The game might be shit, but the drama surrounding it sure is fun
I wouldn't call the game shit. Just mediocre.
looks like ass upload when? Just upload your grimoire folder, we don't need a crack
Yeah the game is alright.
Depening on if all the stats and abilities actually do stuff and aren't just dumps it's might actually be pretty good but that's a mystery for now.
Why is the op always in such a rush to trash the game or tell people to pirate it?
Because the entire game can be found in a single file in mostly plain text so most people know it's shit.
xth for loli mods
>44MB for $36
Yeah I'm sure that'll be a game that's worth paying for
First Person Dungeon Crawler > DRPG > Dunegon Crawler > Grandpa's Favorite Genre >>>>>>>>> blobber
Because OP is very upset that people are buying and enjoying Grimoire while he is too poor and stupid to play it.
Pretty sure mods would break the game
It's 86mb user, get your facts straight.
Yeah you keep saying a bunch of shit about how it can be beat in a few hour and that it sucks but you never post proof. Don't you goons have something better to do with your time?
>size matters
Spotted the insecure faggot
What's the logic behind character creation?
>pick race and gender
>make a female human jester
>gets bonus points, decide to put them into skills
>end up with 3 hp
>delete and start over
>i can't make jester for a female human
>barrower berserker doesn't get bonus points, why?
What skills do the bonus points go into if I select them to go into skills? What about destiny? Do they get added to random attributes when I choose that option? Is the destiny option more useful for a female drow cleric or a male assassin naga?
>44MB compressed
>while great games like skyrim are 20GB+ compressed
spotted the codexfag
Man this game makes me wonder what a masterpiece we would have gotten if someone ACTUALLY worked on it for 20 years.
It's literally a 20 year old game, what were people expecting?
If you don't stop making fun of us me and my real life toon friends are going to beat the heck out of your fucking all.
- All Of RPGCodex
Not when it's free like your mom's pussy, but when they charge for it you damn right it matters.
Am I supposed to spoonfeed you by screenshotting that file that your sape brain can't open?
When you pick skills, you can assign a bunch of extra skill points once you're in the game. But unless you have a specific skill(s) in mind that is hard to push I wouldn't necommend it, most of the useful skills get raised pretty easily by just playing the game.
>great games like skyrim
I'm sorry; what?
No it doesn't user, quality>quantity
If the best game in the world was 2ko, you wouldn't buy it?
why is this thread being raided?
>There are faggots here that bought this game instead of waiting for the Patrician dungeon crawler of the year
The game is legitimately over a hundred hours long. Maybe not 600 hundred, but definitely in the triple digits. You are absolutely wrong and have no way of proving otherwise.
This is literally what every grimoire thread has ever been where have you been
I dunno. Threads were fun like 12 hours ago, I guess that attracted faggots.
I'm pretty sure RPGcodex doesn't give a single shit about Sup Forums until you underage b& faggots attempt to create an account and shit up the place. Lots of Codexfags posts on Sup Forums, too. No one would even care that chantards are creating accounts if you faggots would simply take your own advice and LURK MOAR.
>anyone who never liked a certain genre is akid
weebs showing their true colors
People who refer to blobbers as DRPGs are the same people who call their characters "toons"
Well that was quick
>he hasn't beat the remastered demo yet
>This did not stop a vocal, dedicated group of politically motivated activists from deliberately purchasing the game solely to give it a bad review and then get a refund.
Why is this allowed?
Loli spam and aggressively talking about stuff completely unrelated to the game, its development or the genre? No, that wasn't always the case.
What the actual fuck is a 'blobber'
Is it the same with attributes? What do the different stats govern? Is 20 points added to HP better than 20 points added to vitality? What effect does destiny have on the game?
Blobbers is a love story in an underwater flow adventure. A game where size matters! A jump and swipe game, where you can multiply into many small blobs kids by kissing female blobs. Be aware! If the female blobs are bigger than you, they will eat you!
Blobbers is a casual game for children and adults in all ages.
Grimoire used to be a bunch of codex posts, old demo discussion, and Cleve shitposting. Now it's a my little pony thread
What is so special about this spot?
>RPGCodex propaganda
We call them party members.
I think it was the same for attributes, though I didn't pay that much attention to that.
And regarding what exactly stats do, that's a mystery until Cleve puts out his manual/guide or until someone sifts through the code.
Those are just underage memers that never cared about the game and want to derail the thread now that people are looking for actual tips and hints.
Or maybe the game is just shit.
attention whore pedophiles want to make this about them, because attention whore anime pedophile faggots can't stand to see anyone besides them getting attention
fortunately these twinks aren't man enough to handle the incline, they don't have the tenacity to stick with the threads
The proper name for what reddit calls a DRPG.
What is special about the area here, except the owl?
Nobody actually gives a shit about this game.
A shit term no one uses and offsite faggots want to circulate
I think I had diseased cured by resting there once.
Yeah, you think it sucks blah blah blah. We get it. If it's so bad, why don't you fuck off to a different thread?
t. lolisape
>rummaging through bushes
>find a fruit
>have party member examine it
>picking a locked chest
>finding an item by accident by sleeping on it
Holy shit this game is comfy
I wonder why the Grimoire threads are so shit now. Is it the Australians? The Americans? The lack of Europeans?
I want manboons to leave.
It's 15 year old kids.
>loli is pedophilia
real men are playing the game and immersing themselves in crawling some long ass dungeons
only sapes remain here
So I've played most of the Wizardry series but have never touched M&M. Which ones are best to play in what order?
>everyone i disagree with is a kid
I ragequit for the day after a fucking fungi oneshotted my backline before any of them had a chance to get a debuff on it off.
This is my user. There are many like him, but this one is mine.
I've been playing for the last 5 hours off and on. It's a shame the superdemo saves don't work with the final game but that's the price you pay for incline.
thread is full of posters who have literally never heard the term blobber before, its kids
They haven't heard of blobber because they're not codex autists
>Codexfags crying about the threads being bad once loli spam and unmaskings happen
This is why offsiters aren't welcome. Gb2 livejournal/gaia/facebook/reddit/RPGcodex
Cry more you stupid faggot. The only reasons anyone gave a shit about this game is because it was failing to come out for 20 years and Clive likes to say stupid shit and acting nuts. Now it the game is out it's just a shit game that will be forgotten.
So does this game have enough of a following to maybe get some modders who can turn the game into something that's not a complete mess? Because I don't trust Mr. "20 years in development" Neanderthal to do it himself, at least in a timely manner.
It's a retarded term that nobody actually uses.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little sape? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my tribe in the hunter's circle, and I’ve been involved in numerous prowls on meat beasts, and I have over 300 bison horns. I am trained in neanderthal warfare and I’m the top caveman in the entire Lascaux. You are nothing to me but just another head louse. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking cave paintings. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the caverns? Think again, sape. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of cavemen across the woods and your stench is being traced right now so you better prepare for the clubbing, beast. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, sape. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my crooked teeth. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire stone arsenal of the tribe and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little sape. If only you could have known what unholy incline your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you beast. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, sape.
The code must be a horrible fucking mess. He is rendering incorrectly too. Lots of clipping errors and perspective errors. I think he is retarded
t. underage
Not the same guy, but there are a shitton of people you can hire in your group that you otherwise couldn't if you have a full party.
If you didn't fill your fucking party slots like a little Sape, you could have hired Rosy to join you and your mates.
Then why else would you be here? I think Final Fantasy and Bethesda threads suck so I don't post in them. Unless you're actually out 35bux or Cleve raped your dog, there is no reason to shit up a thread if you don't like the game. Go post in a thread that interests you.
The game is out now, and things are just not the same.
IT is actually the other way around, RPG codex are the ones who say 'blobbers' and 'toons'
The thread hasn't even been that bad, a typical Sup Forums thread, worst bits are RPGfaggex cucks complaining now that people are calling them out
>They haven't heard of blobber because they're not 18 or older
>Now its out and I am desperate to keep people from buying it because Cleve said mean things on the internet.
Yeah we know, fuck off back to your tranny discord.
I'm sure there are enough autists on codex invested, the question is if the game actually turns out to be solid enough to bother building upon.
20 years makes me think spaghetti code.
Real men are playing some real games while you faggots play this shit leaking out of a knuckle dragger's ass
Because it is taking up valuable space that could've been used in yet another console war/eceleb thread, duh!
>immersing themselves
LMAO wut
Wow you are one stupid underage faggot. If you want to buy the game retard go ahead it's your money to waste.
That's actually using awesome correctly and not how it's used nowadays.
>search steam for blobber tag
>0 results, redirects to steam front page
>Grimoire first result
The absolute state of codexfags
Costume pack DLC for Rosy when?
>full retard tier
>Peasant tier
>Patrician vidya taxonomist tier
Dungeon Crawler (Adding the 'Party-Based' prefix if necessary)
>Commit suicide tier
anything else
Why are you so mad, though?
Imagination motherfucker, do you have it?
are you twelve ?
that sentence is fine
what do i do with these 30 fucking keys monsters keep dropping
if you hate codexfags why did you latch onto the codex cleve meme
>First Fight
>?Ugly Dog? deals 15 damage
>Entire party misses
So this is the power of the Codex?
Wow it is nothing.