Why dont we get games like this anymore? Innovative, new, outside the box, breaking the mold, risk taking, etc

Why dont we get games like this anymore? Innovative, new, outside the box, breaking the mold, risk taking, etc.

Games today feel so safe.

Think back to the PS2 and PS1 days and how many IP's have died since then. Even IP's that lived have gone to shit and are near death or dying like Resident Evil and Silent Hill

Nobody wants to take risks anymore, so they only release sequels, rehashes, and remakes these days.

Money's the obvious answer. The industry has gotten more and more expensive, and publishers are terrified of stepping outside of the mainstream where they know they'll make a profit.

I think Rule of Rose is terribly underrated in terms of atmosphere and story, but the gameplay really drags it down. Really wish it could get a Remaster, but I doubt they'll dig it up again after the poor reception it had on release.

PS1 and PS2 games could be made by a relatively small AA or even Single A studio, the cost of entry was lower so individuals could afford to experiment

Modern AAA gaming employs enormous studios with thousands of people, sometimes even several of these studios crafting modules of the same game.
Every game is a ridiculous gamble, studios can't afford to take risks on experiments.
One flop will tank not only the game itself, but every other game the publisher is working on.

tl;dr 2002~2004 was the last time a major game could be made with a sensible amount of money and man-hours, gamers will have to start accepting games that aren't bleeding edge ultra-realistic graphics so that studios can cut the fat and make cheaper games.

the mid budget AA game type has all but died out during 7th gen, but they are KINDA making a comeback; Nier Automata, Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5, next Vanillaware game, Yakuza, Gundam, Earth Defense Force, Dragon Quest Builders, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, Dreams, Everybody's Golf 7 come to my mind.

>think of all the dead IP's of once great and promising franchises

No thanks...

>mid budget AA games
>lists a bunch of games that are high budget AAA games


It's been a good year for weeb games.

People are going to blame companies but thats only half of it. The consumer doesn't want to take risk either. They don't want to pay $40-$60 for a shit time. They would rather play something they know they like so the companies prey on that and reuse an idea thats popular, slap a brand on it, then we get yearly releases of that title. It's vicious cycle.

Congratulations, you are legally retarded.

>Dragon Quest Builders
Is this actually any good?
It looks comfy but all the gameplay I see is people's villages looking like garbage mud huts rather than proper minecraft creations

And a large part of the market just isn't that interested in the innovation or weird ideas you see in cult classics.

Yeah, it's comfy and fun. Definitely worth the price.

The cover looks like a spread vagina.

tldr all that money goes to marketing/corporate shennanigans

Rule of Rose is a strange game. It's got underage sex in it. It's also one of the rarest/most expensive games on PS2.

>the mid budget AA game type has all but died out during 7th gen
They were mostly on Vita which everyone seems to apparently forget.

It took me a week to beat the Headmaster.

Dog shit combat, but I've never played anything like it, almost a perfect game.

I remember being really interested in wanting to play this as a kid but it got banned in my country.

Specifically in regards to horror games? Keiichiro Toyama (The creator of Silent Hill, Forbidden Siren and Gravity Rush) said this during an interview a few years ago, which is a pretty interesting response:

>"I've worked on horror for a long time," he replied, "so whenever I work on something different, I can't help but come up with new horror-oriented ideas. So I'd like to make another horror game someday, but the thing is, unlike in the past, I think it's become kind of hard to make horror games. To some extent, horror is a good match for the 'B' genre, in terms of taking advantage of low budgets for the maximum return and maximum quality. However, we're now in an environment where B-grade titles are simply being priced out of the retail-software market. I think making a pure horror AAA console title is going to be really difficult going into the future. Instead, if I have a chance to make something like Journey that you can complete in two or three hours, but still offers an intense horror experience, I'd love to try that."

This game fucking blows.

.hack gu redemption or w/e the last one is goes for around 200 also

Funny that it's still common as shit in PAL territtories, but rare as hen's teeth in NTSC ones. Did it only ever get one run in the States?

Well, at least he can throw in a dash of it here and there in his non-horror works.


Last innovative horror game we got was this (even if it's a remake) and most people dropped it after 1-2 levels because ''clunky controls'' or too scary.

Just think how much of a hypocrite you have to be to say it has clunky controls yet go back to playing RE or SH. Especially in a horror game. Anyway people deserve the so called ''horror'' shitfest action games we get nowadays.

It's a distinctly real possibility that Sony consider Gravity Rush less of a financial risk than Forbidden Siren.

Scary stuff, really.

What kind of people play Gravity Rush?

It's pretty much Silent Hill though.
>Persona 5
>mid budget AA game
Persona has been Atlus' best selling franchise for more than 10 years. It's anything but low budget.

Go on eBay and get it used you tard.
It goes from 60-70 complete.

Rule of rose however is 200 used complete if you're lucky

You have it all wrong OP.

We still get the same amount of innovative and creative titles as we did back during the PS2 days, the only difference is that we choose to remember only the good titles as opposed to the shovelware and generic trash that flooded the market. For the current gen we just have to cherrypick through all the trash a bit more is all.

That said, you can attribute less people buying into new and / or well established IPs because the majority of the market follows only what they're advertised.

A great example is the Dragon Quest franchise.
>Dragon Quest VIII is marketed heavily as "FROM THE CREATOR OF DRAGON BALL Z" during the more active years Toriyama had influence in the West
>Sells like fucking hotcakes
>DQIX more or less does the same, but slaps Seth Green into comercials, a popular comedian that was pretty well known in America. The game blows previous sales out of the water
>Square assumes that the West now holds the same brand loyalty as their Japanese audience
>So they don't bother advertising IV, V, VI, Joker or Joker 2
>They all flop. Hard.
>Square goes back to commercials by airing a spot for Heroes on Adult Swim and GameStop TVs
>Make loads of money, assume that the DS titles were a fluke
>Doesn't advertise the 3DS remakes of VII and VIII
>Releases them 3 years after Japan initially got them and during the period when handheld sales were slowing down
>Fucking nothing

It's harder for a collective to spread a meme if they haven't experienced it before. There needs to be some degree of exposure to generate interest in an IP, and with some of the smaller studios unable to get word around that only leads to big boys like Ubishit and EA to outmatch their sales.

full retard engaged

>all those konami IPs held hostage

>get a copy of Rule of Rose from GameStop when they're tossing out PS2 games
>everyone says it's hard to find
>play it
>it's shit


What do they want with Silent Hill if they don't want to use it?

Is the pachinko machine really that profitable?

This really wasn't that good thiugh. Story was weird and different, sure, but nothing about it really stood out

Look at this edgy contrarian fuck

Congrats on your 12th birthday. Next you well tell us how enlightened you are now that you are embracing atheism.

Nier 1 again and worse nothing special

Games today are way too expensive to take risks with and nobody without a AAA budget wants to make games that aren't cartoony indie shit. It's so depressing, PS2 era had so many weird, cool games like Rule of Rose, Destroy All Humans, War of the Monsters, and just tons of underrated gems. You can go anywhere and find some weird PS2 game for like 5 dollars and it'll probably at least be interesting.

>Bought this on release day as a middle schooler for $60
>Sold it 10 years later for $150, without guide

Its like Haunting Ground, but inferior in every aspect (Long loading screens, poor graphics, horrendous gameplay, clunky inventory).
Pathetic, considering it was released a year later.

>Earth Defense Force
>high budget AAA games
This is how you spot a candyass newfriend

>Definitely worth the price
Its free on the vita thanks to piracy

>The cover looks like a spread vagina.
It looks like the back cover of any evilangel porno

I'm guessing you liked it and you can't take the fact that others didn't. The true sign of a child

i can see her nipples! think of the children.

It was called the AA (double A) game and it's dead because of progression of technology. Big teams invest too much money to do experimental stuff and indie studios are too small to make something that ambitious.

I thought the only thing Haunting Ground really did better was not have as much awful combat.

A dead IP with some good games is better than a good IP that fell into the hands of idiots who just whore out the series to bank on brand recognition.

It's all the insanely overpriced photo-realistic graphics I tell ya. Gotta bring back cartoony cel-shaded characters.

Konami, Capcom, Sega etc are all sitting on so much good dead IP. They need to start licensing programs so at least indies can have a go at it. I think Square Enix announced that once but it never went anywhere.

It doesn't even have so much to do with the cartoony style as it does polygon count and other modern graphical expectations that drive up costs

I just wish some indie team or AA dev studio wouldn't be afraid to do graphics that were PS2-level technically but had godly art direction. Silent Hill 2-4 are still some of the best looking games ever when you just play the PC ports at high res

I've been preaching this for some time, but I sincerely think the next inovators will be game dev hobbyists.

AAA productions will also likeky eventually have to start scaling down in terms of budgets at some point.

>end third game on what is essentially a plot-boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff
>spend the next 2 games and a tactics-spinoff fucking around in prequel-ville

I will never not be furious about this.

Yeah, it's a shame when people shit on stylization of any kind though.

you do. PC games.

This, desu.
It's all about style.
With proper direction, even a PS1 game can look good.

industry crash fucking WHEN?

>Instead, if I have a chance to make something like Journey that you can complete in two or three hours, but still offers an intense horror experience, I'd love to try that."
I fucking hate the Japanese devs taking inspiration from generic Western indieshit.

Smelly hobos who suck dick for food.

>but I sincerely think the next inovators will be game dev hobbyists
That's already happening but a lot of them suffer from either no funding or questionable crowdfunding. See Tim Schafer who completely blew all the money from his first kickstarter and had to do a second one which still wasn't enough to finish the game so he released the first half and hoped sales would be enough to fund the second half.

fuck I love good low-poly, low-res texture PS1 graphics when they are done well. I thought for sure your pic was from some indie shit and not really possible on PS1, that's fucking amazing. Silent Hill 1 had pretty bad human models but the environments look fucking incredible.

>tfw I have a friend who made a game intentionally styled like Nintendo 64 polygons
>steam reviewers shit on him for being "lazy" with graphics

It was just the same thing as the first game except the combat and controls were more fluid, which is all I wanted but the story wasn't the least bit interesting as the entire plot happens before the game even begins and the characters have little to no impact on it whatsoever. You can't say that though without the 10/10 REVOLUTIONARY EXPERIENCE SO PHILOSOPHICAL I WANT TO FINGER TOOBIE'S BUMHOLE CAUSE I'M ONLY JUST ONE GIRL THIS CANNOT CONTINUE BECOME AS GODS xd brigade coming in and claiming it as some unique masterpiece because they weren't the ones who spent hours grinding for those stupid Metal Piercings, White Moonflowers and Eagle Eggs fuck you you chink shit.

post pics. Style is the key factor in whether you can say "it's intentionally stylized" instead of it being lazy.

I have been actively hoping for this since around 2010. There have been a few gems since then (your grain of salt: i am a huge weeaboo faggot), but the faster this happens, the better.

I'm hoping VR will help--it's the perfect platform for not-a-game games, which are what I consider the cancer killing traditional video games.

The combat is shit too. I bought the game as a Platinum fan who didn't play the first game and the combat is easily among korra and TMNT as Platinum's worst ever.

AA games are dead, and that's the only way we can get games that take risks but have a decent budget behind them. Nowadays we have to settle on AAA games playing it incredibly safe or indie games full of compromise because they're on a tight budget.

I don't think there'll be a crash per se, however, its possible that some of the current major franchises will be run down, causing publishers and developers scale down production due to lower revenue.

They keep pushing for more, but sales growth is staying relatively constant.

Even continously adding and introducing new monetary incentives has its limit. Its not an infinite solution.

At least what little they've shown of Psychonauts 2 looks good.

Automata is literally the lamest, most basic, overplayed "philosophy" too.
it doesn't convey these themes in an interesting way at all either.

>trusting tim schafer

Gaming of the past is dead

Its all about AAAAAAAAAAAAA++++ titles, IP whoring, locked launch day DLC, P2W trash, loot crates and other micro transaction faggotry and censored content and shit pollitically gaming diversity and translations and lazy outsourcing for things like Andromeda and its animations

The indie scene will provide more of the innovation you want once it matures. It's still quite new. Right now, 80% of the indie scene is the following:
>sloppy virgin who plays games 24/7 decides to make game.
>has tried to do anything ever in life, and thus hasn't failed before. Doesn't understand professionalism.
>being a mindless consumer of games, doesn't understand game design either.
Once these guys are weeded out, we'll hopefully see some great innovation again.

Dont forget the casual market of gamers who accept all that crap.

.Pretentious game for contrarian hipster pretending to be more deep than it really is.

Eh, I liked it.

>falling for Sup Forums mob mentality just because Broken Age wasn't great

What, still anal hemorrhaging from the publishers lying about Brutal Legend?

It's an panty/leotard exposing game.

Yeah the game wasn't for you then. It's not nearly as complex as their other games, it's more for Tarofags to finally get something playable.
I actually liked Korra. It wasn't pretending to be anything else, it ran well and was somewhat fun. Every shitty review knocked on it because it wasn't this sprawling RPG they thought it would be when they heard Platinum were making it (because that's exactly what Platinum is known for) and most critics actually found it too hard.

This is what gives me the shits. A lot of what shitty indie devs do is just ape the classic genres or games but have no idea how to actually design a level and replicate what made those games special. They all feel so lifeless and low effort.

I don't get it. Don't people get tired after the playing the same fucking game so many times?

No. Not as long as madden and call of duty are the top selling franchises

Sums it up perfectly. I've been making a game for the past year. Was so excited to see what other people were making only to see most people just making shitty knockoffs of other games. Then when you point out how they could make their shit game unique and marketable, they just endlessly make nonsense excuses.