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just get to the furry porn already




Why didn't Mario answer him?


he realized paper mario doesnt talk

Wasn't it Luigi who encountered Melody Pianissima though?



Is this bait?0

He actually doesn't know.

whats the point?

That didn't answer my question

Please, click it and explore, you won't regret it.

why can't this artist draw arms?



>people WILL get triggered over this



well executed short. Glad there was no break away.

actually dont. It creates mustard gas

I really don't get it.

t. shitskin

All you people who say girls can't have penises, explain this??????

where the fuck is the porn

Fucking wario ware


At least make the cook look not white

Can't deny this desu

The memory is so traumatic that Mario can't bring himself to answer the question.

mario 64 evil piano
sadpanda. Search for working girls

you can tell a womyn made this

ha ha whoa video games are different at the end than at the beginning wowww

I was wondering why link looked like a girl then I saw the sidon panel and I thought 'oh a girl made this' but apparently it was made by a man?

There was a second shooter in the grassy hill zone

Tee hee hee

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>everyone promptly follows suit when depicting this character
Welcome to Breath of the Wild.

Who hasn't done a fairy cooking joke at this point?

Who knows these days

Has that guy ever played any rpg on his life?

This is actually true.

I think what white males are the same as everyone else. Its white females that hate hot foods.

jesus fucking christ

>People STILL think he was being serious

That sounds retarded. Is Mario a pussy now?

>search working girls
>reminded how big Popuras tits are

What did he expect to happen?

Most of my friends can't do spicy but at least they're honest about it and get mild.



What nationality is the cook?

You obviously never played Mario 64 as a kid.

The fuck

>we will never get more Popura doujin
The Knuckle Duster is a cute one by him as well but it has a trap

I hate this fucking bullshit attitude. I love spicy foods, it'd love to just say "make it spicy" and have it be spicy but I've learned if I don't say "make it as spicy as you can" then they give me the pussy sauce.

Are minorities so fucking insecure that they really feel the need to hold the fact their cultures have spicier foods above us as a means of feeling superior? Dating a Mexican for four years, yes their food is spicier but it wasn't so fucking spicy I could never eat it.

Underage detected


Spicy is different from hot

haha its funny because drugs

I don't know why this makes me so happy

When I was five I thought Pepperoni was spicy.

didn't MGS3 take place before MGS5?

i have only loosely played these games.

>white people




its metal gear 2

That's Solid Snake in Metal Gear 2.

Yes, but the comic is of Metal Gear (not solid) 1 or 2 which is after MGS 5

This is a good comic.

It doesn't hold your hand in explaining the reference to you, the art is good, the joke is funny and it doesn't have a shit ton of unnecessary dialogue.

Overall I'd give it a 9/10.

This is so unbelievably stupid it's baffling. He literally threw the fairy on the pot, what sane person could find any aspect of this funny?

That's Metal Gear 2 on the MSX. Miller's part of your codec advice team, but this was long, long before any of his backstory with Big Boss or even the whole Les Enfantes Terribles cloning project was a concept.

Big Boss doesn't even call Solid Snake his son, despite MGS1 retconning that.


It's hot because it's spicy.

I think that first image is from Metal Gear Solid 1

>be argentinian
>can't handle spicy food
am I confirmed white?

I like using that Asian spicy red pepper sauce with the seeds in it that I forget the name of.
Am I casual?


The "joke" is funny? You think this is funny because there was once a piano enemy in 64?

>tfw white and can handle Carolina Reaper
I'm a slav desu, so that white thing might be a matter of opinion

you know i dont get why this butt blasts so many people. im a white american and i am sensitive to spicy food. most of my white friends are the same. it's a result of how we are accustomed to the food we grew up with. do people actually think that ANYONE is trying to imply that any ethnic group is inherently more or less sensitive to spicy food?

i want to chalk it up to insecurity

Who cares how spicy it is.
What matters is the taste.

Sorry I don't remember some random enemy from 20 years ago

haha, fuck drumpf



>Fucking wario ware
I am sure they are


it's metal gear 2
that's solid snake being supported by Miller


Better get that alzheimers check.

>game tells you it helps with the process of cooking
>game shows the fairy floating over the pan, sprinkling dust
Into the bin it goes.




So, how could you all know that Shad did this?
It's pretty hard to realize it in this picture.