Square Enix MMO division makes almost 1 billion dollars thanks to Final Fantasy 14 Stormblood

Holy shit.


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Looks like all those Shillblood threads paid off.

Good for Nier and Toro

Does this mean that the next FFXIV expansion will finally have the 30 million dollars budget

Is WoW finished?

WoW was finished since WoD.

No, all the money is going directly to Final Fantasy 7 remake

Good for them. I still only got my character to level 67 and didn't resub.

Bullshit. MMOs are dead.

First Dragon Quest XI, now Stormblood. Square Enix is raking in all the fucking money.

Good for Yoshida and his team. Grats.


>yfw FF will now become a MMO series while DQ will be the main single-player series

9.3billion yen is more like 100m dollars, not a billion

Looks like those paid level boost and story quest skip potions were more profitable than expected.

>"Unfortunately, no specific unit sales figures for any of these games were shared"

And here I was wondering why you were posting news from a shit website. Can't you weeb retards just enjoy your game without making shit up about it? FFXIV is fine, success-wise. Not great, not bad, just fine. Accept it and stop this shit.

How many players does VIX have now, or do they not release numbers on that?
I hear rumors that WoW is getting close to only 1 million players, though it's hard to say if it's true since they stopped releasing numbers..

They fooled a lot of people by stating that this time it'll be a different approach and not a rehash. They lied, unsubbed asap.

If only FFXIV wasn't a pointless online singleplayer gear grind

Yup, I know at least 4 people who quit after the first two weeks. There's just nothing to do.

Yoshi tries to make it sound like that's what he wants.

If only video games in general weren't a waste of time.

I agree 100%, FFXIV is one of the worst MMO's I've played.

But goddamn, do I want that emote system in other games.

>SquareEnix sees strong quarterly growth from an MMO
>but still won't localize its other MMO to get more money

Wastes of time that are meant to be fun.

FFXIV isn't.

I want DQX in the states, reeeee

If they quit to play other games, that's exactly what Yoshida wants. He already has your money. Now he's using it to make more content and promotions. Go play other games like FF12 zodiac age, Dragon Quest XI, or something else while they finish making patch 4.1

>since WoD
That's generous.

What MMO is that?

A damn shame too, Yoship doesn't even know what to do with this game. I wont be returning back to this MMO ever in its lifetime.

He fucked up, not only will I never come back I wont even bother checking out their next expansion. I know two more friends with the same thought.

Dragon Quest MMO would fail in America. It's too Japanese.

Except people won't come back. They're stupid, not retarded. They bought a full-priced expansion and got a week or two worth of content. That pisses off players. Plus, they're not gonna try other games, they're gonna go to the competition.

He can make it seem like his plan all he wants, but he's losing players. Stormblood, compared to most MMO expansions, has been a failure.

LMAO it brought in more money than Final Shit 15

I would so fucking OK with that as long as the DQ games came stateside.

>pay $30
>get 60+ hours of msq and PVE content

What's bad about thay

>and got a week or two worth of content
HW wasn't any different. People always compare early SB to late HW

That pisses off NEETS*

Why does everyone has to be lewd/whorish? No one wants to be pure these days

If you think regular people play MMOs, you're so delusional, you probably shouldn't be talking about the genre in the first place.

Tons of normies play WoW and FFXIV now.

considering how terrible FFXV was and how good DQXI looks i think i'm ok with that

but they really need to put viera in FFXIV, cuz bunnygirls are best girls

10 years in development and it still sucked

>DQX is too Japanese
>but an MMO with catgirls, lolis, fujos and power rangers is okay

What's your damage?


Tell that to 95% of the fucking statics I've been a part of. These fucking cunts can't get a schedule down if their lives depended on it.

Just a reminder that SE makes almost half its revenue from gacha games.

I don't think it's accurate, i just have the game running a lot of times doing nothing

FFXIV is adopted for Western audiences with it's tab target combat and vulgar translatioms. DQX is slow as shit and makes puns in Japanese that would get lost in translation.

>Total Play Time: 24 days, 11 hours, 55 minutes

SE actually makes the biggest bulk of its money from outside investments like anime and music rather than video games. They are the new Konami.

this kills the xi cucks

+2k hours. Probably spent less than half of that playing the fucking game.

6213 hours on Steam

Meanwhile, western MMO fans are crying out desperately for an MMO that isn't a clone of WoW. People are vacating WoW in the millions and most WoW clones are sitting at below 1 million subs, including FFXIV.

But SquareEnix won't bring it over because they think idiots like you are the primary market.

bzzz, wrong

>166 days
not even a lot considering I've been playing since 2.0

[9:11 p.m.]Total Play Time: 130 days, 12 hours, 21 minutes

No, Western MMO fans want legacy servers and games exactly like WoW. Hence why FFXIV is the 2nd most subscribed MMO in North America.

Modern MMOs in one sentence.

The fucking state of this genre.

All the money is going down the drain (FF XVI, 7 REMAKE, Nomura's next money laundering scehem)

They never show their real numbers, but there are ways to datamine your way looking through lodestone. There's this autistic jap that does it every couple of months, but keep on mind he only shows the total amount of active characters, not actual accounts, and numbers always showed numbers below 600k. Before I stopped playing, by february or march a year ago, iirc number of total active players hit less than 400k. But of course, let's believe everything videogame news site say since ARR release they have been saying xiv got over 5m active subscriptions.
I'm surprised they finally made a billion dollars just now, considering how expensive the costumes are.

There's also this website.

Even 1000 hours is a lot for a video game.

>5million active subscriptions
I mean that could potentially be true, with all the RMT faggots constantly buying a new account when they inevitably get banned. i do wonder if they happen to count it at a certain time like after a release of a new expansion, or shit like "how many people paid for a sub in the time between this many months"

Dragon Quest X

It's 89 million but still not bad.


No WoW legacy server has ever even maintained or surpased 5k active players. Only a bunch of nostalgia retards think they want that.

Also, FFXIV isn't the second biggest MMO currently, not by a long shot. It might be the second biggest sub mmo, but GW2 and BDO have more players.

Viele Grüße von Shiva!^^ o/ :D

Gold sellers mostly use trail accounts

All I do is AFK

217 days, 19 hours, 28 minutes
Started playing roughly two years ago, i've worked part time for most of that. Wew

>GW2 and BDO have more bots

Nein, Odin

they are active characters too
dang that's sad

Image search isn't working.

Yeah, thought that was fishy. 1 billion dollar profit off of video game industry would be too unrealistic.

I dunno about BDO, but it's currently got twice the viewers on Twitch. GW2, I've never seen a bot on.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

It's also all of Squeenixs' profits for this term. Not just FFXIV. I'd be surprised if FFXIV made them even a tenth of that.

If you read the Japanese below it says it doesn't count people before level 50. So pre ARR players are not counted. There's more active people playing but they chart doesn't count it because bots and shit.

SE made more money from FFXIV than FF15

>play FFXIV's trial because hey, it can't be that bad
>see literal rows of identical bots with garbled names run directly from npc to npc


A small group of them want that. But not everyone. There's groups who want a return to open world MMOs like RO, another group who want a return to games like Final Fantasy XI (which is what DQX is), another group that wants total raiding MMOs, another group that wants total PvE story driven MMOs, another group that wants RPing shit, etc. But no MMO out there caters to every one of these. WoW is keeping the raid focused players and FFXIV is appealing to the people who like story driven PvE. But there's tons of other groups who have just given up on MMOs.

At the very least, DQX coming out would appeal to the people who liked FFXI. But it would also appeal to DQ fans and people who want to play an MMO that isn't a WoW themepark. SquareEnix should bring it out just to take more of the marketshare that is being ignored. The people who aren't playing FFXIV because it doesn't appeal to them.

Be warned, it's extremely lewd


Welcome to every MMO ever. What MMO doesn't have bots?

citation needed

>tfw no Ivalice MMO

>WoW was finished since WoD
Try Cataclysm.

Why would people who liked FFXI like DQX? DQX is casual as hell.


>Not a solid clump of Lalafells floating at the speed of light from NPC to NPC with retarded names
Pissed myself laughing when I first saw them.


DQX is shallow and easy... the complete opposite of FF11

I've been whispered by bots with gold selling shit in some mmos, but never have I seen rows of them walking around except in FFXIV

Just thought it was ironic the guy was calling out bots in other games

Late September. FFXIV. Return to Ivalice. Discover Viera. Please look forward to it.

FFXIV has 5 million people who have made accounts. But they're not active. The number of 40k-600k active subs at a given time is way more realistic. With maybe 1 million in the first month of an expansion, quickly dropping off after everyone finishes the content (in 2-3 days).

But an MMO like this really only needs to kee 400k subs. Heck, they can survive on 100k subs. Yet another reason they should release Dragon Quest X. Even if it only got say 150k players, it would make millions for SquareEnix. No use leaving that money on the table.

I doubt DQX could pull in 25k subs.

Dragon Quest X was made by the FFXI team. As for it being easy, I wouldn't know. I can't fucking play it!

You can play it right now. It's fucking shallow as hell.

FFXIV is easily at like 350k-420k subs on average. If the game was dying they wouldn't add new servers. That's the opposite a company that loves money wants to do.

Just the DQ fans alone could get 100k subs. Not to mention the million or so people who buy every new MMO that comes out and plays it for a month. Sure, a lot of people would drop it later. But not all of them. It could easily keep 100k subs or more. Plus, these types of MMOs make their money from big surges of players during release and each expansion. As you see with FFXIV.

You can play the single player prologue. Of course that will seem shallow. Also, let's really not be calling DQX shallow when FFXIV is easy and shallow even in the end game.

Which looks is better.

Try to not factor in the fancy DoF stuff in the second shot.