What was Hard Man's occupation?

What was Hard Man's occupation?

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If I remember correctly, weren't all the MM3 robot masters except Shadow Man originally made for construction work?


Captain of the Knights of Pluto

To be hard. duh.

They were all made to oversee mining operations except Shadow, who was of alien origin. I remember reading they were originally built for different purposes, like Top was a botanist (his stage is still a greenhouse) but I can't find a source on that.


A lot of the robot masters in III have dubious purposes?

Hard Man...had a hard life.

You cheeky scrub.

He looks pretty hard, man.

Best robot master coming through.

What was Roll's occupation?

He was built for mining and also land grading.

Which robot master do you think would be the worse at their job?


Splitting Mega Man's ass in half

Snake Man

semen extractor

The fuck does Snake Man even do?


Really disappointing Capcom just made her into generic loli bait instead of ever doing anything interesting with her. MM10 is the only time she got to shine at all.

Dies to your mega buster.

deepest lore

He snakes.

Top man was for high-speed surveying or something like that

Sheep Man in so much he actually got bored and quit.

What the fuck did Sheep Man even do?

Herded sheep and then went to work at a power plant

>Grayson was a 26 year old man when he drew this

9>2>3>10>1>6>4>8>7>>>>>>>>>>Fight me nerds

I agree.

What's the story behind it?

9 = 3 > 4 > 2 > 10 = 6 > 7 > 5 > 8 > 1 > MM&B

>1 that high
what the fuck

I'd swap 2 and 9, 5 and 8, 7 and 4, but yeah, this is a solid list which I can respect.

Why was a Robot Master named after a show?

For what purpose do 7, 8, and MM&B not give you access to all the stages from the beginning? That's what made Mega Man.

It saddens me when people forget about Powered Up. Also she was originally supposed to be playable in MM2, but since they were stuck putting in extra hours just to make the game, after a certain point they just said, 'fuck it.'

This looks like one of those fan-made Mega Man ripoffs from 2006 yoyogames

gonna go out on a limb and say cement mixer for construction

>instead of a robot master, i'll design something that's VASTLY more autistic

>after a certain point they just said, 'fuck it.'
>literally would've been just having the art team design a Roll version of all of Megaman's sprites
>could've been done at literally any point of the production

>3x3 your favorite child molesters

Blademan was a museum tour guide with knife hands. That's just stupid.

MMPU > MMGB4 > 2 > 7 > 5 > MMGB5 > 4 > 9 > 8 > 3 > MMGB3 > 10 > MMGB1 > MM&B > 6 > 1 > Wily Wars > MMGB2

I tried.

I think it's because they wanted to change things up slightly because 2-6 followed that formula and people were getting tired of it.

Her role in Powered Up was just loli dressup fanservice. It was honestly one of the most disappointing things about that game.

It makes no sense in 7, but 8 and Bass got more adventurous with level design because they knew, for example, you'd have the first four weapons for Sword Man's stage, which expects you to use them all.

>5 not last
It had the worst robot masters, worst music, worst level design, and far and away the absolute worse fucking weapons and regular bosses in the series. Hell, most of the bosses were just repeats with maybe one extra ability. But then you're still not done, because finding the weakness weapons of all the bosses is fucking impossible because they all do shit damage and have the most retarded shot spreads of any equivalent weapon in the game. How in the fuck did anyone enjoy 5?

She played a lot like Zero, actually. Finishing Hard Mode with her was really satisfying.

Eh, it was still better than 4 or 8. Especially 8.

Shadow Man is an alien
Can robot masters even do that

>especially 8
>hating on 4
4 introduced the charge shot, which was fun as fuck and the level design was great in some levels. I can clearly remember Toad Man, Skull Man, and Pharaoh Man's stages and I only played that one twice. Also the first one to not have Wily as the bad guy, even though it also started the "Wily is always the bad guy" trope. 4 was cool was fuck for the time, and 8 at least provided the internet with more than just a few memes and "kinda" cool weapons.

5 is just a dumpster fire of a Megaman game that didn't do a single thing right.

Reminder that MM2 is overrated as fuck and actually has terrible level and weapon design

>4 introduced the charge shot
Which was obnoxiously loud and drowned out the game's other sounds to the point you didn't want to use it. 5 fixes this.

>and the level design was great in some levels
And it was atrocious in others, like Toad Man and Cossack stage 1. I can't think of a single stage in 5 as annoying as Toad Man's. Maybe Star Man's?

> 8 at least provided the internet with more than just a few memes
You know this doesn't count for shit. 8 is trash.

Ah yes, the ever popular contrarian opinion. Got your boipucci bullied by Quick Man's hot thick beams, eh?

>Can robot masters even do that
Sheep Man may have been a little meta, because he's supposed to be a reference to "Do androids dream of electric sheep?". The fact that sheep man is the only robot master to quit his designed purpose might've been a statement on what it is to be a robot, because you had to ask that question.


In the MM community it is pretty much consensus that MM2 is not as well designed as most people think it is (unbalanced weapons, lots of levels that are empty and basic, terrible late wily stages, spots in the game that are just dickish and in some cases impossible to get pass without weapons).

You're the only contrarian here, or perhaps blinded to the truth.

So, who is the best designed Robot Master and why is it Guts Man?

I would probably switch MM&B with 5 desu.


>worst robot masters
That's 6.
>worst music
Megaman & Bass
>worst level design
1 if we're going off of the entire game, but the single worst level design in the Classic series is the Doc Robot stages in 3.
>worst weapons and bosses
Won't deny Power Stone blows, but everything in 6 that isn't Silver Tomahawk or Flame Blast is worthless, and MM&B's weapons are trash with the possible exception of Ice Wall's utility uses.

All that aside though, MM5 has my favorite RM (Napalm), some of my favorite Classic tunes (Napalm, Wave, Darkman & Wily stages), and levels (Gravity, Wave and Darkman 3 are all creative). So I suppose the tl,dr version is that I don't agree, at all.

Fuck, I forgot 10

Industrial dildo