Co-workers start talking about video games

>co-workers start talking about video games

Yes Keith, FF7 IS the greatest game I agree stop asking me about it

>talking about video games in public
have you no shame?

>co-workers start talking

>boss is 40ish year old woman
>used to be super into WoW, still sometimes plays
>owns recent systems and likes talking about vidya even though she doesn't have time to play because >children
I was sperging at her about superhot vr today, that shit it nutso

>loud little faggot normie kids in the rear of the bus start to talk about vidya

When i was coming back to my home after i've bought some ice cream and chips there was one fat dude talking about mafia 3. From tone of his voice i suppose he enjoyed that piece of sjw crap.

>not drowning out any and all coworkers completely
>not drowning out any and all head staff completely

You only have yourself to blame to be honest.

>co-workers talk anime

You will die alone and they will smell you before they find you

Yes and?

Two of my coworkers know a lot more about games than I do. They own retro shit like SuperGrafx, so I'm completely lost when they start talking about stuff like that.

fuck off and stay in your own shithole

damn that's annoying when the co-worker says the same things few times every day.

Knowing a lot of old stuff doesn't mean they know more.

>triggered by anime

>getting triggered by anime on a peruvian weaboo forum

So knowing a lot of stuff equals to not knowing more?

>coworker notices my vault boy shirt
>"oh is that fallout?"
>"yeah man it's my favorite game"
>"I played new vegas and I fucking hated it"

Not if you know a lot too. You do know a lot about video games, right user?

>tfw they start talking shit about favorite game
What's your move Sup Forums?

Only retro stuff :)

Your coworker has good taste.


No one on Sup Forums will do anything about that. Let's be honest.

I mean I know a bit, but it's not encyclopedic knowledge like they have. I'm limited to Metroid for that kind of knowledge.

If your favorite game is so popular that normies would talk about it then it's probably shit

Snap back at them in an autistic rage and lose my job

>having a job

I literally try to avoid talking to coworkers or acquaintances about nerd shit like the plague. I also work with a lot of casuals. I know so much about games and comics etc. that I kept thinking I was autistic. (Definitely not) I don't feel like having to dumb my opinion down to not sound like an autist.

>co-workers start talking about their ex-gfs and gfs
>Tfw you never even held a girls hand and you're 2yrs from 30

They dont even ask me about relationship stuff. Its like they know.

You are on Sup Forums. You are on the spectrum dude. Especially for sperging out and worrying about changing your opinions to appease society. Grade A for Autism.

i dunno user, i was a neet for five years and while i enjoyed it, i eventually wanted a fucking job
just anything to give my life purpose even if its just a mindless pursuit of more entertainment funds


>I really like hero brawler games

You're not wrong. But I didn't necessarily mean change my opinion, I meant like wording my opinion for people with a different concept of the subject.

>its good yeah

>classmates in CS class starts talking about Sup Forums and Reddit

Older coworker
>user do you like videogames?
> why are you asking?
>Nothing, good for you, they rot your brain. What do you do in your free time then?

What's a hero brawler? Sounds like a weird term for games like Anarchy Reigns & Powerstone

>co-worker talk anime

I've made myself a promise that I would never let anyone in real life know that I go here.

This. My female boss asked me if i ever played skyrim, i said no but i heard it's really good.
I was seething inside and wanted to call her a casual pleb whore.

>co-worker has good taste and thinks you're a casual

Are you?

>I was seething inside and wanted to call her a casual pleb whore.

You've probably been browsing Sup Forums a bit too much, if you're actually getting angry at people over video game tastes.

Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you people? How hard is it to say
>Yeah, not my thing
>Yeah, but I didn't like it
Why do you turbo autists have to lie about the dumbest shit? If you act like this anyways, I'm sure they've figured out you're autistic through other means already.

>videogame starts talking about your co-workers

>Monster hunter isshit

Fuck off retard

>got same but with female co-worker
This shit is umbearable.

If i say i didnt play it, i avoid further conversation about the subject.

>tfw I try to tell my coworker to stop buying games blindly following hype
>get's No Man's Sky
>stips playing after a week

fucking this
>only one place to sit
>first to arrive and start enjoying myself, reflecting on events and shit
>suddenly hear voices coming down the hallway
>before I know it the room is cluttered with their ugly faces
>co-workers start talking about their kitchens and paintjobs and throw in some witty words as if it's fucking interesting to listen to
>they keep talking about trivial garbage for the whole duration instead of just shutting the fuck up and eating properly

All co-workers play only Madden FIFA cod battlefield and nothing else

Just don't bother

unsheathe katana

why do i keep seeing this reposted? some kind of sick meme?

Get into a convo, mention my ex gfs
>wait, user, you're not gay?
I don't even know why.

some people on Sup Forums are literally mentally ill.

Kind of like OP for example

>wanting someone to watch you die
>needing to justify your life based on what happens AFTER you are dead
You reek of insecurity.

meant for

Why does the idea of a conversation bother you so much? My god, you really are autistic, and not just in the meme way.

>having co-workers

>talk about video games, movies, shows and other random shit to co-workers to pass the time
>nothing bad happens

Yes, you're right, it is

I met my girlfriend because I was with a group of normies and accidentally said something about Sup Forums. One of the girls later came to me and started talking about it. Been dating for 4 years now.

Made me realize 90% of this place is just normies that don't talk about Sup Forums in real life

>co-workers post Sup Forums memes from 2007

I'm more confused than anything.

>tfw been applying for jobs since I was 17
>20 now
>mums kicking me out and cutting the university payment plan if I can't get one in 3 weeks
>inb4 resume
I tried spiffing that shit up already.

I work for a video game company so it's normal for my coworkers to be talking about Vidya.

>Coworkers start talking about Sup Forums
>Casually using kek and lel
>They're massive cancerous pleb turbonormies.
>They came here with the Trump election

Join the military. It's not too bad

Same situation here. Although I'm 23 now and still don't have a job. I already got kicked out 2 years ago and live in a welfare social home. (god bless the EU)

join the french foreign legion. they will literally take anyone.

>coworkers asks me what movies, vidya, music, tv, etc. i like
>too afraid of actually admitting i like something so i just say "a lot of stuff" or "what was that one...?"
>don't even know what i actually like anymore

Fucking casul

>tfw I give normie answers and sprinkle in obscure shit

>See someone wearing a Destiny SRL shirt.
>Ask if they're excited for Destiny 2.
>Oh I just got this in a Loot Crate, I mostly play League of Legends

Imagine all the things you could've done with the 300 hrs you spent playing an endless skinner box. You'll never get that time back.

>implying destiny isnt on the same level as league

>time-traveling from the 1980s
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>Imagine all the things you could've done with the 300 hrs you spent playing


I'm skinnyfat and can't swim lads.

for the french legion, you just need to be over 18, and have all your teeth.
the salary is 1700eur a month or something.

I'm black and they taught my ass to swim. There are also fatasses on my ship

>fatasses on my ship
Aw shit, you in the navy?

That ltg pic is hilarious.

>user, what are your favorite games??
>uhhh, well I do really love the Dark Souls games
>duuude!! those look so fucking hard, you must hate yourself LOL! just kidding, that's really awesome. praise the sun, right?! you must be really good at video games
>h-haha yeah maybe

Doing important things with your life, or even playing better, more interesting games.

>What'd you play recently?
>Oh shit man there's this one game that was so interesting, never seen x done that way. And there was this other one, y, it had great combat, loved it. Wanna play [shooter] later?
>Yeah man!
>*you and him are bros*


>What'd you play recently?
>yeah... cool! uh... I gotta go.
>*Doesn't talk to you again, you are a boring zombie slob*

Yup, ship's getting repaired right now though

Everytime I mention I like Dark Souls it's always "lol isn't that game super hard?"
It's really not even that bad.

Cool. Got some common interest topics to talk about at work to make the day less boring.

Why is this always a thread?

>Yeah... I love Fallout 4 too h-ha-ha-ha
I'm not even memeing

>Co-Worker is a Wojack/Frogposter

Kill yourself, OP.

The beginning of the games are always super hard for beginners, and most people give up there, so most people walk away proclaiming the games to be incredibly hard

It's most a matter of dedication. If you have the capacity to push through rough moments, the games are challenging but not hard

>I'm skinnyfat and can't swim lads.
Don't worry, that's what boot camps for. It's like fat camp but better.

My coworkers talk pretty decently about games, they aren't normie

Hell, some of these fucks actually play Yugioh

I work at a supermarket deli

The big jock looking dude is actually a huge Monster Hunter and Arc fan


>and can't swim

>move right leg forward
>move left leg backward
>move right leg backward
>move left leg forward
repeat the whole process

congratulations, you now possess the ability of not drowning

>Co-worker asks you about PCs and how to build a good one
>Says he just wants a good one so he can play madden or some other sports game