>invaded by a dark spiri-
Invaded by a dark spiri-
what would aliens think of Dark Souls?
>ayymazin chest ayyhead
The online of Dark Souls is an abomination in practice, an interesting idea theoretically. The netcode is fucking garbage and you can't co-op without getting ganked.
>Invaded by a dark spirit
>not just winning the invasion
Wow, you're bad.
It would be the Dark Souls of their interaction with humanity
just summon 30 phantoms and backpedal constantly with a shield up, that ought to work
Just play offline you casual
>Not hiding in a secluded place, waiting for the invader to run around trying to find you and when they finally do 20 minutes later you Alt+F4
>not just unplugging the ethernet cord
>having to reboot the game
Enjoy wasting time
>Being a little bitch
>invade Catedral of the Deep
>it's a gankers episode
>use all the cheap tricks in the book
>spank 2 phantoms and a blue fag
>host has no estus and running
>host disconnects
>its the 3rd time this day with different hosts
The fuckers would do their point down gesture if I lost, gankers are truly trash players.
>Playing Demon's Souls
>Invading in Latria
>Get matched with this one guy
>He tries to fight, starts losing hard, then runs away and disconnects
>Fine, pussy, whatever
>Continue invading
>Get matched with him a further 3 times
>Disconnects every time
>I send him a mail saying "okay look, if you don't want to play online can you just select "play offline" so we stop getting matched"
>He replies back about how I'm the dick here and should stop trying to invade
Bit of an overreaction to an npc don't yoy think?
>he doesn't think dark souls is fun precisely because everyone is a fucking asshole
My happiest moment in gaming will always be the invader that had me running around with my host across the entire forest only to surprise me out of fucking nowhere with a Dragonslayer Greatbow into the fucking abyss
>gankers are truly trash players
Which reminds me of my favourite moment
>Be a grape
>When I get summoned, I actively help until the guy reaches a checkpoint, then go in for the kill
>Get summoned at profaned chapel
>The host and his sunbro immediately try and go for me
>Roll around for a bit to show I'm not threatening, then go to a ladder to continue on ahead
>Sunfriend tries to hit me off, goes flying off the ladder and plummets to his death
>Slowly climb back up to the top to find the host
>He does the exact same thing
>Shrug gesture
You don't need to kill them to know you've won, getting them so worked up, terrified and furious that they disconnect is all the more shameful.
>When PCbros dont have their cheats on them, them immediately rage quit the game because they know they will get owned by another cheater because there's no PCbros with skills
>wait until they come to attack me
>stand taunt
>instantly disconnect
I love knowing I wasted their time
Nigger, disconnects earn you way more invader points than actually killing the host.
I had fun spanking his bitch ass phantoms but I was farming for the covenant which is a bummer (trying to 100% the game)
>show people much much of a giant spineless pussy you are, in a video game especially
>"y-y-y-yeah i s-s-ssure showed them and wasted their time!!!"
sure kid, sure
>Invaded by dark spirit
Summon all the phantoms!
But I wanna play with my friends
I would honestly rather just spend an entire day farming NPCs for covenant drops over actually trying to get them the "legitimate way", it can be really fucking tedious when all you're getting is "le ebin stream gank squad XD" or someone who would legitimately rather chameleon up and stop playing for upwards of an hour rather than fight for 5 minutes and then continue on with their day.
did the game actually crash because it was buggy or was it just crashing for cheaters who didn't want to admit it?
Must have been restarting sotfs every 15 minutes with that attitude
>that cheeky NPC invader in crown of the ivory king
>B-b-but muh coop!
You're a big boy, you can go 5 minutes without your butt-buddies constantly following you around in literally every game you play.
Sometimes it ends well because the host and its phantoms are retards
>Be Aldrich Faithfull
>Host is fighting the giant alligator monsters
>join the fight 2 phantoms, host and another aldrich
> manage to kill the phantoms
> host tries to run for the exit
> get to stairs before him and kick his ass down
>me and aldrich bro at the top of the stairs
>host summons his friends back
>he knows he can't climb to the top with the bomb and force spam
>host commits sudoku
Laugh pretty hard every time I remember this.
*banned from online*
both. you have to be a fucking retard to buy a multiplatform game on PC, especially a Souls game. also PChildren are genuinely shit at games, does anyone else remember when dark souls 1 released on PC and there was THREADS spammed on Sup Forums because tons of PChildren couldn't even beat the tutorial boss?
>Invaded by dark spirit xXartoriasno1fag69Xx
>1 sec in
>Dark spirit xXartoriasno1fag69Xx was vanquished
my game my rules :^)
>invade mensis nightmare
>bro it up with edgar on the bridge and fuck over hosts and their buttbuddies
How am I supposed to see the helpful messages people leave me?
Get fucked kid.
PChildren need to learn their place.
>invade to grief people
>people grief themselves because afraid of failure
These threads make me laugh, and then a little sad because I know what it's like to miss out on things because you'd rather tell yourself that you're wasting potential than risk finding out that you have none at all.
I was trying to collect a covenant drop, you don't get those from disconnects.
>invaded by dark spirit
>find nice open area to fight
>bow to eachother
>win or lose
>don't care because I'm not dogshit at the game and can find my bloodstain easily
You can't win an invasion in DaS 7/10 times due to the games god awful netcode. BR's and other third worlders should not be allowed to play these games.
>BR's and other third worlders should not be allowed to play these games.
Games like this really should let the player decide the acceptable ping delay between them and their opponent. I don't care if you're shitty third world servers are empty and you want to play on my superior country's server, if you can't keep your ping below 150 (which is pretty fucking lenient) I don't want to even look at you.
dunno, i find it pretty funny, after youre done getting tongues or whatever. at the very least, you know the host is probably sobbing hot, salty tears over losing their lil 4v1
>He thinks that the laggy mess that is souls pvp is the problem
The majority of the playerbase wants to explore and fight bosses, not get into an autistic screeching match with the sperg that came in to waste their time.
kill yourself this game isnt hard in pvp I dont want to bust it out with some turbo nerd while I have fun in sp
>jason shift grabs you
No XP for you.
so play offline like the pussy faggot you are kid, pathetic kill yourself
Pcuks ruined the entire series
Then play in offline mode.
Literally the only reasons for playing online are:
You're too much of a pussy to face bosses alone.
You're completely unable to function if your boyfriends aren't following you around in-game at all times.
You desire player-based combat.
I remember that comfy night watching that stream with people on Sup Forums, that guy stayed up for fucking hours doing nothing but getting invaded and hitting the invader three times to ban them, the butthurt on the comments section was fucking glorious.
I'm doing a co-op run of DaS 3 right now with my older brother for fun. Literally does not fall under literally any of your literal catagories.
> I dont want to bust it out with some turbo nerd while I have fun in sp.
So what you're saying is you can only have fun when you're fighting opponents who follow rigid patterns and set routines?
>dark spirit invades
>lose whopping 2 minutes of progress
Why do people freak out about dark spirit invasions again?
>playing Demon Souls like 2 years ago, online is dead
>going through Boletaria, 3rd level I believe
>alright, let's do this
>find the dude
>he uses the poison cloud and splits
>had just gone through the Valley of Defilement so I had a bunch of items to cure poison
>use one and run after the dude
>the clown just keeps using the poison cloud and running away
>I can't catch him
>he won't do anything else and he can't kill me cause I've got enough items to cure
>eventually he realizes that and disconnects
Fuck you too. I later got invaded by the same dude with the same tactics, I just disconnected and got on with my life.
anyone else get sadistic pleasure from cucking blues out of their rewards?
>invading carthus catacombs
>bullying the host and his buddy
>suddenly, 2 blues join
>run around the level doing turn n burns and dropping down cliffs with the cat ring
>we whittle each other down, they start to be less aggressive
>it is unlikely i will kill the host at this point
>wave and black crystal out
for those that dont know, if you crystal out of an invasion, blues get sent back with nothing. feels great
Because this generation has been brought up to believe a 100% chance of failure by your own terms is better than a 50% chance of failure by someone else.
DaS3 was pretty buggy on PC, desu, but I never had a crash in all my hours of playing it.
Most of the bugginess came from cooping/invading with people. There were quite a few times where I'd get summoned to help with a boss and get stuck outside of the door. In one instance, I got stuck with an invader, and we both just sat outside waiting to see if the host would die to the stronger boss without any help.
>Most of the bugginess
I had specifically, that is. not in general. i don't know if everyone had my online issues.
Speaking of which, does the summon rate for blue phantoms still rely on how old your account is?
>TFW die because the blue you summoned cares more about trying to protect his own life so he can get his item than trying to protect your own
Fuck you too, buddy.
Whenever I'm Blue I always just throw all caution to the wind and hurl myself at the opposition.
Nice blog, keep us updated oks
im not sure, ive never heard of anything like that before. all i know is they get summoned more often, sometimes in greater numbers since around the time the latest dlc came out. had one recently where 2 blues got summoned in, 1 died, then almost immediately a third gets brought in. more people to annoy, i guess.
user please explain this story more
Surprised your friends are okay with you alt f4ing every single time you sense a conflict
Why not just play offline if you're afraid of invaders?
muh achievements
Pretty sure they make a mark of what you've done and if you trigger an achievement you'll get them when you next log online. Also achievements are a meme to keep you playing.
The only tines I've disconnected in souls games have been when I thought the invader was simply taking the piss. I remember the last time was in that forest area with the giant crabs that one of the factions guards, I got invaded there and ran around for a long enough time looking for the guy so I could fight and either win or lose just so I could continue on my way but he must have been hiding out or something because I then sat at the bonfire spamming the "hello" sound item but he didn't show up.