I'm on Steam and want a game that has you play as a legit Nazi. No sugarcoating or anything of that...

I'm on Steam and want a game that has you play as a legit Nazi. No sugarcoating or anything of that. Fully blown sieg heils and swastikas.

Does anything like it even exist?

Company of heroes.

I remember when I was and edgy 13 year old

Look at this fucking edgemeister.


Why would that be fun? You'd just have to constantly kill yourself since Nazis are the bad guys.

yes , the expantion...that game its pretty redpilled

I said Nazis, not Imperial Japanese.

>he fell for the ciapsyo oops i meant Sup Forums meemee

Fuck off.

>play ww2 game
>all the swastikas are replaced with iron crosses

red orchestra
it's pretty fun

>Sup Forums is a psyop

imagine being this fucking clueless and deluded


>all these triggered underage nu-males ITT

^lirl this goyims really serious

I know dude, all I did was ask if they knew of a game like this. There are games where you can play as Communists, and even American Confederates in a first person perspective.
This is what make them have a meltdown though


You have to go back, user.

one thing to consider is that the swastika is illegal in germany, so if you want your game to release in germany it cant contain a swastika. so its easier to use an iron cross. although for most people its probably muh sjw feelies

I don't really care about an online feature. A good story would be fine for me.

this goyim

We normally get regional variants of games with these kinda changes.