mad at me cuz ur too autistic to get shit for free lol

sent ;)

sent ;^)

but you can buy a psn money card on amazon and then give me the code ;)

of cours someone this entitled and lacking in self awareness would want to play niggerfield

off yourself trash

oh on the contrary, you couldnt act more indignant and ungrateful, you are wasting your time, my god you're fucking stupid and pathetic

>ur too autistic to get free shit
>makes himself out to be an asshole who doesnt deserve a cent 1 minute ago
pure unadulterated autism

no wonder you have the platform with all the gay weebshit

Make a friend that has premium. You can play the dlc with them.

everyone has already conquered that fuck out of that game. If anything hardline needs more players

are they cool or are they normalfags

>being this racist in 2017
if anyone is pathetic it's the old man that literally voted for trump kek

uh huh

keep replying OP, you are really helping your cause

you're probably the normalfag if anything.

I do but they lock the xp you gain behind the premium pay wall

>2.You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

if you can't afford it asks your wife's bull ;) I'm sure he makes enough so that he doesn't sperg out

Since this is a begging thread anyone mind gifting me Hollow knight?
It's on sale right now and I'd be really grateful.


are you OP?

if so you're mentally ill, ive never asked for a free game in my life