Be fucktard with the biggest channel on Youtube by a large margin

>be fucktard with the biggest channel on Youtube by a large margin
>biggest gaming channel for years now
>somehow acts like an awkward child when streaming, barely reply to his "fanbase" comments, not even try to be entertaining and just stands there playing a game
>still gets the biggest amount of people watching him

How fucked up this timeline can be?
What kind of pact with the devil did this dumbass made to be this fucking lucky?
I can't fucking believe this shit. Theres streamers out there with like 100 viewers who are miles better at entertaining people than this faggot.

Other urls found in this thread:

hes cute

You are a big fag if you watch any streamer or even acknowledge their pathetic existence.

He's handsome.

I don't know and i don't really care.

He was lucky

you're a huge faggot if you think streamers have to respond to comments or the chat, at all, to be a good streamer.

sorry he's not your best friend fuckwad, neck yourself

He's the last real Swede.

Markiplier's better

He respects women

>american fan ""participation""

I see you are the type of /wwe/ fags.

Thought most of his fan would have moved to that shit Markiplier already?

I don't know who this is and I don't really care. What the fuck does this grinning faggot have to do with video games?

He was the first to play games on youtube.

At least Pewdiepie hasn't killed anybody.

Not video games.

Last time I saw this fag he was playing FNAF. He dye his hair now? Well he went to shit fast.


>not wamen

He initially dyed it pink for charity. Then blue I think to honor his friend who off himself, red because it's his favorite color, and now he's back to black

Are you talking about Pewdiepie? He isnt a gaming channel

My gf watches his videos all the time . Im getting realy fucking annoyed because she begs me to buy some shitty games that he plays. She also talks about them like they are friends. Calling them Felix and Marzie. God i hate that thanks for watching sound i have to hear everyday like 10 times.

You forgot

>go to Sup Forums
>watch webms and laugh at them
>upload video to yt
>get millions of views

Suicidal friend succeeded. No one was to blame but people reach at blaming Mark because he said he can be controlling and based on some of his vid, he's a very scary guy when he gets mad

Mark killed dogs in the past but apologised, so its ok with fans now.

>Video game topic
Remember to report and ignore e-celeb threads

i am going to start a videogame channel, it's gonna be like a panel show, maybe some interviews, gonna go outside, try videogame pickup lines on girls, mostly cringe humor.
would you watch?

>Mark killed dogs in the past
>based on some of his vid, he's a very scary guy when he gets mad
Oh shit, evidence? I don't like him but I'm curious.

It's almost like every big youtuber is a sociopath


He's a perfect entertainer for autists, that's why.

Also, that last line. Keep projecting why don't ya?

Being in a relationship doesn't mean your partner has to submit to what you consider fun or not. My boyfriend loves watching right wing youtuber debates and opinion videos and "intellectual" debates and I don't go throwing a fit about it just because I don't like it. He doesn't like when I listen to my music on speakers so it's only fair. People like different things.

Honestly, Sweden needs more like him.
Oh, but, you'll rage because a white person has some self-pride.

do u understand that pewdiepie is a brand? there are numerous ppl working behind him he doesnt even make the vids

A Youtuber named Daniel Kyre was part of a sketch comedy group called Cyndago killed himself and people blame Mark because of a video of him fake crying over his death.

>Swedish superior genes

How do people know he was fake crying? Seemed pretty convincing to me.

>swedish """""""People""""""""
>superior to anyone

Markiplier is by far the most cancerous channel I have ever come across.


Here At about 10:00 onwards minutes he gets real pissed at the game. Just imagine how he gets when he mad at someone eless

Honestly it would make more sense to me if Markiplier was the biggest channel instead.
Different from pewdiepie Markiplier is actually attractive when his hair isnt dyed like a faggot, and he has a deep cool voice and do shit like cry on his videos all the time.

Fuck off, faggot.

He's white, handsome, and speaks a non-english language. These traits alone will pull a huge media fanbase. He doesn't have to work on being personable as he'll get away with anything due to his looks. Some just win the genetic lottery, and it matters with video media.

the seasons end with a live stream grand finale where we challenge girls to beat us at any game, i lose on purpose and shoot myself on livestream.

>gf in retarded shit

I know that feel.
My ex gf was into Jojo.
Told that bitch to fuck off my house and found a non-autistic one.

His older brother is also a gay furry that made the webcomic Twokinds.

he was in the right place, at the right time


You should probably not date 12 year olds


lol with that huge ass nose?
with that mini mouth in a huge face?

I would actually watch him if he didn't overreact, and do that stupid baby talk sometimes.
By stupid baby talk I mean:
>"Well wook what we got here, it wooks wike a wittle doo dab for a trinket I must find."
Fastest way to get me uninterested.

He has multiple videos doing the same type of fake crying.


You're a fucking degenerate, you know that? Fuck off, faggot. Homosexuals not welcome here.

warning coloration

T. Jealous shitskin

>mfw the only pewdiepie video ive ever watched is the one where he's crying about the washington post lying about him being a nazi

This desu

>pewdiepie, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye

Am I missing someone? I guess this is the holy trinity of retardness on youtube.
At some point in my life I watched a couple Markiplier videos and he was bearable, but then he started dying his hair or mustache, cant remember.
He at least played some obscure cool games like OFF.


Rage is quality content

>Swedish superior genes

Jesus user you are killing me here.
By the way is Sweden the most "nothing" country out there? I always forget it exists.

his penis cloner video is more cancerous.

Doesn't pewds just shitpost in youtube video form nowadays? I don't think he does let's plays anymore.

He popularized the "let's play" style of videos
I don't like watching him but he's pretty successful

Right, he's just a "Nazi" now.

That Swede girl didn't want you, eh?

He's cool now. He acts like Filthy Frank.

>He popularized the "let's play" style of videos
dude I was watching shitty camcorder LPs on youtube years before he was even a thing

Think you might be nitpicking kinda hard here. Of course somebody gonna rage in a rage inducing type of game. It literally says it right in the video. I'd be concerned if he didn't get angry or frustrated like some sociopath. Might be better to use a better video where it seems more out of place or violent if you wanna display him having any serious anger problems.

>No! Stop it, white people! You're not allowed to love yourself! Whaaaa! It's not fair! I need your pity!!! :(

If it's so easy, then why aren't you doing it?

Only one of them is white.

Shitty camcorder LP =/= popular
I'm talking like, making enough money to sustain yourself kind of popular

I don't get the meme that pewdiepie is the biggest ever. I am subbed to numerous channels that upload videos more frequently and get more views than Pewds, who has only lost viewers over the year.

He handled the controversy pretty well compared to Angry Joe vs his fans

>people defend this faggot now because he is a propagandist for their cause

They all know who the master race is, though.

I love how salty shit skins get when a white person says that they love who they are.

I think you're onto something there.

>white people cannot consider the idea of liking their own culture without wanting to harm others
It's a weird thing. As Richard spencer said "Our place is to conquer".

I wish Jontron handled his shit as well as Pewds did.

t. Dane

I'm not accusing him of anything, just pointing to video of how he can be when he gets angry. Anyways, he's obviously a good sport about it, otherwise he wouldn't upload those videos

The one time I felt like he kinda went too far was when he was playing Rundead. He got extremely mad and in the end he even start trashing the game's ending, calling it's bullshit and crap

Name one

You can love your own "people" without wanting to have people not from your race executed, deported or stripped of rights.

Cinema Sins

Well, Donald Trump is president too so...
I'm pretty sure God and Devil made a bet and God lost so we're fucked for awhile.

7/10 on his best day.

Does she not have a job where she can buy her own games wtf?

It's the only way.

If any race isn't under white supervision, they become self-destructive and a nuisance to the planet, as well.

People only watch CinemaSins because they're videos are abridged versions of movies. Frankly I still surprised they've still got that channel running and avoiding copyright strikes

holy fuck. Is this man legit autistic or is it just an act?

Why do people watch this man-child? He just screams "Oh my god" Do people find this shit entertaining?


It's funny because even family studies have shown that talking like a baby doesn't help your child and you should just talk normal to it.

People always wondered why I spoke so well, so early in my life compared to other kids. It's because my mother didn't sound like an unintelligible retard when talking to me.

He just REALLY hates terrible controls. He was playing that one IKEA furniture building game and was really pissed about how impossible it was to assemble a simple table but as soon as he discovered the rifht way to play it, he calmed down

It's funny to see someone lose their shit.

Also yes people like this because it's make him feel for real. Seeing him get genuinely pissed off is good

And you guys are legit defending this. What is wrong with you?

He happens to have opinions that the predominant side of the "culture wars" on the internet agrees with. A big chunk of his recent subs have been people who agree with him politically, not because they watch his content. The smart thing for any content creator these days is to pander to politics/social issues

Then why don't people like DSP? Maybe they secretly do. I think it's probably just a looks thing. People, especially internet people, are incredibly superficial.