Hopes? Disappointments? Expected mains? DLC ideas?
Hopes? Disappointments? Expected mains? DLC ideas?
>Chris again rather than Leon.
It's shit.
Bulleta is never coming back and it saddens me
Blackheart, Saki, Howard the Duck, Cyclops and Lord Raptor for DLC
Also give us pair play so I can co-op with friendos.
I want Gwenpool, Wright, and Wolverine. One of them needs to happen or I won't buy.
leon is cool and all, but not in the action hero type of way chris was. Also, chris and jill are more the face of RE than any other character
I'm pretty simple. I just wanna play Dante and Strider. Gamora looks fun too. If could have anyone from Capcom I want Viewtiful Joe or Phoenix Wright. But I guess they don't want anyone too anime looking.
This but replace Wright with Joe for me and I need 2/3 to buy the game
It really sucks that they aren't adding mutants and if they do it will be later down the line when I lose interest. Also, I want Robbie either as a character or a skin even if it doesn't make sense.
>not leon and jill
nigga i could ask anyone who the faces of RE are and 90% will say jill and/or leon
That's because those people are retards who's first Resident Evil was 4.
Don't worry, there's always season pass DLC!
>90% of people are retards
ok mate
>make a game with recycled resources
>include every character that's been in the series except secret recolors and bosses that wouldn't work
>add features that completely change the game
>make a game with recycled resources
>get a smaller roster than the original mvc3
>remove features that 2 and 3 both had
I'm so glad I'm not a Capdrone. I don't have to pretend to like or even buy this game. Enjoy your obviously fun game made by clearly talented and not greedy people, Capdrones!
This, Leon is vastly superior to Chris
I don't think I'm buying this game until it has Jill. Real Jill. If it's the blonde RE5 cunt again this game could get fucked.
Even if I prefer Stars Jill i have to admit blonde cunt had a real cool moveset.
spotted the mvc2fag. That game is still an unbalanced mess with large gaps between tiers
Also, in Infinite, they removed features but replaced them with others.
>very few new characters in the base roster
>90$ game if you wanna fix that
i ain't feeling it
They also removed almost all the characters in Infinite
Same here. Should have had a bigger roster or a roster of this size but with more new characters.
or because 4 had the greatest impact of the series
Which lead to a lot of people playing it as their first, no?
Gene as DLC?
I'll buy it.
Lady as DLC?
I'll buy it.
Captain Commando in base roster?
I'll buy it.
Marvel's roster is complete shit but Ghost Rider, Spider Man and Venom are in so I'm also in.
Except Jill and Chris starred the first game and it' remake. And Chris has more games under hi belt than Leon.
I'd prefer both Leon and Jill over Chris here but no need to spout bullshit, user. Jill especially has been MIA for ages.
Looking at that roster makes me legit depressed.
If there's anymore sf reps they need to put in Rashid. But chances are we'd get necalli instead if they add more since he's closer to being the face of sfv.
Put my waifu in.
The majority of people alive are stupid. yes.
Don't you ever wonder why dumbass shit gets popular.
People are losing thier fucking minds of god damn Fidget Spinners right now.
And those fucking things are like 20 years old.
My waifu.
These are the same character? They look so different.
Have you never watched Power Rangers?
Its gonna be fun, but the roster is what's killing it. No muties = No buy
I'm confused.
Good online
This is Rita Repulsa from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Her hair is similar to Juri's. The drawing was based on that, I guess.
So where does the mask factor in? I guess that the "helmet crest" thing might be hair then based on the component characters, but there also is normal hair.
She wears an eyepatch so I figured that's why they had the mask thing. Like I said, it's mostly just based on her design.
I'm much more curious about the gameplay. These notes paint a really interesting picture and is the only thing that honestly keeps me interested in the game.
the edge
Well I apologize for failing to understand your original post.
This seems alright gameplay wise but damn the roster is making me skeptical about getting it.
Where my boi Ant-Man at?
Monster Hunter when?
imagine if that gamepad was your face haha
>zero's new buster cancel mechanics
that's awesome. Why isn't capcom showing this stuff?
Morrigan is really interesting in how there is a growth in archetype to outright keepaway while in native series was closer to typical "shoto" playstyle and far more aggressive with hitconfirming into DI the big way of getting damage.
I don't get it. Why do they exclude so many from UMVC3 if they are just going to keep the same movesets?
It's all good.
Because the game's marketing is pennies. There has been almost zero long form gameplay breakdowns from Capcom themselves. Our only hope is that PSX Asia event tomorrow that's supposed to have an Infinite segment.
A lot of MvC3 vets have big gameplay changes. Zero with his buster cancel mechanic, Strange with how much better his mechanics are, Nemesis getting buffed.
Do you think the instant Level 5 for Frank will make him even better?
Of course, but I think it's kinda overkill with that and the tripod move.
i miss roll
i miss tron
i miss ammy
i miss magneto
i miss joe
>Ace Attorney is one of the few franchises Capcom still makes games for.
>Phoenix Wright cut, no Apollo of Sissel replacing him either
>Le cool emo hair dude XD
leon is worst girl
I'm upset too. They probably would have to change him up a bit though.
This s part why Nemesis is buffed in Infinite.