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What does Sup Forums think of this?

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Looks and sounds great. Gameplay is shallow and too repetitive. The much ballyhooed AI is easy to exploit and overall pretty dumb, and the game has a ridiculous amount of busywork to extend the length.

From beginning of game until end of medical bay level: 9/10

The remaining 15 hours of the game: 3/10

Solid 7ยด95 game

Best survival horror of that year

Superb survival horror.
First half better than the second, that's true, but still a solid 9/10, especially if you're an Alien fan like me.

Game wasn't scary at all and had way too much filler.

vanilla: 6/10
with ai mod: 11/10

The absolute best horror game available today, I beat it on the hardest difficulty and had a blast, going to beat it again in Oct.

there are loli mods?

One of the best games of 2014.

Fucking fantastic game, and an excellent base for a sequel if they ever do another. The final hour of the game is the best lead-in to Aliens imaginable. Pretty decent stealth, though playing on the hardest difficulty is actually easier than playing on a lower difficulty because the AI becomes easier to exploit. Its also fucking beautiful.

>My little brother raged about the game being too hard
>"Does your PC have a mic connected?"
>"Yeah, why?"

It's awesome.

It's not supported on PC.
Nice try.

great game on my second playthrough now
alien gets annoying fast though and the androids were the hardest enemy of the game

Thinking about picking it up. How linear is it? I'm not looking for open world, but being able to go about the ship ala Bioshock 1 would be nice.

As someone who recently watched Covenant it's a good proof that: videogames > movies.

Too bad the western industry is so cucked.

2014 GOTY

good breakdown, its nice to exist in a detailed HD world paying tribute the alien universe.

but the game is ultimately a cash grab, lots of busy work and the entire game is basically scripted, very annoying.

when there is a serious AI breakthrough, then a legitimate alien game can exist. until then....just tips of fedoras from fans.

>when the Alien goes on a clear loop and you realize how the AI is literally on rails and makes it home in on you

This made me drop this midway even with the Random AI config.

I would sit in a corner and watch as the Alien would literally go in the same rooms in the same order forever.

>pic related

open world? nah, it's more traveling straight to the area you need to but you often return back to areas and can unlock rooms with new tools you find. the station is definitely worth exploring even if you risk anal penetration from the alien

Then use the Unpredictable AI mod.

walking simulator enthusiasts

I think it's pretty dumb to call it a cash grab. Its not like the game was terrible. Sure it was repetitive but it was still decently long and a very atmospheric experience all around.

>No acid blood
>Alien can't be killed
>Alien can't even be harmed ayyylmaao
>Alien is tall as fuck, way bigger than the previous entries
>Game stopping bugs literally 5 minutes into the game
>Save corruption can kill your progress
>Frustrating mechanics, especially on harder difficulties
I'm not a fan. Great art direction and atmosphere though, very well researched.

I never got around it looked like a good direction.
I watched some game play footage and the quailty was amazing.

he literally said he used it right there what the fuck man

Random AI config is not the name of any mod out there.
Learn to use proper words.

So would you say it's more of a metroidvania in terms of level design? Or does it go by chapters.

Jesus nigga... just play Fallout 4 instead.

What the fuck are you on about? Even RE1 had an explorable mansion. Freedom in level design isn't all open world, dumbfuck.

>videogame based on a movie
I might as well play some shitty videogame about spiderman, batman, the joker or some shit

Excellent art direction, incredibly faithful to source material, clearly made by team who enjoyed and understood the franchise, got incredibly tedious and boring pretty fast.

Also, in a game where I have to explore and find logs to fill in the plot, it's really gay and stupid to set the enemy AI to do patrols where I only have 15 seconds at a time until the enemy returns. There's nothing fun about the Alien AI, it just stays tethered to a 20 yard radius of wherever you are and doesn't give you a chance to do shit, so the game just turns into rote memorization.

unfortunately, most everything alien these days is a cash grab (see : the fat stoner idiot who literally played a spaceship pilot in the latest alien movie).

it was beautiful and like i noted, it was pleasant to exist in that HD universe. but everything about it is stale beyond reason. i enjoyed being given weapons but it was just an attempt to not be labeled an interactive movie.

nailed it

Just realised there's a xeno silhouette in the helmet's reflections lol

I played the game on a 165 hz monitor. Every fucking stupid in-game cut scene would bring it down to a locked 30fps. This completely killed any sense of immersion for me and because of that i stopped playing pretty quickly. Plus it was basically a door opening simulator.

The game would have been better if the halved the length of the game and put the budget to polishing the remainder.

>can't read properly unless it's perfectly explained in easy to understand words in a simple expositive way

It's ok to be dumb though, so I don't hate you.

Stop acting like an underage mentally fucked up SJW faggot.

The name is Unpredictable AI mod.
Or is unpredictable a too hard word for you?

Is it true this game is better to be played on easy because the alien is less predictable and you meet him less making the encounters more impactful and the atmosphere superb to hard?

It's good but drags a little toward the end. Must buy if you like the Alien movies.

I liked it, during the release of Dead Space I remember saying "the horror part of this game is generic trash, but fixing machines in space is honestly kind of rad" and that's basically what it is.

>when there is a serious AI breakthrough, then a legitimate alien game can exist
But alien is a primitive animal and therefore it shouldn't be hard to create very believable and terrifying AI even with today's standards.

metroidvania, most rooms/doors that are locked are opened with tools you find as the story progresses (welding kit, security clearance, etc) and the main tram network that breaks down often.
so no it's not chapter driven. keep in mind though its "survival horror", exploring can be extremely time consuming as you dodge the alien (when it's around).

A random thing is an unpredictable thing, by definition.

Don't get mad, user-kun, reading is only one of our many possible skills, I'm sure you can excel at something else.

It was pretty neat but getting the flamethrower made it too easy to fend off the Alien especially when you got the improved molotov. If I ever had to make a break for something I just sprayed it two or three times or maybe threw a molotov at it and I was free to do whatever for at least 30 seconds.

get boring after 2 hours of solid playing not a game you can beat on a weekend

i loved all the alien movies but could never get into this.

i made it to the part after the first guy gets killed by an alien and i'm supposed to sneak by some bad guys and just stopped giving a fuck


GOTY 2014

Please stop misusing words

I bet you think RE7 is an Outlast clone, too.

nah, the alien could choose to be a recluse or have a need to feed. could just be watching, does it capture or just kill?

right now the alien AI functions off of 1 input, the player. i believe a passionate team of fluent developers could create such an AI and would change videogames forever...but they wouldnt get paid as much if at all. they have to eat too, so they get paid to code the next call of duty uncharted.....

It's called the "Unpredictable Alien Mod"

I haven't tried it, but apparently it overhauls the "Alien AI" so it no longer receives hints of your location from the "Director AI", so the alien just literally wanders all over the ship.

no re7 saw the success of PT and changed directions entirely. now its just another walking simulator VR ploy (like outlast). games will always just diverge into casualness, unfortunately. because its all about making money...

sorry to shit on your hot new gaming fad


are you insane? sure the game has its flaws but it's probably the most authentic game based off of an existing IP out there. It's quite clear that everyone who worked on it was invested and was a fan of the franchise. Everything right down to the sound effects, music and the way you interact with the hardware on board the station. A fuckload of attention to detail was put into this game and it genuinely saddens me that we'll probably never see a game with this much effort put into it again

But yeah, I hear you when it comes to things like needless padding and the AI being exploitable, though I hear there is a mod for that. The little flashback where that team go into the alien ship was, while cool and accurate, just didn't need to be there. Same with half of the false endings

Um, no sweetie. I think it's time to admit the other user was in the right. Stand down. Now.

>no I take pride in shitposting


>Alien can't be killed
>Alien can't even be harmed ayyylmaao
Just as it should be. Aliens was trash.

okay, youve earned a little respect for it back into my heart.

but the alien universe has existed for so long, attempts to recreate (both success' and failures) have illustrated what is authentic or not for some time now.

in the DLC, recreating the first movies ending : your board the shuttle are about to blast off and it just ends....not even a cutscene of watching the ship travel off

that was a genuine insult.

but getting some of the actors together so many years after the first movie is a cool thing

>alien is killed in original movie


It's like a few hours of neat material stretched over 20+ hours and the filler is just whacky ways to open doors or get things to open doors or going through doors to open other doors.

>every game should only be 5 hours long so that my autistic ADHD self can actually finish them
Kys yourself, sweetie.

you are a textbook videogame consumer, statisticians and mediocre game developers everywhere wish we were all like you.

He's right and everyone, even fans agree that the game is too fucking long

Great until you spend hours avoiding androids with no alien around.

I don't agree. The only people who agree are idiot journalist wand brainlet normalfags.

GOTY 2014 for me.

From the beginning until the alien goes away for a while it's 10/10 fuckin incredible.
After that it starts to drag on a bit.

Always play on the hardest difficulty (not the insane nightmare one that gimps all your stuff), otherwise the AI gets gimped and the Alien turns into a tard.
The game does use a "AI Director" system similar to the Left for Dead games, so the ayy will never truly leave your immediate area. But there's an "Unpredictable Alien" mod for the game that fixes this.

Visual design is on point, EVERYTHING looks like it belongs in the original 1979 film. Everything from the computer terminals & space suits, to the ash trays & cigarette butts everywhere.
Sound design is fucking incredible, it's one of the VERY few games that has a proper 3D audio engine, and where the developers put a lot of time & effort into making it an essential part of gameplay.
Other stealth games say "fuck it" and give you Batman detective-vision to compensate for the lack of proper 3D audio, but not here.

>nobody can compare to my patrician taste

Somebody needs to punch that double-chin of yours.

>every game should be stretched to as long as possible because bigger number is gud unga bunga

Brb modding Alien Isolation to be 1000 hours long. I mean if 20 hours is good 1000 hours must be amazing! Imagine the tension when after opening doors for 300 hours you see the Alien again! Woahhhh

Nice buzzwords


Even then, you do get to kill a whole load of them near the end.

Ah yeah, the DLC also didn't really need to exist. While it was cool basically recreating Alien 1, that's really all there was to it; novelty.

But as you said, seeing as how they managed to get the actors back together I suppose they wanted to make the most of it.

The novelty of sweetieposting has worn off long ago. It was funny when people were doing it ironically but people that seriously post like that come off as bitter middle aged women.

Who here a pussy and didn't play it for 6 months after getting to medical?

It really nailed the Alien universe. It's pretty amazing to be in. But yeah, the game overstays its welcome quite a bit and the middle part of the game is a bore.

I hated that one fucking flashback walking cinematic shit. My god that went on for fucking ever and the characters moves so slow.

angry much? im sorry that you fail to see a business oriented design. but its not intended to be obvious.

>Looking at the motion tracker
>yfw a blip shows up and it's moving quickly towards you

Runs about 8 hours too long. Other than that it's great.

Truly you are the enlightened one amongst us mere sheeple

>understanding why they used a motion tracker in the movie and how it doesnt belong anywhere else besides in the inventory of other weyland mining ships

When you find it you see what it's used for: Tracking rodents in the vents & crawlspaces for exterminators.

buzzword enthusiast

best Alien related thing since Alien (1979)
8/10 game

>Run into a corridor and a few humans are chilling there
>shots fired
>Alien jumps down from the vent right next to us
>Run the fuck away trying to find a locker while hearing the alien go down on all those poor bastards
>Get into the locker
>Alien breaks it open

really like this game up until they gave you the flamethrower, then it got way to fuckin easy

ah i must not have noticed that, i do enjoy that!

go back to posting your reaction videos on facebook

>see an AIien Isolation thread
>bunch of replies

oh cool, comfy horror thread

>start reading

It's just one contrarian autist. No need to think the entire thread is ruined.

>hot new gaming fad
>2014 game

not even gonna give a (You)

It always bugged me just how shit the human AI is. Like they have no self-preservation at all. The alien will clearly be nearby making a fucking racket or killing other humans and they'll just wander around the hallway like nothing at all. Or they will pointlessley shoot at the alien instead of running and hiding. There was a lot of potential for survivor encounters but nearly 90% of them involve you getting shot

>Come across a courtyard-like area filled with survivors
>*Thump thump thump*
>Alien comes screeching through a ceiling vent
>Sprint to a crawlspace opening in the floor and shut it above me
>Hear gunshots, shouting, alien screeching, screams, and wet noises

Shit like that was fucking terrifying to listen to

>butthurt it's an Alien game and not an Alien(s) game
>mad cuz bad

the game has genuine flaws (the 3 hours where there's no alien and you're just fighting robots is genuinely terrible) but you're just a fucking pleb

I really liked it, the atmosphere is amazing

Pretty good.

Goes on for too long. Probably could have been concentrated down to about 12 hours instead of the 16-18 hours it is.

But one of the best horror games on the market right now.

Amazing alien game that shits all over any alien game that has ever existed.

Alien AI could have used some work and i disagree with that it should have been shorter.
Gameplay should have been a lil more varied.

>other user
You're not fooling anyone

unpredictable mod makes it better/worst

alien is not longer right above you at all times, don't here it come down, pass by a window and realize it's right there, runs and gets you

or, bunch of humans shoot at you, alien comes down and gets them, proceeds to wander to exactly where you are hiding.

Absolutely amazing sound design.
Second best game sound wise i've ever played.

The game was too long, and it was needlessly streatched out.

I don't think it should have been 4-5 hours, but it definetly didn't need to go another 4-6 hours past the hive